Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/365

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NOTES AND QUERIES: §L Ultbium of Jnitrfflimnrnmaiion FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. " When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE. ( PRICK FOUHPKMCE. No. 94. [a™™.] SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1905. ^'Tf"J.K,r&&c*.'*5l2 JUST COMPLETE. 5 vols. 8vo, of about 400 pp. each, bound in cloth, top edges gill-, price 51. 5s. net. THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: Its History as disclosed by existing Records and other Documents. BEING MATERIALS FOR THE HISTORY OF SUFFOLK, Gleaned from various Sources, mainly from MSS., Charters, and Rolls in the British Museum and other Public and Private Depositories, and from the State Papers and the Publications of the Record Commissioners, the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, and of the Master of the Rolls. COLLECTED AND EDITED BY W. A. COPINGER, LL.D., F.S.A., F.R.S.A., Of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, and Professor of Law in Owens College and the Victoria University ; sometime President of the Bibliographical Society ; Author of the Supplement to Hum's ' Repertorium Bibliographicum.' No work of a like character to the above work, and on a similar scale, has ever been attempted for any county. It consists of an index to practically all the material for the history of every town, parish, manor, and hamlet in Suffolk, and individuals connected with it. Ill the majority of cases the substance of the record or document: referred to is given— the object aimed at being twofold: to provide information substantially; and to indicate •where further and fuller information may be obtained. The various spellings of the names of each place as found in early documents are given, and the places mentioned in the Domesday Survey, the Hundred Rolls, and other records duly identified. All heraldic and genealogical matters are fully entered, and every Suffolk family will find practically all the recorded particulars relating thereto. It is estimated that the work contains considerably over 100,000 references, and it includes a bibliography of Suffolk authors. Two hundred and fifty Copies only have been printed. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., Publishers, HO, Strand, W.C.; and 37, Piccadilly, W.