Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/158

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ins. XL FEB. 20,1915,

his lance, which, "according to their cus- tom," signified safety (sceurete) and a wish to parley. In response thereto the chro- nicler's kinsman, Valeran de Waurin, also hoisted a white flag on his galley, and the Turkish messenger was interviewed by him.

L. L. K.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

' BRIGHTON CUSTOMS BOOK.' SIR JAMES MURRAY will be glad to know whether this book (exhibited in 1846 by Mr. Attree ; see Sussex Archaeological Collections, ii. 40, sqq.) can be consulted, so as to obtain direct quotations for the ' Oxford English Dic- tionary,' instead of those from the Col- lections, for the words " tuckner," " tuck- net," &c. Q. V.

JOHN TREVISA. I am engaged in editing two or three of Tre visa's translations for the Early English Text Society, and I should be glad of any information concerning John Trevisa (fourteenth and fifteenth century) other than references given in Boase and Courtney's ' Bibl. Cornubiensis.'


University of Manitoba.

" BONNE, WAX MODELLER." Before me is a charming w r ater - colour drawing with the above inscription, but I fail to find any other record of the artist. The drawing, I should say, was done between 1820 and 1840. I should be very glad to have some reference to the artist and his full name.

JOHN LANE. The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W.

" PECCA FORTITER." Froude speaks of Luther's " famous advice " to Melanchthon. And Michelet seems to translate some words of the letter in his ' Life of Luther,' bk. v. chap, iii; but he gives no reference, and not even the date. Nor can I find such particulars in any of the more recent 'Lives.'

Will any reader favour me with the date, and an exact reference to the place where the text of the letter can be found in any collection of Luther's Letters or Complete

W rks | W. M. T.


MARSACK QUERIES. ( 1 ) Grosvenor. I am interested to discover who the (Dr. ?) John Grosvenor of Oxford was who married Charlotte Marsack of Caversham on 14 June,. 1813 (Gent. Mag.).

(2) Hutton. Was James Hutton, Esq.,, editor or proprietor of The Leader newspaper (when did he act in this capacity ?), a person of any importance ? He married Caroline Emma Marsack somewhere about 1850, but they left no descendants. Between what dates did The Leader exist ? and what was its character ? G. J., F.S.A.


THE BED CROSS FLAG. I shall be glad to- be informed as to what constitutes a military hospital, and whether the Bed Cross flag can be flown from private houses where wounded soldiers are being nursed. There are many such instances in the town where I reside. I am also associated with an institution where soldiers are taken, but the flag is not flown. It would be useful to know if we have the right to use the flag.

B. C.


  • Cuzary,' printed in Amsterdam 5423 = 1663,

is dedicated to

" Al Ilustrissimo Sefior Guilielmo Davidsone Cavallcro Baronet, Gentilhombre Ordinario de la Camara privada de su Magestad Honorable ; Senor Conservador y Residente sobre los subditos de su antiguo Reyno en las 17. Provincias ; Primero Comissario y Agente de su Real Magestad de la Gran Bretana y Yrlanda en Amsterdam ; Comissario y Agente de la Keal Compania de Yngalatierra."

He is not mentioned in the ' D.N.B.' I should be much obliged for a few biographical details. ISRAEL SOLOMONS.

SAVERY FAMILY OF DEVONSHIRE. I should be glad to know in what churches in Devonshire there are memorials to the Savery family. Tristram Bisdon, in his ' Survey^of Devon,' says that early in the reign of Elizabeth we find them settled at Totnes. They possessed Totnes Castle until 1591, about \vhich time the head of the family, Sir Christopher Savery, Kt. (Sheriff of Devon 1619), purchased and removed to Shilston. John Savery of Holberton is the first of the family recorded in the pedigree at the Heralds' College. It is stated that he was living in the county of Devon in the second year of Henry VIII., A.D. 1510. From 1500 the pedigrees in the Visitations exhibit the alliances of members of the family with the knightly Western houses of Carew, Servington