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us. ix. JAN. 24, low.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


guardianship if they would send me good rubbings of all marks appearing thereon. No mark is useless, for from each one it is probable something fresh may be gleaned, and the present available knowledge of the subject is not all that one might desire. HOWARD H. COTTERELL,

F.R.Hist.S., F.R.S.A. Foden TJoad, Walsall.

' THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A DISSENTING MINISTER.' Who wrote this ? It was pub- lished by Smith, Elder & Co., Cornhill, 1835. My copy is of the third edition, and contains ' A Vindicatory Preface.' The work is a severe attack on Dissenters and their ways. The author sends the book forth that " Dissenters, seeing the evils which their system induces, may be as much as possible on their guard against them ; and that they may not seek to ex- tend, and to make general, a system which never can work well.' 5

Halkett and Laing give no clue to the author. A. N. Q.

THOMAS COCKING. I should be glad if any of your readers could give me the date of birth and death of this artist, and any other biographical memoranda concern- ing him. He was a contemporary of Paul Saiidby, 1725-1809.


Capenoch, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire.

HERALDRY OF LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL. Amongst the armorial bearings now, or, according to Shaw and other historians, formerly, in the Cathedral, are those set out below, to which I have been so far unable to assign a name. Any help in the way of identification would be of material use and gratefully received.

1. Arg., 2 bendlets engd. sa. (? Emsom, Lever,

Radcliffe, or Stanes).

2. Arg., on a bend or 3 cinquefoils of the 1st.

3. - 3 lions pass. sa. (quartered by Stafford and


4. Arg., a cross sa.

5. Az., an eagle dispd. with 2 heads or.

6. Nebuly or and gu. (sic).

7. Sa., 3 foxes arg.

8. Az., a fesse gu. with a mullet of the same in

the chief dexter point.

9. Gu., 2 chevrons arg.

10. Sa., a cross flore arg. (? Seward).

11. Gu., a lion ramp, or (quartering Warren).

12. Barry of 6 gu. and arg. and az. paley (sic).

13. Arg., a bend gu. between 6 escallops sa. (im-

paled by Talbot).

14. Arg., a chevron gu. between 3 plates az. (sic).

15. Barry of 6 arg. and az., 3 roses in chief of the

1st, seeded sa. (? Grey).

16. Or, on a chevron gu. 3 bezants between 3 gar-

lands az. of 4 roses arg. (#ic : Stafford, but of where ?)


fleur-de-lis in the 2nd

Qly. or, gu. and a (vie : ? Rochford).

18. Sa., a fesse cheque or and gu. between 6 crosses

patte fitch arg.

19. - a lion ramp. - crowned - (impaled

by Dean Buller : whom did he marry ?).

20. Paly of 6 or and gu., over all a bend sinr. arg.

(? Basset or Knightley).

21. Or, 2 bars nebule sa. (quartered by Blount).

22. Gu ., a fesse between 9 crosses patte arg. (Sibilla,

wife of Thos. Burghill : was she a Peverel ?).

23. Az., a bend between 6 escallops or (?Foljambe).

24. - a cross engd. - with an escallop

in the dexter quarter.

25. Gu., 3 chevronels arg.

26. Or, a fesse between 9 crosses patte gu.

27. Barry of 6 arg. and az., in chief 3 torteaux

(quartered by Basset ; resembles Devereux).

28. Arg., a cross gu. (quartered by Basset).

29. Or, 2 lions pass. az. (quartered by Basset).

30. Or, on a chief az. 3 escallops arg. (? Stratton or

Bishop Butler).

31. Az., an eagle dispd. or, gutt6 de sang.

32. Az., a cross frette - .

33. Az., a bend cotised or.

34. Barry of 6 or and az., a bend gu. (? Gaunt, or

Pembridge of Tong Castle, co. Salop).

35. Paly of 6 or and az., on a fesse gu. 3 mullets


36. Frette engrailed or, flore arg. and gu. (sic).

37. Az., a bend or, over all a label of 3 points arg.

(Grosvenor, but of where?).

38. Az , a cross patte or, a canton arg. (impaled by

Dean Hinckes ; whom did he marry?).

39. on a chevron - between 3 martlets

as many mullets - (quartered by Grove).

40. Or, 2 bars az., in chief a lion pass. sa. (impaled

by Hinton).

41. Gu., a saltire erm., in chief a mullet for differ-

ence arg. (may be Deane, Drew, Neville, or Rokesfield).


ANNO DOMINI. When did these words and the letters A.D. first come into use ?

W. B K.

[The earliest instance of "anno Domini" cited in the 'N.E.D.' is from W. Fulke's 'Heskins's Parl.,' 1579, p. 389: " Whome M. Heskins ......

affirmeth to haue liued Anno Dom. 511."]

JAN WEENIX. We have upon our walls at home a painting of dead game inscribed, almost in the centre of the work, " J. Weenix 1697." Can readers of 'N. & Q.' tell me if the above well-known artist was in the habit of signing his pictures in this somewhat novel position ? I am anxious to establish the genuineness of the possession.

Junior Athemenm Club. CECIL CLARKE.

THE DUCHESS OF GORDON'S RECRUITING Kiss. Everybody knows the story that Jane Maxwell recruited the Gordons with a kiss. It makes its reappearance in the latest recruiting pamphlet (October, 1913), which has on the cover a small reproduction