Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/291

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whose burial is recorded in the parish register of St. George's Church, Gravesend (see 3 S. v. 123). Her marriage to Thomas Wroth or Rolfe was known and acknowledged by the Queen, in com- pany with whom she attended Ben Jonson's 'Christmas,' the Twelfth Night Masque of 1617. Doubt as to the accuracy of Capt. Smith's state- ment found early utterance, being expressed by Fuller in his 'Worthies.' More modern writers have treated Smith's account with discredit, and even with levity. On the other hand, writers of authority are found to vouch for his accuracy. Among the sceptics it is regrettable to find Dr. S. R. Gardiner.

The illustrations of the original are given in admirable reproductions. These include a striking portrait of Pocahontas, one of Frances, Duchess of Richmond and Lenox, and Maps of the Summer Isles and of Virginia.

The Poetical Works of John Keats. Edited by H.

Buxton Forman. (Frowde.)

AMONG the many editions of Keats which are due to the enterprise of Mr. Frowde, this "Oxford Edition" is remarkable for its combination of beauty, cheapness, and completeness. It supplies in a handy form an authoritative text of the whole body of Keats's work in verse. It has a portrait of Keats from a drawing by Joseph Severn, and Hay- don's life-mask of the poet. The text and notes occupy considerably over five hundred closely printed pages. Sixteen lines appearing in the intro- duction are in no other edition.


WE now give our promised third notice of March Catalogues.

Mr. Andrew Baxendine sends from Edinburgh his Catalogue 104, which contains lists under Angling and under Flowers. The general portion includes Bohn's extra volumes, 1846-61, 7 vols., 3f. 3-s-.; Burns's Works, 4 vols., Kilmarnock, 1867-9, II. 5*.; Canova's Works, 2 vols., imperial 4to, 1824, 2f. 10*. 6cl. ; De Morgan's 'Budget of Paradoxes,'

1872, II. 18*. 6f2. ; first edition of ' Our Mutual Friend,' in parts, II. 5s. ; Kinglake's ' Crimea,' 8 vols., half-calf, 4. 4*.; first edition of ' Hiawatha,' Boston, 1855, 11. 5s. ; and Wordsworth, edited by Prof. Knight, 12 vols., 11. 4*. There are a number of editions of Scott, and much of interest under Scotland, including ' Scottish Poets,' 16 vols., 21. 10*. 6d., and 'Facsimiles of National Manu- scripts,' 3 vols., atlas folio, 1867-71, 3f. 15*.

Mr. L. C. Braun's List 51 contains French and German literature, the other entries including Allibone's ' Dictionary of English Literature,' II. 10*.; Green's 'History,' 4 vols., If. 15*.; Washington Irving's Works and Life, 13 vols., half - calf, 1854 - 5, 1?. 15*. ; first edition of Doyle's ' Brown, Jones, and Robinson,' If. 5s. ; Knight's ' Gallery of Portraits,' II. 12*. 6d. ; Sue's 'Mysteries of Paris,' 21. 2*.; Hone's ' Every - Day Book,' &c., 4 vols., 1826-32, 31. 3s.; first edition of Purcell's 'Orpheus Britannicus,' 1698, 21. 10*.; first edition of Browning's ' Men and Women,' 1855, II. 15*.; Thomson's 'China,' 4 vols., folio,

1873, 21. 2*.; and Sir John Franklin's 'Polar Sea Journeys,' 2 vols., 4to, 1823-8, If. Under Topo- graphy are old views of London churches, 1*. 6d.

each ; and Oliphant's ' Royal Edinburgh,' 10*. There are also lists under Theology, Spiritualism \ arid Emblems.

Mr. James G. Commin, of Exeter, has in his Catalogue 229 the first six volumes of Bentleifs Miscellany, 1&37-9, 2L 5*. ; Boswell's ' Johnson,' edited by Napier, 5 vols., half -calf, 1884, 21. 5*.; Boulton's 'Amusements of Old London,' 2 vols. 4to, 15*. ; 'Bridgewater Treatises,' 12 vols, full calf, Pickering, 1833, II. 5*.; Byron's Works, illus- trated by Turner, with Moore's Life, 17 vols 12mo half-calf, 1832-3, 3f. 17*. 6d. ; Devonshire Associa- tion Transactions, 1862-1905, 39 vols., new half, morocco, 18/.; Dugdale's ' Monasticon, first edition' 1655, If. 10*.; English Dialect Society's Publica- tions, 33 vols., 14/. 14*.; Evelyn's ' S'ilva,' York, 1786, I/.; Froude's 'English in Ireland,' If. 15* Hood's ' Tylney Hall,' 3 vols., 1&34, 7*. Qd.; Lloyd's 'Statesmen of England,' extra-illustrated, 1665, of. 5*. London items include Arnold's ' Chronicle,' 1811, and 'A Chronicle of London, 1089-1483,' 4to, bound by Bedford in one volume, 1811-27, 3f. 7*. 6d. In Arnold's ' Chronicle ' were first printed many of the City charters, besides songs and poems, in- cluding the original of "the nutte-browii maide.' r Lysons's 'Environs,' 1811, is If. 15*. Under Portraits are the 'Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Females,' 2 vols., 1833, 21. 2s. ; and Lodge's 'Illus- trious Personages,' 12 vols., full russia, gilt, 1823-34, 4/. 15*. The catalogue also includes Pinkerton's 'Voyages,' 18 vols., 4to, full calf, 1808-14, 3f. 10*.; Prince's ' Worthies of Devon,' 21. 10*. ; Rastell's ' Chronicle,' full bound by Bedford, 21. 10*. ; first edition of Lord Roberts's ' Forty-One Years in India,' II 2s. 6fl. ; and ' The Faerie Queene,' Wise and Crane's edition, 6 vols., 4to, 3f. 10*.

Messrs. George T. Juckes & Co. of Birmingham, have in their Catalogue 178 Hogarth's Works elephant folio, Baldwin, 1822. Gf. 6*. ; Punch, the first 100 vols. as issued by The Times, 121. (cost 25f.); ' Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 13/. (the present Times price 79, net cash); 'The Year - Book of Ed- ward IV.,' 1556-72, 3/. 3s.; Pope's Works, 6 vols., 4to half-morocco, 1769-1807, 21. 15*. ; the "Biographical Edition " of Thackeray, 1904-5, 13 vols., bound by Riviere, 5f. 10*.; Ruskin's 'Poems written between 1826-45,' edited by Collingwood, 2 vols., 4to, If. (this copy contains the poem " Twist ye, twine ye " written by Scott, and inserted as Ruskin's : the

Viscount Wolseley, If. 10*. ; Brockeiidon's ' Alps ' 2 vols , 4to, I/. 5* ; Ogilby's ' China,' with plates bv Hollar, folio, 1673, 21. 2*.; and Burton's 'Arabian Nights,' 8^. 8*.

Messrs. Charles King & Son, of Torquay, have in their Interim Catalogue some autograph documents of Earls of Essex, Huntingdon, and Leicester. Under Biography may be noted 'Lady Byron Vindicated,' by Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1870, 3*. 6d. : Alfred Austin's ' Vindication of Lord Byron,' 2* 6d ' and Algernon Taylor's 'Memories of a Student' 1833-88 ' privately printed, 10*. 6d. The last is by John Stuart Mill's stepson, and contains bio- graphical matter respecting the philosopher Under Fiction is a set of Surtees, the " Jorrocks Edition," If. Is. Miscellaneous items include John Dunton's ' The Athenian Oracle,' 1728, 12* John Bickerdyke's 'Curiosities of Ale and Beer '