Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/652

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.

Military musters, Tinners in, 428 Mill (James) and Jeremy Bentham, their residence, 350 Mill (John Stuart), his house at Pentonville, 413 Miller (D.) on ' Modern Pilgrim's Progress,' 28 Miller (Hugh), of Virginia, d. 1762, his biography,

128 Milton (J.), split infinitive in, 33 ; and parallel

passages, 87 ; and William Blackborough, 329 Minakata (Kumagusu) on lunar halo and rain, 193 Mohammedanism in Japan, 167 Sindbad the Sailor, 271 Single tooth, 205 Miniatures and Teniers, 409, 454 Mirages observed in British Isles, 390, 453, 495 Mist (Nathaniel), his widow Anne, o. 1735, 187 Mistletoe on Howson's case, 46

March 25 as New Year's Day, 15 Parish bull and boar, 126 Searchers, 38

Mitchiner (J. H.) on Fifth-Monarchy Men, 334 Mitis, etymology of the word, 68, 115 Moaler lamp, origin of the word, 127, 198 Mobarship, 1467-8, its meaning, 267 Mohammedanism in Japan, 167 Mohock, use of the word, 1772, 267 Moke, a donkey, 68, 115, 257, 415, 473 Mokes, netting, 260

Molony (A.) on Mrs. Jane Molony, 187 Molony (Mrs. Jane), painter, d. 1839, 187 Mona and cognate names, their interpretation, 101 Monaco (Prince of), petition to Carnot, 125, 244 Monaghan press, 1787-96, 188, 251 Monckton (Horace W.) on "Posui Deum adjutorem

meum," 29 St. Kilda colds, 307 Monkeys and cocoa-nuts, 395 Monkeys stealing from a pedlar. 13, 256 Monson, Viscount Castlemaine, his parentage, 381 Mont Pele'e and earthquakes, 346 Months and days in French, 290 Montijo (Madame de), her biography, 310 Montmartre, stone with remarkable inscription, 489 Monumental inscriptions : at Chertsey, 43, 203 364

504 ; St. Faith, 57, 137

Moore (D. M.) and New York under British rule, 466 Moore (Mrs.), her ' Modern Pilgrim's Progress,' 28 Moreton (R. L.) on authors of quotations wanted, 448 ' Cadet Rousselle,' 490 Gentlemen's evening dress, 95 Lamb (Charles), 213 Latin pronunciation in England, 171 " dear, what can the matter be ? " 256 Post boxes, 72 Sardana, 509 Scott illustrators, 130 1 Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 431 Tailor in Dresden china, 292 Morgan (Forrest) on broken on the wheel, 292 Grindy, 209, 416 1 Henry IV.,' Part I., II. i., 145 ' Henry IV.,' Part I., II. iv., 145, 485 Jommox : wudget : wompus, 447 Santa Fe' : American place-names, 17, 276 Spelling changes, 273 Slavery in the United States, 41 Morryoune, c. 1626, explanation of the word, 448

[ott (Mrs. Lucretia) and the Anti-Slavery Con- vention, 1840, 10 Mottoes: "Over-fork: fork over," 33, 93; Ulidia,

289, 356, 518 Mount (C. B.) on All's Well that Ends Well,' V. ii,,


Mourning rites in Persia, 230, 338 Mozart (Master and Miss), benefit concert, 1765, 196 Mulatto, etymology of the word, 68, 116 Aullers, dialect word, its meaning, 517 Mumchance, obsolete English game, 362 Humming plays, 30, 75

Murdoch (G. W.) on Langtry estate in Ireland, 198 Jurray (D.) on Isle of Man and Countess of Derby, 9 Murray (Dr. J. A. H.) on pomperkin, 187 Poonah painting, 107

" Popery, tyranny, and wooden shoes," 327 ' Pop goes the Weasel,' 107 Popjoy, 88 Portobello, 88

" Possession nine points of the law," 167 Pot-gallery, 388 Pot-hooks and hangers, 388 Pourcuttle : pourcontrel, 427 Public Office=:Police-Office, 47 Murray (J. H.) on "Twopence for manners," 228 Music in England in Shakespeare's time, 360 Musical composers as pianists, 34, 236 Musical family : Dr. Jay, 293 Musical genius and heredity, 170, 236, 433 Musical terms, ' Short Explication ' of, 1724, 409, 454,


Musters, military, c. 1572, Tinners in, 428 Myddelton (W. M.) on Myddelton family, 12 Myddelton family, 12 Myers (W. H.) on prsemunire, 189 Mythology, Celtic, 86 N". (J.) on Napoleon's carriage, 170 S". (M.) on rump of a goose and drinking bouts, 418 N. (T.) on school slang at Rossall, 125 Name, Christian, three brothers with same, 246 Names, early British, their interpretation, 101, 363 Napier (G. G.) on Dante on Paolo and Francesca, 229 Napoleon. See Honaparte.

Nasmyth's ' Scene in Hampshire,' its locality, 448 Naval action off Connecticut : Lieut. Power, 246, 352 Neale (W. J. N.), his 'Lawyers in Love,' 90, 174 Needlework pictures, Miss Linwood's, 281, 392 Nel Mezzo on gentlemen's evening dress, 48 Nelson recollections, 265 Nether Orton or Worton, Oxfordshire, 241 ' New English Dictionary,' additions and corrections,

347, 367

New Place, Shakespeare's residence at, 66, 156 New Year's Day, March 25 as, 15 New York under British rule, severed link with, 466 ' New York Times,' file in London, 236 Newberry (P. E.) on Bible containing genealogy, 88

Newbery (John), his grave, 27 Newbery (John), publisher, his epitaph, 27, 76 Newbold (W. R.) on Newbolda of Derbyshire, 107 Newbold family of Derbyshire, 107, 198 Newcastle, Pancake Bell on Shrove Tuesday, 166 Newcastle character, Tommy-on-the-Bridge, 30, 94 New-cut, obsolete English game, 362 Newdigate, Kendall, and Webb families, 490