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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io- s. iv. OCT. u, 1905. NEWSVENDORR1 BENEVOLENT and F&OVXDBNT INSTITUTION. Founded 1839. Fundi exceed 25000;. Office: MfFiioiiftl Halt HuiniiiiifH. 16, FarrlngdooStreet, London, K.C. PBtron : Tbe Right Hon. the KAKL of ROSBBBRY, K.Q. Preildeat: Tbe Right Hon. the LORD OLBNBSK. Treasurer: The LONDON and WESTMINSTER BANK, LIHITKD, 217. MIHM.I. W.C. Trustees (Px-Offlcio Members of Committee): CHAHI.K-4 HBNKY WALTER, K-M Sir HORACE BRUOKS MARSHALL. M.A. J I' D.L. ALFRBU HBNRY HANCK. Esq. (Chairman of Committee). CHAKLBS A.W1>KY, K-.j . II.A. OBJECTS—This Institution was established In 1639 In the City of London, under the Presidency of the late Alderman Harmer, for H-ratiting Pensions and Temporary Assistance to principals and assistant* on (tailed as vendors of newspapers. A Donation of Ten Guinea* constitutes a Vice-President and Rivet three Totes for life at all elections. Each Donation of Three Guineas given a TO e at all elections fur life. Bvery Annual Subscriber is entitled to one rote at all elections In respect of each Five Shillings so paid. MKMKHRSHIP,—Every man and woman throughout the United Kingdom, whether publisher, wholepftler, retailer, employer, or employed. Is entitled to become a member of this Institution, and en]r>y it* benefits upon payment of Five Shilling* annually or Three Guineas for Life, provided that he or she Is engaged la the sale of newspapers. The principal features of the Rules governing election to all Pensions are. that each candidate shall hare been (1) a member of the Institution for not less than ten year* preceding application, (2j not less than fifty-five yean of age; (3) engaged In the sale of newspaper* for at least ten yean. KBLIBF.—Temporary relief Is given In cases of distress, not only to Members of the Institution, but to newsvendor* or their servants who may be recommended for assistance by members of the Institu- tion Inquiry U made In each cases by Visiting Committees, and relief U awarded In accordance with the merit* and requirements of «ach case W. W ILK 1 K JONE8, .Secretary. TBNTH EDITION, price Two Shilling*. PELE8TIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of ~OTES AND QUERIES.—The SUBSCRIPTION i.J to NOTES »ND Ul'KKIES free by post Is lOi. Id. for Six Months or20.« W. for Twelve Months. Including the Volume Index —JOHN C. FRANCIS, Rotti and (lutritt Office, bream's Buildings, Chancery Luc. SHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTED.—Character of more Importance than speed. A person with knowledge of Prsof KeTlsIng w.juld be given preference -Apply Box SO), Athena-am Iltse, 13, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C. PATIENT (PAYING) could be TAKEN by a DOCTOR at RRIOHTON. Hons« spacious and splendidly situated. 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He From John of Gaunt doth bring hla pedigree."—Smirsvukt A NCESTKY, English, Scotch, Irish, and American. /V TRACBDfrom STATE RECORDS Speciality : West of Entlaal and Bmlgrant Famllles.-Mr RBYNKLL-UPHAM. 7 Cathedral Close. Exeter, and 1, Upham Park Road, Chlswlck. London, W. HOOKS.—ALL OUT.OK-PRINT BOOKS matter on what snbjeet. Acknowledged the world over as the most expert Booknnders extant. Please state wants.— BAKBR'S Great Bookshop. Is-lo, John bright Street, Birmingham. AGENCY FOH AMERICAN BOOK.8. P. POTNAM'8 RONS. PUBLISHERS and « BOOKSELLERS, Of U and M. West Mrd Street, New York, and "4, BEDFORD STREET. LONDON, W.C , desire to call the attention of the READING PUBLIC to the excellent facilities presented by their Branch Honae In London for filling, on the most favourable terms, orders for their owm STANDARD PUBLICATIONS, and for all AMERICAN BOOKS. Catalogues sent on application. THE "MARLBOROUOH" NEWSPAPER and MAGAZINE CUTTINGS BOOK1*. 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