Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/292

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8.s. 6^. ; 4 Hudibras,' 1710, I/. 1*. ; and ' All the Talents,' a satirical poem with notes, 1808, 6s. There are a number of works under British Topo- graphy and Devon and Cornwall.

Mr. W. M. Murphy, of Liverpool, has in his Catalogue 124, 108 rubbings of monumental brasses from the collection formed by the Rev. E. Horley, with MS. notes, circa 1820-50, 20{. Interesting items will be found under America, including Barcia's ' Historiadores Primitivos de las Indias Occidentales,' Madrid, 1749, 14/. 14s.; and Jan son's "The Stranger in America,' 1807, 4/. 4*. There are also works under Ireland and Lancashire. The general list includes the Aldine Poets, 52 vols.,

-with full general index, 21. 2s. ; Fagan's ' Collectors' Marks,' 37. 15--?.; Staunton's ' Shakespeare,' Edition de Luxe, 15 vols., 11. Is. ; and the first folio of .Spenser, 6/. 10s. There is a fine copy of Audubon's ' Quadrupeds,' New York, 1854, 12/. 12*. ; also a complete set of Linden and Rodigas's work on 4 Orchids,' 1885-1903, very scarce, 28^.

Messrs. W. N. Pitcher & Co. send from Man- chester their List 144, which contains Bond's "Gothic Architecture,' 1905, I/. 11*. Qd. ; also Brandon's, 1860, I/. 10*., and Riokraan's 'Styles,' 1881, 21. 2s. Bewick's 'Birds,' 1826, the last edition published in his lifetime, is 11. 16*'. ; and Caldecott's pictures, 2 vols., large paper, 4to, 4/. 4*. There are "lists under Cheshire and Cruikshank. The first editions of Dickens include ' Dombey,' 15*. ; "Cricket on the Hearth,' 9*.; ' Haunted Man,' 9s. : 'Edwin Drood,' in parts, 10*. ; 'Sketches by Boz,' first 8vo edition, 2f. 2s. ; and ' Tale of Two Cities,' 2/. 10*. Fielding's Works, 12 vols., 1904, are II. 10*.; Froude's 'England,' 12 vols.. Library Edition, of.; and Lydekker's ' Natural History,' 6 vols., 21. 18*. Among Manchester items are Green's Plan, 1794, 2/. 10*.; and the weekly periodical Momus, 1878-81, 3/. 3*. Under Venice is Molmenti's ' Streets arid Canals,' 21. 5*. Other items include Waugh's Works, illustrated by Caldecott, 11 vols., imperial '8vo, 4/. 10*. ; Stirling-Maxwell's Works, 6 vols., '21. 15*.; Turner's 'Ceramics of Swansea,' 3/. 3x. ; and Solon's 'English Potter,' 51. os. There are also important works under Botany.

Messrs. James Rimell & Son's Catalogue 205 is mostly devoted to the Topography of Great Britain and Ireland, and is full of interest. We have views of the Frost Fair (1814), the Queen of Bohemia's Palace, Drury Lane, Covent Garden, the Market, the Piazza, and the Theatre. Under City of London will be found Milk Street on May Day (1784), and views of Newgate, the Bank, Bride- well, and Chancery Lane (1800). Under West- minster are the Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, old and new, &c. Railways include the Liverpool and Manchester, Ackermann, 1831, 151. 15*. ; and London and Birmingham, 1837, 6/. 6*. The views are arranged under counties, thus making reference easy. Among books we note a complete set of "The Annual Register,' 19J. ; ' The Antiquarian Repertory,' 1807-9, 21. ; Archvologia, 1779-1900, 18/. 18*.; and ArchdalPs ' Monasticon Hibernicum,' 1786. 4. On the back page of the catalogue are particulars of a series of eleven large beautifully coloured aquatint engravings of Thames scenery. These views were probably never published, as they

are not included in the British Museum or any other collection. They are all proofs before letters, circa 1800, arid are priced 55 guineas.

Messrs. Henry Sotheran& Co. 's Price Current 670 opens with a most interesting collection of books relating to Napoleon and the French Revolution. The list forms a valuable record. We note a few : Bareres ' Memoirs,' translated by De V. Payen- Payne, printed on Japanese vellum, 4^.4*.; Bour- rienne's ' Memoires,' II. 2*. 6d. ; Gronow's 'Remi- niscences,' scarce, 4/._ 4*.; Houssaye's 'La Premiere Restauration,' 21. 15*. ; Jomini's ' Guerres de la Revolution,' 4/. 15-s.; Lou vet de Couvray's 'Amours du Chevalier de Faublas,' " chez 1'Auteur," 1798, 52/. 10*.; 'Campaign in the Netherlands,' by Mud- ford (editor of the John Bull), UI. 14*.; The Naval Chronicle, complete set, 1799-1818, scarce, 18/. 18*.; ' Tableaux des Campagnes d'ltalie,' plates by Vernet, 1806, 4^. 10*.; and 'The Invasion of Russia,' a poem by Christopher Wordsworth (afterwards Bishop of Lincoln), which obtained the Chancellor's medal at Cambridge, and is not mentioned in the account of the bishop in the 'D.N.B.' There are several items under St. Helena, including two from Napoleon's library. Among the Napoleonic por- traits is one engraved from a picture by Appiani, " in the possession of the Earl Wycombe," by J. R. Smith, printed in colours, in modern gold frame of Empire pattern, 63/. An original drawing of Napo- leon, done at St. Helena, is 25/. Under Cruikshank is a complete set of Ireland's ' Napoleon ' from the Truman Collection, 14^. 14*. There are also a number of Napoleonic caricatures. The general portion of the catalogue contains Keats's 'Poems,' the rare first edition, with inscription " From J. K. to his friend C. C. C." (Charles Cowden Clarke), 157^. lOx. ; Tennyson, " Cabinet Edition," with in- scription, 15^.; and 'Nelson and Lady Hamilton,' a collection of engravings, including autograph letter of Lady Hamilton and a set of Attitudes, newspaper cuttings, panoramic view of Nelson's funeral, and an admission ticket to St. Paul's, 40/. There are many other most valuable works, in- cluding books from the libraries of Dickens, Toole, and Violet Fane.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

C. WATSON ("Worple Road"). Your query is answered by anticipation, ante, p. 233, and the references there given.

L. ("Peacock Feathers Unlucky"). Fully dis- cussed at 8 S. iv. 426, 531 ; v. 75, 167 ; ix. 408, 458 : x. 33,358, 479; xi. 36, 254, 355.


Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.