Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 9.djvu/216

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. ix. MAK. 14, 1911.

buried in 1818 within the Abbey with civic ceremony. His great - grandson, Henry Palmer, has in his possession documents conferring on John Palmer the honorary freedoms of York and eleven other im- portant towns.

Information is sought a^ to whether he was a Liveryman of the City of London. It will be remembered that the " Palmer Tokens " were struck in his honour.


The Wellington Club,

Grosvenor Place, S.W.

" VossiONER."-^-This word occurs on the brass of Richard Woddomes, in the church of Ufton, Warwickshire, who is described (the date is 1587) as " Parson and Pattron and Vossioner of the Churche and Parishe." It has been suggested that the word means " owner of the advowson." Are there other examples of the use of the word in this sense ? A. C. C.

BEWICKIANA. Bell in his ' Catalogue of Bewick's Works,' 1851, p. 24, says that the vignettes of the quadrupeds, without letter- press, were done as a supplement to ' The Figures of Bewick's Quadrupeds,' second edition, 1824. What are the title of this volume, the number of leaves and vignettes, also the price when first issued ?

What was the price on publication of ' The Figures of a Supplement to the British Birds,' 1821 ? Also of the ' Additamenta ' to the 1826 edition of the ' Birds ' ?


THE INVENTION OF THE INTERVIEW. The Athenceum in its issue for 25 May, 1912 (p. 596), says :

" A correspondent, noticing our statement thai W. T. Stead is ' credited with the practical inven- tion of the interview,' writes from Brookline Mass., to claim the credit, or discredit, for a pre decessor of Stead's James Redpath, an American journalist, but an Englishman by birth. In the autumn of 1867 he secured and printed in The Boston Daily Advertiser an interview with Genera Benjamin F. Butler."

Are there any other claimants ? It woulc be interesting to know who was the rea originator of what to many people musi prove a very unpleasant ceremonial.


" CAMONDS " OF WESTPHALIAN BARREIS ROSEWEED. In an assignment before m< the property is the site of the monastery o the Augustine Friars in Broad Street, and the consideration a fine of one shilling, and the annual rent of " two Camonds of Westfalia Baren [sic] Roseweed."

Is there any special significance in this unfamiliar payment in kind ? It is of nterest to note that the property includes ' the whole soyle, circuit and precinct of )he said monastery, Cumberland House, the Excise House, and Glass House."



COUNTIES. (11 S. ix. 29, 75, 132.)

THE Director-General of the Ordnance Survey informs me that there are now no parishes divided between two or more counties. Within the same county, how- ever, some parishes have detached parts, and of these a list is published in vol. i. (Table 12) of the ' Census Returns for 1911.' In that volume a note says that

" although a great number of detached parts of Civil Parishes have been amalgamated with those parishes by which they were surrounded or to which they were adjacent, there are, neverthe- less, still in existence no fewer than 921 detached parts of Civil Parishes."

This interesting table, arranged under counties, gives, the name of the Civil Parish to which the several detached parts belong, and the names of the parishes surrounding each detached part. There is another table in the same volume which gives the changes in the boundaries of Civil Parishes during the inter-censal period 1901-11, effected under the provisions of various Local Government Acts and Orders, to which I made reference on p. 75.

It will thus be seen that the figures given by DR. A. MORLEY DAVEES from Dr. Blake Odgers's ' Local Government ' are quite put of date, and no doubt will be amended in a future edition of that book. My remarks (to which DR. DAVIES took exception) about the Ordnance Survey maps are literally correct, and not liable to mislead any student of this subject. The only complete list of the portions of counties once isolated is the Schedule to Act 2 & 3 Will. IV. c. 64, and that is the onjy safe authority.

DR. DAVIES will also find that my state- ment about North Woolwich is correct. It is now in the Administrative County of London, although it is in the geographical area of Essex, and was formerly in the ancient county of Kent.

GEORGE F. BOSWORTH. Hillcote, Church Hill Road, Walthamstow.