Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/144

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114 NOTES AND QUERIES. [12 S. X. FED. 11, 10:

The danger in regard to bears is mainly attributable to their extraordinarily uncertain temper. Fleetwood Wilson.

British Settlers in America (12 S. ix. 462, 517, 521; x. 57).—I am indebted to Mrs. Maud M. Morris for her correction (at 12 S. ix. 517) of the name of the Governor of New York. The pedigree of the Brockholls or Brockholes (of Claughton) family in 'Burke's Landed Gentry' does not show Governor Anthony Brockholes as being a member of that family, and I should be glad if any reader could supply the missing link.

As mentioned (at 12 S. ix. 463), Frederic Philippse married Joanna, daughter of Governor Brockholes, and had, with other issue, Susan, who was married to Col. Beverley Robinson, who died at Bath, April 9, 1792. Col. Beverley Robinson's fourth son was General Sir Frederick Philippse Robinson, G.C.B., a venerable and very gallant officer who, at his death in Brighton, Jan. 1, 1852, was the oldest soldier in the British Army. He entered the service as an Ensign in February, 1777, and rising through the various grades became a General in 1841. The military career of Philippse Robinson was long and glorious, extending over a period of seventy-five years, and passing amidst some of the brightest achievements of his country. For five years he was in the first American War, and was present in the several battles fought during that period. Subsequently, in 1794, he went to the West Indies and shared in the capture of Martinique, St. Lucia, and Guadeloupe; he was also at the storming of Fleur d'Epée and the Heights of Palmiste. In 1812, Philippse Robinson joined the army in the Peninsula. At the battle of Vittoria he commanded the brigade which carried the village of Gamozza Mayo without firing one shot. He also was present at the first and second assaults on San Sebastian, being severely wounded at the second attack. He took part in the passage of the Bidassoa, the grand reconnaissance before Bayonne; the battle of the Nive, being there again severely wounded; in the blockade of Bayonne, and in the repulse of the sortie from that place, when he succeeded to the command of the 5th Division of the Army. In June, 1814, Major-General Robinson went to North America in command of a brigade, and he led the forces intended for the attack of Plattsburg, but received orders to retire after having forced the passage of the Saranac. Soon afterwards he was named Commander-in-Chief and Provisional Governor of the Upper Provinces, which appointment he held until June, 1816. He had received the gold medal with two clasps for Vittoria, San Sebastian and the Nive.

In 1838 Sir Frederick Philippse Robinson was made a G.C.B., and in 1840 he got the colonelcy of the 39th Regiment. Sir Frederick married, first, the daughter of Thomas Bowles, Esq., of Charleville; and, secondly, Miss Fanshaugh. He died in his 88th year.

Sir Frederick's grandfather was John Robinson, President of the Council of Virginia. The latter married Catherine, daughter of Robert Beverley, formerly of Beverley in Yorkshire.

The Beverley's claim descent from John of Beverley, who was born at Harpham, on the wolds of Yorkshire, about the year 640. James Seton-Anderson.

39, Carlisle Road, Hove, Sussex.

Brewers' Company (12 S. ix. 431, 478, 517). It may be added to the general in- formation supplied that the interesting buildings at 18, Addle Street, the courtyard, arcade, hall, screens, court-room, &c., well repay inspection. The buildings date from 1667. As a special item dealing with this Company it should be stated that it possessed a notable clerk, Mr. Alexander Whitchurch, attorney. His portrait was painted (which was not at all uncommon), and it was also honoured with a good mezzotint plate 6 Jin. X Sin. , showing a dignified yet cheerful gentleman in wig and ruffles, holding a roll of papers, and leaning on a book of minutes for 1776. The engraver is not known. The Company has a rather indifferent impression, one is in the British Museum, and I possess a good impression. The minutes of the Company show that Mr. Whitchurch was elected clerk on July 8, 1757, and at the court held on April 12, 1782, his death was reported. The Company does not possess the original portrait, and it would be in- teresting to know where it is. W. H. Q.UARRELL. PICTURES IN THE HERMITAGE AT PETRO- GRAD (12 S. ix. 528). To two people, both of them likely to be well informed, I have put the question, " Where are the pictures that were once in the Hermitage ? " and both made the same reply, " They are in the Hermitage." T. PERCY ARMSTRONG.