' Cornhill Magazine ' and first discount book-
seller, i. 133
Cornish (W.), Westminster scholar, 1719, x. 130 Cornish genealogy and the Civil War, iv. 228, 272 ' Cornish Jury,' story told by W. B. Hicks, ix. 51,
Cornish language, it use, v. 406 Cornish Regiment of 1643, list of, viii. 90 ; ix. 254 Cornish wills in Prerogative Court of Canterbury,
vii. 366
Corn laws of the 17th century, x. 148 Cornthwaite (B.), Westminster scholar, 1733, viii.
Cornwall (Sir Walter or Sir William), x. 149 Cornwalhs (Hon. E.), Colonel 24th Begiment,
1756-72, ix. 149 Cornwall's (Bichard), 1569-1606, and Calybutt
and Fincham families, ix. 242 Coronation : the King's Champion, iii. 461 Coronation bibliography, iii. 345, 453, 471 Coronation, 1838, Mr. Barney Maguire on, iv. 16fi Coronation, 1911, and West Indians, iv. 41 ;
Queen Mary's armorial bearings, iv. 467 Coronation mugs, picture of cock-fighting on, iv.
366 Coronation of George IV., Herbwoman at, i.
Coronations, mitres worn at, iv. 27, 72 Coroner of the Verge, obsolete royal office, iii. 30,
96, 236 Coroner's inquest on Katharine Hamlett, 1580,
vii. 306
Corporal punishment, books on, vi. 70 Corporations, account of English municipal, xi.
295 Corpse, bleeding in presence of murderer, ii. 328,
390, 498 ; iii. 35, 92, 398 ; iv. 54 ; touched at
funerals, iv. 48, 95, 178, 434 ; the effect on, of
opening a coffin, xii. 300, 363, 388, 448, 465 " Corpse " used for a living body, viii. 209 Corpus Christi, the festival in England, xi. 430,
496 ; xii. 34 ; and crucified dove, xii. 401 Corradini (Signora), Italian dancer, c. 1767, iv.
" Correct," printers' phrase, early use of, x. 106 ' Cojrespondance Privee,' paper printed in London
c. 1822, iv. 230 Corrie Bhreachan, or Bhreachan's Cauldron,
Scotch place-name, iv. 10, 58, 97, 137 Corry (W.), Westminster scholar, 1721, x. 131 Corryton (John), Etonian, 1754, x. 148 " Corses," meaning of the word, viii. 425 Corsets and tight lacing, iii. 248 Corstopitum, origin of the name, ii. 388 Corstorphine, origin- of the name, ii. 388 Cort (C. F.) of West Ham, c. 1834, vi. 68 Cortex on ' Havamal,' ix. 87 Corve on Trout or Trowte family, ii. 450 "Corvicer"=a shoemaker, 1401, ix. 308, 395,
477 ; x. 15, 178 Coryat (Thomas), and Westminster School, iii.
29, 72, 254 ; manner of his death, ii. 85 Cosey Hall, Gloucestershire, its site, v. 110 Cosington (John) of, c. 1300, his biography, ii.
67, 133 Cosmopolitan Club visited by Thackeray, location
of, xii. 160, 208
Cosmopolitan Club, 1874, the members, xii. 482 Cosnahan family, Isle of Man, i. 109, 213, 330 Cossey (J.), Westminster scholar, 1729, viii. 409 Costa, See Mendez da Costa.
Coston (John), epitaph in St. Botolph's, Alders-
gate, ii. 485; iii. 53
Costume plates, Cambridge University, 1815, iii.
268 " Costrel "= labourers' drinking vessel, ix. 147,.
Cosyn (Edmund), Westminster scholar, x. 131 Cotes (Humphrey) and Savage Barrell, iii. 308 ; ix. 438
Cotes (John), Westminster scholar, 1731, x. 131
Cottam family, ix. 490
Cotter (Bogerson), M.P. for Charleville, ii. 489 ;. iii. 53, 114
Cotterell, place-name, its variants, x. 409
Cotterell (Clement), Etonian, 1765, x. 148
Cotterell (G.), friend to Keats at Naples, 1820,. ix. 28
Cotterell (Howard H.) on Acton-Burnell, Shrop- shire, xi. 209 " Broad arrow," x. 17 Cotterell,. Coterill, and variants, x. 48 409 Cotterell. (George), banker, Naples, ix. 28 Electro- plating and its discoverers, xi. 365 Mister as a surname, ix. 358 Old pewter, ix. 68 Printers' work, xi. 368 Begisters of Protestant Dissenters, ix. 489 Staffordshire poets, ix. 492 " Star " Broad Green, Croydon, vii. 428 Tayler (T.), modeller in wax, ix. 50 Twichener or Tuchenor, xii. 388 " Victory," Townsend Street, Walworth, vii. 428 Wilder- ness Boad, vii. 428
Cotterell (S.) on Major Wm. O'Bryan Taylor, vi. 310
Cotterell (S. J.) on " Mister " as a surname, viiL 209
Cotterell or Coterill family, x. 48
Cottingham (J.), Westminster scholar, 1719, viii. 409, 454, 491
Cottington family, viii. 509 ; ix. 54
Cotton (Alexander), Westminster scholar, 1777,. ix. 190
Cotton (Charles) and Izaak Walton on medal,. 1824, iii. 329, 397 ; motto of his ' Angler,' iv. 367 ; vii. 155, 498
Cotton (Christopher), Westminster scholar, 1729, viii. 409
Cotton (E. Bowland), Etonian, 1756, x. 148
Cotton (Edward), Westminster scholar, ix. 190
Cotton (L. J.) on Cotton family, vii. 408
Cotton (Bichard), Westminster scholar, 1734, ix. 190
Cotton (Bobert), Westminster scholar, 1729, ix. 190
Cotton, (Bobert) Westminster scholar, 1750, ix. 190
Cotton (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1771, ix. 190
Cotton family, vii. 408
Cottrell (E.), Westminster scholar, 1761, x. 131
Coull (Thomas), his London histories, published! 1861 and 1865, iv. 230
Coulson (Thomas), c. 1791, his antecedents, x. 349
Counsel in trial for treason, 17th century, vi. 49,. 112, 474
Count of the Holy Boman Empire, ii. 509 ; iii- 54, 94, 194
Countess, English, at Tunbridge Wells, i. 34
Counties called Home Counties, vi. 149 j
Counties, detached portions of, vi. 69, 156, 234
' Country Girl,' comedy, 1826, vii. 50, 96
Country Mouse on modern German poets, i. 368>