Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/31

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Barrule on Cosnahan family, i. 213 Our Nations Anthem, xi. 197 Reform of the Calendar, iii. 20 Barry (Lord), c. 1868, quotation referring to, v. 12 Barry family, ix. 469 Barrymore (Lord), white-and-gold theatre bui

by, v. 448 Barsanti (Miss), Mrs. Richard Daly, actress

c. 1772, xi 452, 498 ; xii. 33 Bartelot (R. G.) on Arms for identification, v. 32 Brodribb of Somerset : Sir Henry Irving, 451 Rev. Phocion Henley, iv. 177 ' Bartholomseus de Proprietatibus Rerum,'

380 Bartholomew (A. T.) on " Here I lay outside th

door," v. 489 "Bartholomew ware," meaning of, c. 1594, v

130, 194

Barthou (M.) French Premier, 1913, vii. 289, 37 Bartlett (John), Cambridge student, 1815, v. 30 Bartley, clockmaker of Bristol, 1810, viii. 290

332 Bartley (Sir Robert), K.C.B., d. 1843, vi. 89, 156

369 Bartolozzi (F.)> portrait of Capt. J. King engrave<

by, xii. 160, 288, 326

Barton (A. K.) on John Lilburne, xi. 417 Barton (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1807, v

309 Barwell (Richard), 1741-1804, his parentage, ii

368 Barwell (Stephen), Westminster scholar, 1745, vii


Barwell (W.), Westminster scholar, 1749, vii. IK Basbow Lane, Bishop's Stortford, place-name

its derivation, i. 389, 437 Basil (George), Etonian, 1755, ix. 389 Basil (Thomas), Etonian, 1755, ix. 389 Basil the Great, translation of sentence in, ii. 190


" Basilez," French, 1606, ix. 105 Basingstoke, parish register transcribed, viii. 12 Basle, Prince Bishop of, his biography, ii. 68, 118 Basset, description of the game, vi. 310 Basset or Bassock family, iv. 446 Bassi (Ugo), 1801-49, revolutionist, a letter by,

xii. 168, 237, 310, 348 Bassnett (Christopher), b. 1677, his biography,

iv. 345

Bassnett family, iv. 345 " Bast," meaning of the word, iv. 7, 74 Bastille, the taking of the, viii. 186 Bastinado, stick like golf-stick used, viii. 424 " Bat," variant of " pat," 1629, ix. 287 Bate (James), Westminster scholar, 1786, v. 309 Bate (Nathaniel), Westminster scholar, 1820, v.

309 Bateman (C. Pryor), Westminster scholar, 1784, v.


Bateman (F. B.) on Polegate, Sussex, xi. 194 Bateman (John) of Waterford, knighted 1809,

x. 230, 277 Bateson (George), Westminster scholar, 1772, v.

288 Bath, " Essex Bath," Strand Lane, 1588, vi. 348,


Bath, obelisk at Orange Grove, vii. 309, 376, 437 Queen Henrietta Maria at, ii. 150, 197 Ringing of church bells, c. 1417, xi. 262 Bath, Roman, in the Strand, ix. 5, 93 ; xi. 247,

369 Bath Abbey arms, copy of inscription, v. 105

Bath King of Arms, the title, i. 510 ; ii. 32 Bathampton on Madame D'Arblay and Disraeli,

iii. 348

Batheaston vase and Olympic games, v. 245, 39$ Bathing machines, song in praise of, vi. 88 Bathurst (Benjamin), English diplomat, his

mysterious disappearance c. 1810, iii. 46, 90 Bathurst (Sir Francis), his marriages and death,

iii. 88

Batley Grammar School, Yorkshire, v. 249, 355 Batsford (B. T.) on Lyson's 'Buckinghamshire,*' i. 49 Talman and John Webb, iii. 247 Tradesmen's cards, ii. 348

Batterham (Eric N.) on author of quotation wanted, xii. 442 Extraordinary Ode,' xii. 462 Tavern signs : " Mother-Huff -Cap," xii, 506

Batteries, floating ironclad, 1855, xi. 430, 482 Battle (Mrs. Sarah), her wish anticipated, i. 7 Battle at Rigby, Lincolnshire, 1645, iii. 487 Battle in Lincolnshire, 1643, its identity, ii. 468 \

iii. 135

' Battle of Brimpton,' poem on labour riots, v. 389 ' Battle on the Wey, 1274, iv. 24, 77, 113 Battledore and shuttlecock, game, ix. 308 Battles Albuera and Ypres : a comparison, xi. - 265 Balaclava, ix. 397, 455, 516 Barnet v its site, iii. 208, 414 Borodino, vi. 185 - Bosworth Field : Henry VII's. Welsh adherents at, v. 469 ; the standard-bearer, xi. 208 - Crecy, vii. 190, 258 Dettingen, v. 350 ; vi^ 32 Dunbar : estimate of losses, ii. 301 Edgehill : the standard-bearer, xi. 334 Lohfeldt, ix. 410, 474 Maida, iv. 110, 171, 232, 271, 334, 492; v. 14, 115, 195, 491 Maldon, poem on, vii. 110, 157, 197 Quiberon Bay, 1759, pictures of, vii. 109, 216 Waterloo, xii. 1, 21, 71, 107, 165 Baty (Mary) = John Raine, c. 1783, iv. 229 Baum (F.) on Max O'Rell's works, ii. 409 Bavin family of East Anglia, vi. 230 Bawdwen family, vii. 329

Baxter (F. W.) on the Bezant, iii. 170 Elizabeth- (Queen), her statue in the Royal Exchange, iii. 230 Own : blithering, iii. 2i3 Seekers, reli- gious sect, iii. 255 Baxter (Wynne E.) on Coroner of the Verge, iii. 96T Milton Bibles, iii. 109^ Second Folia Shake- speare : " star-ypointing," viii. 317 ' Bay " and" tray," of a stag, ix. 67, 113 Bayley (A. R.) on Abercromby family, vi. 56 Act regulating medical practice, vii. 453 Adrian IV's ring and Emerald Isle, ii. 250 ' Adventures of Brusanus, Prince of Hungaria,' ' viii. 254 Alabaster (William), iv. 514 Ala- baster effigies, vi. 277 Alfred and the cakes, i. 211 All Souls College, Oxford, ii. 355 Anne (Queen) and her children, v. 116 Ante- cedents of Job Charnock, vii. 472 Archdeacon' of Taunton as naval authority, i. 137 Arundel (Earl of), brother and uncle arrested, ii. 251 Arundel (Sir John), of Clerkenwell, iii. 415 Ashley or Astley (Mistress Katherine), iv. 13 Assyrians and fish, as religious symbol, vii. 398 Atlantis and Lemuria, xii. 146 " Attainting royal blood," viii. 35 Audley (Sir Henry), L-- 171' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil,' x. 236 Author and translator wanted, xii. 108 Author of play wanted, ix. 156 Authors' errors, v. 358 Authors or explanations wanted, v. 336 Authors of "quotations wanted, viii. 396 Bacon*