Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 12.djvu/400

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NOTES AND QUERIES, [ii B. xn. NOV. 13, 1915.

THE most striking feature of the November Burlington is the full-page photogravure repro- duction of the magnificent Botticelli, ' The I^ast -Communion of St. Jerome,' which was left by will to the Dominican convent of San Marco at Florence by Francesco di Filippo del Pugliese. The simple, masterly lines of this composition, its vibrant "life and energy, its concentrated moment of feeling, require little recommendation to the discerning. It is somewhat a pity, however, that the note by Mr. Herbert P. Home accompany- ing it is merely a condensation of an article oi his that has appeared elsewhere, and does no more than chronicle the circumstances and quote the words of the will. Some further new drawings by Diirer at the British Museum (but of lesser interest than those dealt with last month ) form the subject of a note by Mr. Campbell Dodgson. Mr. Martin S. Briggs has an illustrated article on the Re- naissance church of San Rpque, Lisbon. Although one may hold this favourite Jesuit style of church architecture to be essentially and fundamentally bad, yet, if one may be reconciled to it at all, it will be by such rich and exquisitely tasteful specimens as the one here represented the chapel of St. John by Filippo Terzi. The ' Notes on Pictures in the Royal Collections ' are con- tinued by Mr. Lionel Cust with a discussion of the portrait of Don Baltasar Carlos by Velasquez. Some beautiful reliquaries from the Bamberg Treasury are illustrated by Sir Martin Conway ; and Mr. A. F. Kendrick continues his article on the ' Tapestries at Eastnor.' Among the repro- ductions of these is a very lively representation of the old-time merry-making in the month of .May, from a Gobelins tapestry.


THE Catalogues received by us this last month have been few in number; we extract from them particulars of books or engravings concerned with America.

Mr. Richardson of Manchester has two good seventeenth - century items in this subject worth a collector's attention. The first is the ' Sixth Booke ' bound by Riviere of a work called ' Relations of the Most Famous Kingdoms and Commonweales thorough the World,' printed for John Jaggard in 1616, this particular book treating ' Of America commonly called West India ' (6Z. 6s.) ; the other is also an excerpt and also bound by Riviere, being Chapters IX. (' De America ' ) and X. ('De Americae Insulis ' ) of Robert Stafforde's ' A Geographical! and Anthologicall Description of all the Empires and Kingdomes both of Continent and Hands in this Terrestriall Globe,' 1618 (6Z. 10s.).

Messrs. Dobell have also a seventeenth-century item in Ed. Aston's translation- (published in 161 1 ) of the compilation made by Boemus Aubanus on the manners and customs of nations, with that of John Lenus on the history of America or "Brasill" (1Z. 18s.).

In the way of eighteenth - century items w r e noticed in Mr. Richardson's list the account written by David Humphreys of the ' Foundation, Proceedings and Success ... .to the year 1728 of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Lands,' London, 1730 (11. 15s.), and Raynal's ' Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Establissemens et du Commerce des Europeans

dans lesDeux hides,' 4 vols.,Geneva, 1780 (21. 10s.). Messrs. Dobell also have several, the best among them being Houstoun's ' Memoirs ' of his life and travels, which are concerned with Africa as well as America, 1747 (21. 5s.), a translation into French of Benjamin Franklin's ' Bonhomme Richard,' as he is styled, 1778 (1Z. 15s.), and a MS. of Exchequer and Civil List Accounts, 1689- 1741, from the Hodgkin collection, containing matters relating to Virginia, and lists of officers of Customs of the different American colonies. Mr. G. P.* Johnston of Edinburgh offers for 7s. the ' North American and West Indian Gazetteer ' (1776), having the book-plate of the Earl of Moray of the day within it ; and we noticed in the list of pictures and engraving's which we have received from Miss Mary Nightingale of Tunbridge Wells two interesting engravings, both by Habermann: the one, ' Representation du Feu terrible a Nouvelle Yorck, que les Ame"ricains ont allum6 pendent la Nuit du 19 Septembre, 1776. . . .,' done in the same year, some contem- porary colouring added (1Z. 15s.) ; the other a ' D4barquement des Troupes engloises a Nouvelle Yorck' (1Z. 5s.).

Early nineteenth-century works of interest are Mr. Richardson's copies of Heriot's ' Travels through the Canadas,' 1807 (21. 10s.), and of School- craft's ' Travels from Detroit North- West through

all the American Lakes,' 1821 (SI.) ; Capt.

Beechey's ' Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait in H.M.S. Blossom,' pub- lished hi 1831, and offered by Mr. James Miles of Leeds for 2Z. 10s. ; and Maria Graham's ' Journal of a Residence in Chile in 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823,' published in 1824, and priced in Messrs. Hill & Son s Catalogue IZ.Ss.

Mr. William Glaisher and Mr. John Grant of Edinburgh have each a small collection of recent books on America. From the former's list we may select for mention Mr. Filson Young's ' Columbus ' (8s.), and Mr. T. Mower Martin's book of coloured drawings of Canada (7s. 6cZ.); and from the latter the recent edition of Capt. John Smith's ' Travels and Complete Works ' (8s. 6d.), and Dr. Guppy's ' Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific- (10s. 6fZ.) Mr. Richard- son has a fine copy of Sir Arthur Helps's ' The Spanish Conquest in America and its Relations to the History of Slavery,' 1855-61 (3Z.), and also McKenny's ' History of the Indian Tribes of North America,' 1870 (6/. 6s.).

Our next notice of Catalogues will be on books other than well - known works of fiction or poetry published between c. 1815 and c. 1854.


MR. G. L. APPERSON. Forwarded.

MR. J. E. LATTOX PICKERING. The quit-rent of a clove was not uncommon. Thus about a dozen examples occur in vol. iii. of the Calendar of Inquisitions (Edward I.). See Index under ' Services.' The clove hi question is the clove gillyflower. $

CORRIGENDA. At p. 360, col. 2, for " Dr. Hotton " read Dr. Holton ; and on p. 366, col. 1, ' All Round the Welkin ' should of course have been ' All Round the