Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/221

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Palmer (Hubert) on Castle or Castel family, vii


Palmer (J. Foster) on adjectives from French place-names, ix. 94 Alfred and the cakes, i 315 Ambiguous possessive case, viii. 91 Authors of quotations wanted, i. 30 ; vii. 489 Authors wanted, viii. 158 Betubium, i. 14 Bluestocking : origin of the term, i. 357 Darnley, descent of, vii. 31 Dickens and wooden legs, xi. 37 Earth-eating, vi. 352 Emerson, quotation from, v. 354 Fire anc new-birth, ix. 113 "Galleon" in English verse, x. 137 History of England with riming verses, iv. 517 Horses, white, vii. 215 Human fat as a medicine, ix. 158 " If not the Rose," vii. 435 London Proprietary Chapels, vanishing, ii. 293 " Lord " : use of the title without territorial addition, xi. 58 ' Memoirs of Scriblerus,' vi. 278 Palm the bookseller, shot by Napoleon, x. 56 Pictures and Puritans, xi. 327 Pigments, vii. 237 Pope : reference wanted, vi. 155 " Pro pelle cutem," viii. 387, 514 Pronunciation : its changes, xi. 287" Quo vadis ? " vii. 497 Roses as cause of colds and sneezing, xi. 369 ' Rule, Britannia,' v. 415 Shakespeare : illustrators, i. 474 ; on the pain of death, vi. 93 Shakespeariana, iv. 425 Source of quo- tation wanted, viii. 152 Sovereigns, English, as deacons, xi. 137 Tennysoniana, ii. 394 Twain (Mark) : Artemus Ward, i. 457 Veturia, mother of Coriolanus, v. 89 Vhoegar, action on rocks, x. 96 Wymondley tradition and Julius Caesar, iv. 419 Palmer (J. Spencer) on Capt. Pitman, vi. 448 Palmer (John), projector of mail-coaches, 1786

ix. 209, 273 Palmer (Joseph), 1756-1815, poet, his birthplace,

Palmer (Sir Thomas), Knight Porter of Calais,

ii. 446 Palmer (Dr. W. M.) on Bright's (Timothy)

' Treatise on English medicines,' iv. 464

Butler's (Dr.) curious pictures in 1618, iv.

489 Fire, losses by : licences to beg, v. 357

Inventory, fifteenth century, vi. 227 Rating

of clergy to find armour, iv. 468 Palmerston (Mary, Viscountess), leaves from her

diary, 1796, xii. 373 Palmerston (Viscount) ha the " wrong " train

x. 209, 253

Paltock (Robert), his ' Peter Wilkins,' i. 157 Pamela, meaning of the Christian name, viii.

Pamela (Mile.) == Lord Edward Fitzgerald, her

origin, ii. 285

' Pamela Magazine,' the history of, x. 129 Pampellonne, owner of school at Wandsworth,

vi. 370 Pamphlets at the London Institution, vii.

350 'Pan,' periodical published in London, 1880-81,

vi. 429

Panchand (J.), Westminster scholar, vii. 450 ' Pangam-man," carrying " a band of music,"

Panorama, overland, reference to, 1852, xii. 140,

204 Panthera, explanation of the Christian name, v.

91, 177 ; viii. 109, 291, 340 Paoli and Peoli families, viii. 409

i," " popinjay," origin, of the words y xii. 440, 509 Papal Zouaves, Glasgow men as, 1867, viii, 50 " Pape," meaning of the word, ix. 350

Pape (T.) on Grange, Shropshire, iii 268

Harrison the regicide, iii. 332 Lea (Thomas> and Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, iii. 268

Paper, gilt-edged, used 1584, xi. 413 Oxford India, history of its discovery, iii. 221 Watermarks in, ii. 327, 371, 396, 4&8, 497 Paper and newspaper duties, vii. 375 Papillon (F.) on recent work of fiction sought

x. 28 Papillon (Lucy) and Soldiers' Clubs, 1858, xii.


Papua, seven a mystic number in, ii. 305 Papworth (Miss L. Wyatt) on first barmaid, ix.


" Paraboues "= leggings, 1836, viii. 27 Paracelsus on " Blessed word Mesopotamia," i.


Paradise, legend of Alexander the Great and, v. 48, 154 ; story of Welshmen lured from, 1528 v. 386, 477 ; passport to, 1341, vi. 247 Paradoxes, theological, book on, x. 470 Parallels : ' Comus ' and Gray's ' Elegy/ vii. - 206, 277, 318 ; ha ogre stories, vii. 228, 295 ; .. ' Vittoria Corombona ' and a ' Percy anecdote/ vii. 326

Paramor family of Kent, i. 36 "Parasol" and "sunshade," the difference, xi.

29 " Paratout "curious kind of umbrella, vii. 104, .


Parchment, cleaning and restoration of, vii. 328 ; " vegetable," and vermin, x. 309, 373 ; ob- tained from Scotland, xi. 413 Pardoe (Avern) on Blizard as a surname, ix. 396

" Splendid isolation," vi. 14 Paris, Hdtel Moras or Biron, i. 177 ; gargoyles of Notre Dame, i. 369 ; barriers, date of their removal, iv. 230, 293, 338 ; Christmas and. New Year celebrations, vi. 481 ; ha 1780 and 1860, English books on, ix. 169, 415, 493 ; , manners of University of, c. 1170, xi. 413 Paris family, i. 508 ; ii. 53, 94 Paris IllustreV English edition, 1888-9, iv. 148 ; - v. 158 Parish (Sir Woodbine), Sir C. Hanbury Williams, ...

and Carlyle, iii. 163 Parish, English, formation and origin of, iii. 88,

175, 253, 381

Parish armour temp. Elizabeth, ii. 130, 176, 258 Parish clerk, licensed victualler acting as, ix. 844 Parish festivals^ revels, i. 7 Parish registers. See Registers. Parishes and patron saints, ix. 348 Parishes in two or more counties, ix. 29, 75, 114,,,

132, 210, 273, 317, 374 ; xi. 421 Park (J. J.), 1794-1833, autograph letters of, x.


Park Lane, old tree in, xi. 228, 289 ' Parke," the locality of, xii. 221 Parke and Scoles in Egypt and Nubia, c. 1823,

viii. 49

Parker (G.) on Act regulating medical practice,. 1419, vii. 409 " Major Janerl's Wards," i. 48d - Parker (H. Meredith) of Bengal, c. 1861, vii. 49, 436 arker (J.) on ' Annals of England,' ii. 364