Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/651

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.



MacMichael (J. H.) on J. Newbery, his grave, 76

"Over fork : fork over," 33

Payne at the Mews Gate, 493

"Penny saved is twopence got," 97

Poll-books, 416

Pomperkin, its meaning, 232

Popjoy, its meaning, 136

Praemunire, its etymology, 257

Public Office = Police Office, 91

Eichard II. : his arms, 250

Romney's ancestry, 79

Royal Kepier School, Hough ton-le- Spring, 116

St. George : George as a Christian name, 376

"Salutation" Tavern, Billingsgate, 510

Seringapatam, 317

" Set up my (his) rest," 54

Spelling changes, 172

Suckling (Sir John): pallat, 414

Talbot, its origin, 290

Tristan and Isolde, 151

Woodhens, payment by, 276

Wyberton, Lines, 116 Macray (W. D.) on Charles I., 253

Grant (Rev. R.), 155

Heenvliet and Lord Wotton's daughter, 175

Jukes (Andrew), 96

" Omne bonum Dei donum," 33

St. George : George as a Christian name, 455 Magdalen College School and ' D.N.B .,' 63, 142, 304.

383, 477

Maghzen, meaning of the word, 133 Magnetism, animal, and De Quincey, 345 Mahalla, Arabic word, its meaning, 45, 96, 133, 235 Mahony (P. G.) on Philip Wright, c. 1759, 48 Male, evolution of the, 309 Malet (Col. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, 35

Flint and steel, 396

" Old Highlander," 92

Seringapatam, 317

Maldon records and the drama, 181, 342, 422 Malory (Sir Thomas), and pardon granted to T. Glegg

by Edward IV., 88

" Manners, twopence for," a school extra, 228 Manning (Cardinal), inscription on his coffin, 245 Manor Court, survivals, 327, 377 Mansfield Gooseberry-Tart Fair, 328, 476 Mantelpiece, 16th-century, 209 March 25 as New Year's Day, 15 Marchant (F. P.) on "Esprit de Pescalier," 237

Good King Wenceslaus, 426

Right, the, and the wrong, 46

Slovenish language, 381


Tartar legend of Alexander the Great, 126 Marcomanni and Quadi, Gibbon on the, 89 Mareboake, 17th-century term, its meaning, 448 Marlborough wheels, explanation of the term, 157, 378 Marli, on Marly horses, 190 Marly horses, 190, 211, 251, 277, 352, 376, 396 " Marquis of Granby," public-house sign, 464 Marriott (J. Colyer) on " Bawms March," 230

Eslyngton : Islington, 93

Lodge Hill, Harengeye, 343

Marshall's ' Genealogist's Guide,' supplement, 347 Martel (V.) on Lord Halifax, 188 Martin (Stapleton) on author wanted, 312, 493

Martin (Stapleton) on St. George : George as a Christian name, 375

Vaughan (Dean), his pupils, 128 Martindale, Westmorland, curates of, 230 Maru, Japanese word, its meaning, 268, 318 Marvell (Andrew), his step- relations, 130 ; biblio- graphy of his 'Miscellaneous Poems,' 1681, 423 Mary ( Blessed Virgin), image at Doncaster, 9, 56 ; and

the birth of children, 325, 377, 417, 427 Mary I. (Queen) at Wormley, Herts, 508 Maryland and Kennedy family, 29 Mason (C.) on Flora Macdonald, 247

Talman (William), architect, 288

Wilde (Oscar), bibliography, 13 Masonry and religion, 467, 513 Massacre of Glencoe, order for, 1692, 287 Massacre of St. Bartholomew in Paris, 389 Masson (A.) on Hornsey Wood House, 274 Matches in Congreve, 1695, 269, 351, 397, 451 Match-maker's song and sulphur matches, 348, 396, 451 Mathewson (T.) on ' Death and the Sinner,' 34 Matross, etymology of the word, 348, 411, 476 Matthews (A.) on " Every man has his price," 492

Lincoln (Abraham) and European politicians, 275

"Set up my (his) rest," 175

Slavery in the United States, 153 Matthias, the American religious impostor, 164 Mattison (M.) on Abraham Lincoln on slaves, 248 Mawbey (Sir Joseph), inscription at Chertsey, 43 Mawer (Rev. John), his linguistic attainments, 112 Maxwell (Sir Herbert) on Gamelshiel Castle, 56

" Over fork : fork over," 33

Maycock (W.) on author of quotations wanted, 309 Mayhew (A. L.) on Adespota, 105

" Amelof Ujda,"325

Breese in ' Hudibras,' 515

Buskin, its etymology, 25

Camoens, Sonnet cciii. : " Frescas belvederes," ] 90

Firgunanum, Irish word, 51

Mahalla, its meaning, 45

Mulatto, its etymology, 68

Petrarch's two greyhounds, 445

St. Devereux : St. Dubricius, 327 Mead (S.) on Nasmyth's 'Scene in Hampshire,' 448

Wy in Hampshire, 508

Meaux Abbey, its history and pronunciation, 134, 216 Mee (A.) on Coslett, 30

Lunar halo and rain, 355 Mediculus on churchyard cough, 156 Meikle and muckle, variants of same word, 112 Mellon ( Harriet), portrait by Sir William Beechey, 385 Mercurius on 'The Kingdom's Intelligencer,' 270, 395 Merrick (W. P.) on Admiral Benbow's death, 55 Merrill (L.) on engineers' portraits, 514 Merritt (E. P.) on the Strawberry Hill Catalogue, 461 Mesham (A.) on Abbots of Crokesden, 449 Mesteque, its etymology, 105 Mew (J.) on Keble's 'Christian Year,' 469 Mews Gate, Tom Payne at the, 409 Mezzofanti (Cardinal), his linguistic attainments, 6, 57,


Michell (J. C.) on Madame de Montijo, 310 Michell (R.) on Bishop Island, South Pacific, 69 Middlesex, Page family estates in, 322, 410 Mileage computations, old-time, 449, 496 Miles, English equivalent of the word, 109