534 NOTES AND QUERIES. [i2s.ix.D E c.3i,i92i.
- British Topography,' vol. ii., p. 261, as ! borough and died in the West of England.
follows : He painted landscapes and marine subjects, John Norden made a survey of this county; and exhibited at the Royal Academy, &c., (Surrey), which some curious Hollander purchased 1827-1830. He resided ait Plymouth/ at a high price soon after the Restoration. The 1 -. T v **r- n T ^ a map was engraved by Charles Whitwell at the j " J se P h N. Carter. Lived at Scar- expense of Mr. Bobert Nicholson, and was much borough and painted sea - pieces. He larger and more exact than any of Norden's other . exhibited at various exhibitions during maps. It had the arms of Sir William Waade, i 1857-1860. Mr. Nicholson, and Isabella, Countess Dowager of T i Rutland, who died in 1605. Dr. Rawlinson | 12 - W - Cook - Llved at Plymouth. He showed it to the Society of Antiquaries 1746. | was a landscape painter and exhibited at It was copied by Speed and W. Kip in Can- den's j Suffolk Street between 1877-1879. Britannia,' 1607. ^ m ^ Adelaide ciaxton. Afterwards ! became Mrs. George Gordon Turner, painted BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF ARTISTS ! domestic subjects, and exhibted 20 pictures SOUGHT (12S. ix. 490). I trust the following at Suffolk Street between 1860 and 1876. particulars will be of some use to youri 14. Peter Deakin of Birmingham. Was correspondent. They have been gleaned i a landscape artist, and exhibited during from various 'sources : i 1855-1879 at the Royal Academy, the 2. Thomas Allom. Born in London, ! British Institute, and Suffolk Street. March 13, 1804, and died at Barnes, Oct. 21, 15. James Drummond, R.S.A. Was born 1872. Articled to Francis Goodwin, archi- j at Edinburgh in 1810 and died there Aug. 12, tect, in 1819. Travelled considerably. He 1877. He was a pupil of Sir W. Allan, was a founder of the Institute of British ' Elected A.R.S.A. 1845, R.S.A. 1852. Architects. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, : Curator of National Gallery, Edinburgh, British Institute, and the Society of British! 1868. He painted historical and subject Art between 1823 and 1871. He furnished! pictures, which were exhibited at the Royal drawings for many illustrated works. j Academy, Royal Society of Art, British 3. William Bennett. Is this the William Institute, and Spciety of British Art between Bennett who was born in 1811 and died ati 1835 and 1874. Clapham Park in 1871 ? He is recorded' 16. E. Dolby. Of London. Church as a landscape painter, and exhibited a | painter. He exhibited nine pictures at large number of pictures at the Royal ; Suffolk Street, 1863-1877. Academy and as many as 378 at the New! 17 . Archer Stanley. Landscape painter Water Colour Society Exhibitions. of London. He exhibited at the Royal 4. Thomas Barker, "Of Bath." Was | Academy and Suffolk Street, 1847-1877. born near Pontypool, Monmouthshire, in I ARCHIBALD SPARKE. 1769, and died at Bath in 1847. He was! the son of Thomas Barker, animal painter, i There are accounts of (2) Thomas Allom He went to Italy about 1790, and stayed! (1804-1872) (4) Thomas Barker (1769-1847), there for some years. Afterwards resided ^ (15) James Drummond (1816-18, /) chiefly at Bath. Painted landscapes (often m the .,V , 4 with figures), portraits, and executed orna- ! Possibly (17), A Stanley, is the gentleman mental designs for manufactures. He ex . ^med Arthur Stanley of 10, Gedding hibited at the Royal Academy, British j Grove, Nottingham ; and very likely J.C. D. Institute, and Society of British Art, 1791-' 1S T J- C. Dollman R-W-S., Hove House, 1847. Full details in ' Bryan's Dictionary.' I Newton Grove, Bedford Park, London, A. r T Vi i -i -j. JOHN B. WAINEWRIGHT. 5. James D. Barnett. Exhibited at the Royal Academy and British Institute The following brief details may be of during the years 1855-1892. He lived at interest : Crouch End. . 1. G. ? P. Ashburnham was the eldest son 6. Elizabeth Byrne. Was a landscape of George, fourth son of Sir William Ash- painter of London, who exhibited at the burnham, 5th Bart., of Broomharn. Royal Academy, 1838-1849. 4. Thomas Barker (1769-1847) styled 7. Frederick Boisseree. Lived at Bettws- Barker of Bath, and known for his pictures y-Coed. Landscape painter who exhibited < ' The Woodman ' and ' Old Tom,' and his at Suffolk Street, 1876-7. huge fresco ' The Inroad of -the Turks upon 10. H. B. Carter. W T as born at Scar- 1 Scio.'