Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/139

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12 s.x. FEB. n, ISM.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 109

2. A daughter, Charlotta, married to a Mr. Smith; her son was Charles Smith, Painter to the Great Mogul.

White of Selborne: Portrait wanted.—Can any reader tell me of a portrait of Gilbert White of Selborne? There is none in the National Portrait Gallery, and no London printseller that I have asked can supply one. W. Courthope Forman.

Ornithologists.—Who were the two ornithologists of whom the story is told that one day they were looking at an owl in a taxidermist's window and were discussing how unnaturally the bird was set-up when it suddenly winked its eye? H. S. G.

GENERAL NICHOLSON'S BIRTHPLACE. Can anyone furnish such data as will irre- fragably determine the question of the birthplace of Brigadier -General John Nichol- son, who fell at Delhi in '57, since the accounts of the same conflict as regards both locality and year. On the morning of the 19th inat., whan an arresting statue of that immortal Anglo-Indian was un- veiled at Lisburn, Co. Antrim, The Belfast News-Letter stated that he was born in that cathedral town on Dec. 11, 1822 a statement which Field -Marshal Sir Henry ' Wilson repeated in his address at the un- ! veiling ceremony. On the other hand, a j contributor to vol. xli. of the ' D.N.B.' | asserts that Nicholson was born in Dublin ; on Dec. 11, 1821, and that after his father's | death in 1830 the family moved to Lisburn, the biographer adding with engaging naivete that Lisburn . is in Co. Wicklow ! Another high authority whose reputation j for accuracy is seldom impugned, * The j Century Dictionary and Cyclopaedia of i Names,' likewise gives Dublin as the ' general's birthplace ; and a similar pro- nouncement is made by ' Nelson's Ency- clopaedia.' R. HART MAZE. EARLY IRISH VOLUNTEERS. Is anything known of the following corps of Irish Volun- teers ? Aughnacloy Volunteers (existed in 1782). Ballina and Ardnaree Volunteers (existed 1779). Ballymascanlon Rangers of Loyal Louth. Ballyroom Cavalry. When and fo what purpose were they raised and by whom were they commanded ? P. FITZGERALD HOGG (Capt.) REGIMENTAL CHAPLAINS, H.M. 65TH REGI- i MENT. The following meagre particulars I of the chaplains to this regiment are known. Can any reader supply information as to the date and place of birth, education and careers before appointment to and after leaving the regiment ? John Arrow, May 23, 1758 ; chaplain, 50th Foot, March 18, 1760, to Dec. 3, 1760. Peter Platell, March 29, 1760, to 1761. George Farren, March 4, 1761, to 1785. John Manning, July 13, 1785 ; retired 1796. Samuel Turner, June 4, 1796, to 1797. MAZINGARBE. ANGLO-SAXON RIDDLE, ' THE CUCKOO. ' Where can I find a modern English version of the Anglo - Saxon riddt", No. II. ( ' The Cuckoo '), in Sweet's ' Anglo-Saxon Reader ' ? STUDENT. DE HARYNGY. In three fourteenth- cen- tury records of almost identical date the following names occur : 1316. Bernard Domini Haringi de Pullicis (Close Roll, p. 328). 1316. Bernard de Haryngy (Pat. Roll, p. 609). 1317. Bernard Haryngi (Pat. Roll, p. 631). The references are obviously to the same person, who is described as of Florence in the first and second of these records, but his connexion with England is clear from the fact that the second roll refers to a Suffolk deed, and the third mentions that he was a citizen of London. How may the surname and its variations be accounted for ? Can the name as a place-name be identified ? S. J. MADGE. 69, Oakfield Road, Stroud Green, N.4. ARMAGEDDON CHAPEL, CLIFTON. In Thackeray's ' Pendennis,' chap, ii., Arma- geddon Chapel is spoken of as being in Clifton. Can any reader say if this is still in existence, and, if so, by what name is it now known ? I am a visitor to Clifton and should feel interested in any information. H. R. HANHAM. 60, Alma Road, Clifton, Bristol. LADY GUILDFORD. Was the lady of this name, who had a priest arrested at her London house, April 4, 1574, Dame Eliza- beth Guildford, daughter of John Shelley Esq., of Michelgrove, Clapham, Sussex, and Mary, his wife, daughter of Sir William Fitzwilliam, Knt., of Gaynes Park, Co. Essex, as suggested ft 12 S. ix. 422 ? This Dame Elizabeth was the wife of Sir Thomas