Page:Notes and Queries - Series 12 - Volume 10.djvu/447

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12 S. X. MAY 13. 1922. | NOTES AND QUERIES. 365

prevent provision for the six children of Capt. Etherege, left without means of support until the grandfather transfers to their use his property in Kent at the instigation of their uncle, John Powney, and uncle by marriage, John Whitfield, who are to hold it in trust.

The fine old grandfather is by this time a man of about 80 years, sick in body, distressed in mind. There is a very human appeal in his depositions when he states his plans and provisions for his two sons and their frustration, and his making provision for his grandchildren "as in nature and conscience he thought he was bound to do."

By 1664 his grandson, the young dramatist, has seen his first play successfully produced and is taken into the courtly group of gentlemen wits and boon companions of Charles II. Thereafter his life in London is what we should expect of the companion of Rochester and Sedley. In 1670 he is secretary to the English Ambassador to Constantinople, Sir Daniel Harvey, and writes from there a colourful description of the arrival of the Grand Signior (The Times Literary Supplement, Nov. 10, 1921). His finest play, 'The Man of Mode,' produced in 1676, was dedicated to the Duchess of York and represented actual gallants of the courtly group in thinly veiled disguise upon the stage. His knighting and marriage belong to 1679 apparently. By 1685 he is made English Ambassador to Ratisbon, well provided for financially by allowance and pension, but exiled from London and his friends, and conscious, as he says in his letter to Dryden, that "Nature no more intended me for a Politician than she did you for a Courtier" ('Letter Book,' p. 65, Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 11,513). One loses sight of him after January, 1689. His sense of his own uselessness at Ratisbon, after the governmental change in England, probably led to his flight to Paris reported by his secretary. Only Luttrell, in his 'Diary,' records his death by February, 1691, in Paris (see also The Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 23, 1922).

This investigation of the family history is not without value as proof of the excellence of the stock and the respectability of the Etherege family prior to that age of licence, the Restoration. D. Foster.

Mount Holyoake College, South Hadley, Mass., U.S.A.


St. Peter de Merton.

(See ante, p. 325.)

17. 2½yds. e. from 16 on a m.u.s. ; w.f.w. Sacred to the memory of Grace, daughter of John and Mary Ann Little, of the Crescent, Bedford, and late of Pitchcombe House, Gloucestershire. She died January 7th, 1838. " Thou art gone to the grave, but 'twere wrong to deplore thee, When God was thy ransom, thy guardian, and guide ; He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore thee. And death hath no sting, for the Saviour hath died." 18. 2ft. n. from 17 on a med. bath s. ; w.f.w., rapidly perishing. In affectionate remembrance of Sarah Cowlgrave,* who departed this life D ... 25, 185(1?), aged 43 years. Henry Cowlgrave, who departed this life June 5, 1841~. aged 11 years. 19. 2yds. e. from 18 on a m.u.s. ; w.f.w. In memory of Mary, relic of Richard Barker, late of St. Mary's Parish, departed this life October 17th, 1832, aged 61 years. " The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord." 20. lft. s. from 19 on a m.u.s. ; w.f.w. In memory of Charles (son of) Benjamin and Mary Clay, died June 28th, 1811, aged 1 year and 3 months. Also of John Clay, son of the above, died August 10th, 1832, aged 10 years. 21. lO^yds. e. from 20 on a m.u.s. ; w.f.w. Sacred to the memory of James Robert Storrs, many years Captain in the Bedford Militia, and late of the First Royal Veterans, who died July 7, 1828, aged 67 years. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth yea saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them." 22. Close to 21 n. from it on a m.u.s. ; w.f.w. In memory of William Drew, who died Deer. 23, 1810, aged 44 years. 23. If yds. from 21 on a t.u.s. ; w.f.w. In memory of Elizabeth, daughtr. of Willm. and Margaret Tucker, who died Jany. 28th, 1851, aged 34 years. Also the above Margaret Tucker, who died May 6, 1852, aged 72 years. 24. 3yds. n.e. from 23 on a t. and broad u.s. ; w.f.w. In memory of John Horn Gow, Esqr., who departed this life on the 7th of November, 1844, aged 47 years. "His life was hid with Christ in God; when Christ who was his life shall appear, then shall he also appear with him in glory." Colossians iii. 34. 25. 1ft. s. from 24 on a very s.u.s. ; w.f.w., 13Jins. w., 13Jhigh. To the memory of Elizabeth Willes, who died July llth, 1840, aged 5 months. 26. lyd. e. from 25 on a m.u.s. ; w.f.e. and w. Ici reposonfc les restes mortels do Jean Frangois Dupont, natie de la ville de Dijon en France,

  • 1851. Sarah Colgrave, St. Peter's, Deer., 28;

44 years. G. A. Burnaby, Rector.