Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/220

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Moore (Sir John), vii. 514 Moral pocket- handkerchiefs, i. 358 Mourning letter-paper and black-bordered title-pages, x. 454 Murdoch (William), viii. 307 Museums of London antiquities, iv. 34 Myless, Essex, vii. 513 Names on coffins, xi. 115 Naseby, Battle of, link with, v. 163 Nelson memorial rings, xii. 469 Newman (Cardinal) and his brothers, vii. 473 Nottingham earthenware tombstone, i. 313 Numerals, viii. 398 Octagonal meeting-houses, vii. 173 " Old Clem," : ' Great Expectations,' iv. 289, 415 Old Etonians, x. 135 ' Oliver Twist ' on the stage, ii. 191 O'Looney (Lady), her epitaph, iii. 154 Onions, virtues of, xii. 209 Paine (Thomas), his early life, ii. 397 Peel (John), ii. 335 Percy (Bishop Thomas), iv. 308 Philip (Sir Matthew), ii. 134 Pickwicks of Bath, ii. 534 Pilgrims, Patron saint of, x. 254

Pitt's statue in Hanover Square, ii. 136 " Plough Inn " at Longhope, i. 293 Poet's Road, Canonbury, v. 517 Powlett : Smith or Smyth, viii. 472 Punch and Judy, v. 477 Puritan ordeal in the nineteenth century, xi. 37 Queen's Square, Bloomsbury, statue in. viii. 12 Kaymond (George Frederick), ix. 57 " Ready-Money Mortiboy " : original of the character, iv. 205 Register, curious entry in, vi. 513 " Resurrection men," iv. 408 ' Revelations of Peter Brown,' xii. 124 _ Richards of Bramlcy House, Suffolk, v. 177 Robins, x. 139 Rochdale, dialect words of the fifties, xi. 496. Royal Regiment of Artillery, xi. 215, 367 Koyal Tunbridge Wells, vi. 475 Ruskin, references in : Womb well, vii. 276 _ Sacrifice of a snow-white bull, xi. 138 _ St. George's Chapel, Windsor, east window, x. 256

St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden vicars of, vi. 278 St. Katharine's-by-the- Tower, vii. 377 St. Paul's, height of, x. 474 _ St. Swithin's tribute at old Weston, ii. 174 _ Salmon's (Mrs.) Waxworks, vii. 458 Scott (Margaret), CEtat, xii. 125, 146 Scottish mer- cenaries in Norway, vi. 358 Selkirk family, v. 236 Sloane (Sir Hans), iv. 193 Spurgeon memorial to, x. 433' Stamford Mercury,' viii' 38 Statues and memorials in the British Isles, i. 282 ; ii. 42, 242, 381 ; iii. 22, 222 421 iv. 181, 361 ; v. 62, 143, 481 ; vi. 4, 284, 343 vn. 64, 144, 263, 343,442- viii 4 75 82' 285, 382, 444 ; ix. 65, 164, 384, 464 ' x 103 226, 303, 313, 405; xi. 24, 145 ,275*428 ' xii. 65 1 78, 298, 336, 416-Stone from Carthage', vn 19o Suffix "shire," v. 496 Swinfen (John), ix. 438 Tavern signs, vi. 434 Tavlor sisters, ix. 297" Telling " numbers, v. 390 Thackeray: Wray, iv. 419 Thames Water Company, ii. 138 Thatch-fires, viii. 75

Thirmuthis " : Christian name, vii. 75 4">8

~ GQ ?< rn rld .\ a cii y ful1 of crooked streets,"

i. 93 "Tundish"=funnel, vii. 155 ' Uncle

2 2 T' w n S ma ^ . v t 3 67 -Wanstead Park, xiL

W7 ! ' ^ n ht ' and Day families, i. 152 Warwick, monuments at, vii. 173 Washing- ton. (Amphillis), vii. 37-Washington's con- nexion with Selby, viii. 36 Watts (Isaac) his collateral descendants, ii. 255 Watts^s Cate- chism, viii. 331-Weather rime, vi. 116- Wellington and Biucher at Waterloo, ii 418

Wh chrm,

Whyteheer or Whytebeer, ii. 511

Wild-goose, ix. 438 Winnower, vi. 376

Woollett (William), iv. 437 Yon, its use by

Scotsmen, i. 498 Yorks=trouser-straps, iii.3& Page family, ix. 191, 232, 291 Paget (Claude) on 28th Regiment at Cape St.

Vincent, iv. 288 Paget (Francis E.), M.A., author, 1843, x. 388,,


Paget (Sir J.), bibliography and references, xi. 453- Paget and Chester, in poem by Praed, vii. 388, 456- Paget family, vi. 468

Paget heraldry in Lichfield Cathedral, xi. 230 Page-Turner (Fredk. A.) on St. John of Bletsoe,.

viii. 8

Pagodas, Indian coins, their value, i. 328 Pagodas in St. James's Park and at Kew, v. 270 s,

391, 471

" Paignton pudding " saying, origin of, vii. 87 " Pail," " butter rents," c. 1330, viii. 426 Pain (E. D.) on authors of quotations wanted, vL.

69 Paine (T.), and the Declaration of Independence,,

i. 53 Paine (Thomas), his gravestone, ii. 238 ; his

early life, ii. 328, 397 Painswick, Glos., hearth tax in, ix. 205 Paint, mummy used as, by artists, iv. 7, 56, 13& Painted glass older than 1700, in Essex churches.

ii. 361, 462 ; ii. 41 Painter's brush picked up by emperor, iii. 209...

296 Painting, Greek, in the Vatican Library, vii. 429 j.

in Rome, viii. 17

Painting in oils on brass, portrait, ix. 229, 274 Palace of Norman Kings, Fordwich, Kent, iv. 4 Palacky (Francis), 1798-1876, historian and

statesman, v. 505 Pala30graphic contractions, Spanish and Latin,

ix. 10

Palaeography, B and G confused, iii. 443 Paleeologus family in England, iv. 364 Palata family in Italy, ii. 29, 99, 152 " Pale beer," use of the term, 1751, iv. 26, 78 Palermo-Volturno on medals : Col. John Dunn.

v. 329

Palestine, earthquake in, c. 810-750 B.C., xii. 422. Paley (Archdeacon), his sister's marriage, v. 189 Pall Mall, Nos. 50, 50 A, and 51, viii. 223 ; and

United Service Club, v. 1, 91 Pallavicini family in England, ix. 270, 314, 375,.

Pallium at Canterbury, iii. 488

Palm, the, Milton on, i. 135

Palm (J. P.), bookseller, shot by Napoleon, x. 10, 55, 76, 136, 196

Palmer (Rev. A. Smythe) on Apollo of the doors r . xi. 69 Aristotle on education, iii. 107 Bareacres (Lord), xii. 46 Bissextus, xii, 281 Burglar folk-lore, i. 296" Daggs " : " To set da gS W v. 507 Folk-poetry, making of,, xii. 405 Handel's ' Harmonious Blacksmith,' x. 295" In petto," xii. 399" Khaki," xii. 341 -Leo XIII. 's Latin verses, ii. 252 ' Mirage of Life,' xi. 457 Puckled, its meaning, iii. HI I' Pull one's leg," vii. 508 Quilt, its meaning^ i. 448 St. Ann and wells, viii. 347 St. Ex- peditus, iv. 92 Sucket, its etymology, i. 119 Tree folk-lore ; the elder, xii. 410 War and the poets, xii. 305 Wiltshire phrases, v. 496

Palmer (G. H.) on armorial bearings sought, xiL-