Heraldry,' by Mr. Foster, x. 148 Irish com-
panies, vii. 70 Irish genealogy, vi. 249
London nursery grounds, ix. 175 Map of
Berkshire, xii. 139 Milton, vii. 146 Mitford's
<Miss) ' Tales of Our Village,' viii. 309 Moira
.(Earl of), vi. 249 Morgan (James), ix. 15
Ormonde's (Duke of) followers, x. 130 Palffio-
graphic contractions, ix. 10 Parish registers,
ix. 415 Phosphorescent birds, xii. 306 Pre-
Reformation almsdishes, viii. 510 Puleston
(Allen), xi. 437 Quenton (G.), 1801-3, ix. 389 ;
x. 108 St. Christopher : painting at Ampthill,
x. 447 Sankey (General), xii. 200 Virtue of
onions, xii. 150 Walker (John) : family of,
xii. 151 Wellington (Duke of), medal, ix. 428
Wilkins : Hautenville : Rawdon, x. 289
Cope (Frederick), Westminster scholar, 1723, x.
Cope (Mrs. H.) on Richard Coope, i. 469 Gains- borough's pomeranian dog, i. 327 Cope (J. Hautenville) on arms for identification, v. 413 Authors of quotations, wanted, v. 438 Burial-place of Mary de Bohun, vi. 211 Hampshire, ix. 349 Hanwell : Brewerne Abbey, vi. 110 Hartley Wintney Nunnery, i. 150 Irish families, vi. 427 Monuments to Hampshire men abroad, ix. 269 Poem : ' The Battle of Brimpton,' v. 389 Third pennies, vi. 170
Cope (John), Etonian, 1757, x. 148
- " Copebelle," meaning of the word, viii. 425
Copes family of Wilts, books and portraits, vi.
210 Copes, sale of, c. 1584, meaning of the word, iii.
349, 412, 475 Copinger (Patrick), Westminster scholar, 1744,
viii. 409 Copley (J.), Westminster scholar, 1726, viii. 409,
454 Copley (Joseph) and ' The Case of the Jewes
stated,' 1656, xi. 431
Copp^e (Francois), ' La Greve des Forgerons,' i. 16 -Coppendale (J.), Westminster scholar, 1731, x.
opper mine, Devonshire, its name, vi. 29, 174 Copperas Houses, of Folkestone Estate, 1698, vi.
328 oppinger (Teresa) = Pierce Power, J.P., Ireland,
1789, x. 388
Coptic and Celtic monasticism, xii. 319, 369 Coptic dictionary, published at Oxford c. 1839,
ix. 450, 493 Copying machines advertised in 1817, v. 407 ;
patented, c. 1647, xi. 295 Copying-pad, recipe of ink for, xi. 88 Copyright in Shakespeare's time and later, vi. 510 Copyright law and Longfellow's works, vii. 389 oral, colour affected by the wearer's health, xii.
341, 383
-Corballis (Capt. J.) on Corballis family, iii. 408 Corballis family of Ireland, iii. 408 Corbalsailye^a parapet or projection, the term,
iii. 134 Corbel-steps : Corbie-steps, the term, ii. 426 ;
iii. 134 Corbet (Dugnan), Westminster scholar, 1720,
viii. 409
Corbet (R.), Westminster scholar, 1748, x. 130 Corbet (T.), Westminster scholar, 1716, x. 130 Corbett (A. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, vi. 90
Corbett (Charles), Bart., bookseller, d. 1808, iv.
148, 197, 313, 374
Corbett (Thomas), Secretary of the Admiralty, v. 168
Corbyn, bottle used by druggists, ii. 405, 495 ; iii. 56
Corday (Charlotte), a letter of, viii. 365
Corder (Alexander) on wreck of the Royal George, vii. 195
Corder (W. S.) on Plantagenet tombs at Fonte- vrault, ii. 356
Cordier (Henri) on Sir John Bowring and Fauriel, ii. 221
" Cordwainer." worker in goatskin leathers, x. 247, 296, 334, 375, 393, 435, 499
Corelli (Marie) and ' The Silver Domino,' viii. 86, 133, 174, 438, 514
Corn eld (Wilmot) on Birmingham statues and memorials, ix. 202, 243, 282, 322, 363 Black Hole of Calcutta, viii. 94 British Isles, statues and memorials in : William Carey, xi. 177 Brun's (Madame Vig6e le), portrait of la Princesse de Talleyrand, vi. 67 Calcutta statues and memorials, vi. 41, 104, 163, 204; xi. 450 Charles I., statue of, at Charing Cross, x. 169 Charnock (Job) : antecedents, vii. 389 ; viii. 238 Clive at Birmingham, v. 428 Dickensian landmarks in Birmingham, demoli- tion of, vii. 325, 510 " Dog Kennel Lane," demolition of the kennels of, viii. 9 D'Oyley's warehouse, xi. 478 ' Edwin Drood,' vii. 362 Farthing Victorian Stamps, xi. 176 Francis (Sir Philip), banner of, xi. 317 Gordon (Lord George) in ' Barnaby Rudge,' v. 88 Heart- burial in niches in church walls, viii. 391 Kipling, uncollected items : Padgett, ix. 93 London : great fire of, a contemporary letter, ix. 304 ; relics of churches, ix. 167 London homes of Impey and Hastings, xi. 394 Parker (Henry Meredith), vii. 436 Ravens at the Tower, vii. 384 Reversed engravings, xi. 258 Rogers (John), xii. 509 Royal Exchange, notes on statues at, xii. 37 Spurgeon, memorial to, x. 386 " Sung by Reynolds in 1820," v. 88 Taylor sisters, ix. 317, 411 < Tomahawk ': Matt Morgan, viii. 53, 433 Turpin's (Dick) ride to York, vi. 257
Corilanne (Marquis de), his genealogy, vi. 291, 375
' Corinth and Other Poems,' by Miss Eaiie, xii. 18
Corio, Australian place-name, vi. 190, 238
Corio (Silvio) on Corio, Victoria, Australia, yi. 190 ; on alleged survival of ancient Pelasgic, xi. 109
Corio family arms, ii. 89, 217
Coriolanus, his mother's name, v. 89
" Cork fever," use of term, vii. 450
Cormell (Cambridge), Westminster scholar, iv. 389
Corn, dishonesty associated with, ii. 508 ; iii. 12, 57, 95
Cornaro and Corner families, xii. 379
Cornelys (Sophie), her death, c. 1830, xii. 100, 148
Corner (C.) on Cornaro : Corner, xii. 379
Corner (Susanna) on " Grecian " in 1615, iv. 337 ; two curious place-names, ix. 156 : " Memorable lady " : George Meredith, v. 431
Corney (B. Glanvill), on " Boche," xii. 330 Knopwood's diary, xii. 329 Missionary ship Duff, ix. 512
Cornhill, Rectory House of St. Michael, vii. 247 ; x. 26, 407, 426