Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/32

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family of Wiltshire, iv. 239 Bagshaw (Thomas), vii. 97 Barnard family, vii. 371 Battle of Maldon, vii. 157 Belly and the Body, iv. 76 Biographical information wanted, v. 136 ; vi. 415 ; vii. 133, 354 ; viii. 218, 295 ; ix. 174, 475 ; x. 33 Book inscriptions, iii. 492 Brandon, Duke of Suffolk : Brunt, v. 215 Brettargh (Dr.), v. 138 Bright (John Edward), ix. 472 British coins and stamps, x. 235 Brodribb of Somerset, v. 254 Bromley

.{William), ix. 414 Brooke (Capt.) and Sir

.James Brooke, i. 213 Bruce (George), ix. 434 " Buds of Marjoram," viii. 213 " Burganes," ix. 357 Burial-place of Mary de Bohun, vi. 313 Burton : Blakeway, x. 277 Byrom

/(Samuel), iii. 195 Byron and the Hobhouse MS., viii. 51 ; and the Sidney family, v. 378

Campbell's ' Napoleon and the English Sailor,' iv. 156 Canons, Middlesex, ii. 374 ; Essex as Christian name, iii. 92 Cantilupe (St. Thomas), xii. 147 " Caratch," iv. 237 Carisbrooke Castle, I.W. : water-wheel, vii. 354 Carlin

.Sunday, ii. 314 " Castle " in Shakespeare and Webster, vii. 253 " C'est progres en spirale," ix. 214 Chandos, x. 135 Chapel-House, x. 13 Charles I. : John Lambert and Lieut.-Col. Cobbett, ix. 493 Christ Church, Oxford, in time of Elizabeth, viii. 270' Church His- torians of England,' iii. 374 Churchill, xii. 382 ; - Churchwardens' accounts, Saffron Walden, viii. 433 Clearances on Scotch estates, ix. 232 Cliveden House : duel between Bucking- ham and Shrewsbury, xii. 345 " Cloudsley Bush," vii. 494 Colleges : matriculation and graduation, vii. 474 Colonrie (Guido delle) in England : L. F. Simpson, viii. 72 Colour of liveries, viii. 295 Colour of Shakespeare's -eyes, xii. 117 Columbine in the sixteenth century, i. 198 Constables' staves, v. 395 Cowlard, ix. 514 Crests, taxes on, ii. 511 "Critical Review," vii. 517 Cromwell (Richard), his daughter, ii. 330 Cromwell and Queen Henrietta Maria, ix. 174 Cromwell's illegiti- mate daughter, Mrs. Hartop, ix. 453 Danish national flag, v. 336 Dante, Ruskin, and a font, iii. 17 Dedication of Lady Chapel, xii. 205 Dennis (Mr.) and ' The Conscious Lovers,' viii. 337 Descent of Darnley, vii. 31 Dogs on brasses, iii. 310 Drake (Col.), vii. 292 Dubber family of Gloucestershire, ix. 493 Duck's storm : goose's storm, xi. 254 Early . arms of France, iv. 450 Edward I. and Henry VIII.'s Queens, ii. 464 Egyptian Book of the Dead, ix. 253 Elephant and castle in heraldry, ii. 36, 115 Elfou, x. 18 Elizabeth's (Queen) fifth Parliament, xii. 207 Emperor and painter, iii. 290 Epitaph : Christchurch, Hampshire, x. 213 Erskine (Lady Frances) : issue, viii. 451 Erskine (J.), steward, 1803, vii. 238 Families of Kav and Key, xi. 136 Family of Cbilde or Child, x. 76 Feild (Theo- philus), ii. 236 Fielding (Henry), xii. 351 Fitzgerald (Percy) on Dr. Johnson and Hannah Moore, xi. 235 " Flash " of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, x. 15 Folly, ii. 158 France and England quarterly, x. 336, 458 Frances, Duchess of Suffolk, v. 516 Gale (Miles), iii. 316 Gentleman : armiger : privilegiatus, iii. -232 George II. 's natural children, ix. 334 Oeorge V.'s (King) ancestors, iv. 134 Gibbins, wi. 288 Gordons at Westminster School, ii.

437 Gothic mason*sc\ilptors, x. 373 Great Harry, xi. 159 Greenstone, vi. 378 Grey (Lady Mary) and Thomas Keyes, v. 477 Grey (Bishop William) of Lincoln, iii. 317 Griffith (George), Bishop of St. Asaph, v. 79 Ground plan of New College Chapel, vii. 321 Guildhall, old statues at, ii. 312 " Guy Living- stone," viii. 416 Haddon (Walter), iii. 171 Hampden surname, vii. 58 Hardy (John) and Samuel Gauntlett, vi. 356 Harford of Ply- mouth, " traitor," x. 356 Haydon (B. R.) and Shelley, i. 461 Hayter's "Trial of Queen Caroline," vii. 152 Heart-burial in niches in church walls, viii. 336, 391 Height of St. Paul's, x. 434 Henry VII. and Mabuse, iv. 75 Henry VII. 's Chapel : its architect, i. 175 Hone's " Ancient Mysteries," v. 192 Hooker (Thomas), iv. 154 House of Commons Prayer : Speaker Yelverton, iv. 38 Hudson (Thomas), portrait painter, 1701-79, ix. 36 Hughes (William), iv. 154 " I am the only Running Footman," x. 298 Ice : its uses, ix. 512 Inscription on brasses : Cobham : Clere, vi. 435 ; Queen's College, Oxford, x. 432 Inven- tion of the interview, ix. 274 Islington his- torians, ii. 239 Jadis (Henry Fenton), iv. 499 Jevons's " Logical Machine," xii. 166 Jew and Jewson surnames, iv. 258 Jones (Sir William) and Oxford University, ii. 3 Jonson (Ben), ii. 132 Jonson (Ben) in Westminster Abbey, i. 112 " Justice," by Sir Joshua Reynolds, xii. 128 Justification of King John, ix. 257 Keats's " Ode to a Nightingale," v. 11 Keene (Charles) : article by George Moore, vi. 236 Kemble (Mrs. John Philip), nee Hop- kins, xii. 78 Ken (Bishop), vi. 37,3 ; his birth- place, vi. 145 Kings with special titles, v. 57 Knighthood : Arthur of Brittany, vii. 412 Knollys family, xii. 205 Lacey as a place- name, xii. 124 Lade (Sir John), x. 317 Lairds of Drumminnor, v. 116 Lamb's " Mr.

H ," x. 395; " Rosamund Gray," iv. 36

Largest square in London, viii. 52 Leyson family, ix. 312 Lines in George Peele's " Ed- ward the First," ix. 334 Ling family, vii. 294 London printers, xii. 205 Magdalen College, Oxford, vii. 177 Maria Sophia, Queen of Portugal, xii. 163 May Day : May-games : May-poles, iii. 371 Maywood : Maude or Mawhood, ix. 334 Mediaeval " Oberammer- gaus," iii. 395 Medici (Cardinal Ippolito dei), ix. 137 " Meg's diversions," ix. 255 " Men, Women, and Herveys," viii. 250 Mercers' Chapel, London, xi. 94 Milton : portrait by Samuel Cooper, vi. 116 ; his " Lycidas," vi. 395 ; queries, ix. 198 ' Monsieur Tonson,' its author, ii. 356 Montfort (Simon de) : transla- tion of French poem, iii. 297 ; and Lewes, viii. 357 Mummy used as paint by artists, iv. 57 Murder on Gad's Hill in 1661, iii. 271 Napoleon as historian, vii. 156 Napoleon's bequest to Cantillon, xii. 188 National colour of Wales, x. 356 Nelson among his inimates, i. 175 Newcastle (Duke of) at Marston Moor, vii. 394 Noble families in Shakespeare, iv. 296 Northumberland (first Duke of) : natural issue, viii. 72 Note on Sheridan, x. 61, 81 ' N. Q.' on the stage, i. 7" Of that ilk." xii. 99 Old Etonians, ix. 395 ; x. 76, 356, 432, 473 O'Meara (Barry), Napoleon's surgeon at St. Helena, iv. 216 " On the tapis," ii. 353