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12 s. vii. JULY si., 1920.] NOTES AND QUERIES. Mr. MURRAY S NEW BOOKS THE LIFE OF BENJAMIN DISRAELI, EARL OF BEACONSFIELD. By G. E. BUCKLE, in succession to the late W. F. MONY- PENNY. Just published. Vols. V. and VI. com- pleting the work. Illustrated. 18s. net each. Previously published: Vols. I. IV. Illustrated. 15s. net each. BY NILE AND TIGRIS A Narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopo- tamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1886-1913. By SIR E. A. WALLIS BUDGE, M.A., Litt.D., etc., Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. 2 Vols. With many Illustrations. 3 3s. net. SER MARCO POLO Notes and Addenda to Sir Henry Yule's Edition, containing the results of recent research and dis- covery and embodying much fresh and important information. By HENRI CORDIER, D.Litt. 16s. net. SCIENCE AND LIFE By FREDERICK SODDY, F.R.S., Dr. Lee's Professor of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford. " We are the Professor's debtor for a most suggestive book, which opens on all sides new vistas of poetical and profitable thoughts." Morning Post. Second Impression. 10s. 6d. net. CONIFERS AND THEIR CHARACTER- ISTICS. By C. COLTMAN- ROGERS. An invaluable aid for students and others in identify- ing the many different species of trees included in the category of the natural order of Coniferse ; it also gives much reliable and interesting infor- mation concerning the various trees and their life-history. Illustrated. 21s. net. THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1918 A Brief Sketch by C. R. L. FLETCHER, M.A., formerly Fellow o f All Souls and Magdalen Colleges, Oxford. A living story of the principal events of the war on all fronts, told in a vivid and arresting style. With Maps. 6s. net. THE INFLUENCE OF PURITANISM ON THE POLITICAL & RELIGIOUS THOUGHT OP THE ENGLISH. By the Rev. CANON J. S. FLYNN, Vicar of St. John's, Hove. "He corrects many of the false impressions which, through ignorance or malice, historians, magazine writers and journalists have left and still endeavour to leave." English Churchman. 12s. net. THE SLIPPERY SLOPE And other PAPERS on SOCIAL SUBJECTS. By the late W. A BAILWARD, M.A. Essays based on twenty-five years of pract ical experience in Poor Law and Charity Organization work in 10s. 6d. net. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY NEW FRENCH COURSE GREAT INTEREST AROUSED. Great interest has been aroused by the recent announcement in Notes and Queries that an entirely new method of learning French by Correspondence has been intro- duced by the famous Pelman Institute, which has already accomplished such valu- able work in the realms of scientific Mind- training. The Pelman French Course is indeed a most remarkable achievement. It is based upon an original yet perfectly sound principle, and, in the opinion of those who have ex- amined it, it is bound to have a profound effect upon the teaching of Foreign Lan- guages throughout the world. THE NATURAL METHOD. One of the most striking features of the new system is that it is written entirely in French. There is not an English word in it, yet, even if you do not know the meaning of a single French word, you can study this Course with ease, and read the lessons with- out a mistake, and without " looking up " any words in a French-English dictionary. And the method is so simple that everyone can follow it with ease. How this seemingly incredible feat can be accomplished by anyone is explained in a little book entitled " How to learn French," a copy of which will be sent you gratis and post free on application to the address below. SIMPLE AND FASCINATING. Another important fact about the new French Course is that it enables you to read, write and speak French fluently ; without bothering your head with complex grammati- cal rules, or burdening your memory with the task of learning by heart Ion? vocabularies of French words. $?And yet, when you have completed the Course, you will be able to read French books and newspapers, and to write and speak French accurately, gram- matically, and fluently, and without that hesitation which comes when French is acquired through the medium of English. The process of learning French by the Pelman method is a most fascinating one. The difficulty of teaching Pronunciation by Correspondence has been overcome by an ingenious device, and you will be surprised to see how quickly you will acquire a thorough mastery of the language. Indeed, you will be able to learn French in about one- third the time usually required. Write to-day for a free copy of " How to Learn French " to the Pelman Institute (Modern Languages Department), 36 Bloomsbury Mansions, Hart Street, London, W.C.I.