Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/522

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NOTES AND QUERIES. C2 4 s. N 26., JUNE ss. '56.

best he could as a stammering, timid, unlettered child, the opening panorama of the divine wisdom, set before his internal vision. He narrates the circumstances and ground of the angelical creation ; the fall of the chief of the three hierarchies thereof, and the direful effects which ensued thereupon in eternal nature, (by their unbalanc- ing of its seven equipoised powers or forces ;) and the thereupon creation of this material, temporal system, (from the condensed, compacted, dark, fiery, fluidic, spoiled materiality and galvanic powers, of the spiritual, an- gelical world, good as well as bad,) as the first act of the curative process of the thus originated evil in nature. The narrative was broken off, by violence, before the author came to the creation of Man. This piece should not be perused till the reader is pretty conversant with J. B.'s other works.] A.n. 1612.

2. " De Tribns Principiis cum Appendice. Of the Three Principles or Worlds of Nature, with Appendix. De- scribing the Eternal Birth of Nature, in its Seven Pro- perties, and Two Co-eternal Principles, also this Third Principle, and the Creation of AH Things. Lastly of MAN, as the Crown and Comprehension, or Developed Central Divine Idea of all, and therefore a true Lord and Prince over All. His Fall, with all the circumstances of it; and his Redemption, by virtue of the 'Mystery ' and Process of Christ. With a concurrent evangelical ap- plication of the truths developed. A.D. 1618. [Herein Man's creation is declared, from which it appears, that Man is the noblest being in the universe of God. That he is the primal centre, the immediate abode, habitation, organism, and personal medium of Deity, who, as the triune, incomprehensible, universal power, or Spirit of life a mere goodness, light, and truth, has no form nor visibility but in Man understand, the Virgin Man, as created, and as restored and glorified in Christ. (Oh, Man ! SEEK AND KNOW THYSELF.) In this work Man, (who was created as the instrument by which God would heal the disordered, corrupted body of Nature, and restore all to its primitive perfection,) is circumstantially de- scribed, in his original creation, his fall, and his re- demption, by the " mystery of Christ ;" who, as a second A.dam, or Man, came to heal and restore the first ruined Adam, and to effect all that, which the Deity would have had accomplished by him. A knowledge of theosophic science, as of the experimental philosophy of animal magnetism, is, however, essential for a due apprehension of these deep mysteries of nature and magic.]

3. " De Triplici Viti Hominis. Of the Threefold Life of Man, according to the Three Principles. That is, as the generated Idea, or Supernatural Image of the abyssal tri-une Will-spirit of the Deity the VIRGIN SormA, in- carnated in, and clothed with the Eternal and Temporal Nature. And from the relations of Man's present state of grace and nature, setting forth his practical duties and obligations, in order to the regeneration, and attainment of the prerogatives of his glorious redemption. A.D. 1619.

4. " Psycholoyia Vera cum Supplemento. Forty Ques- tions concerning the Soul of Man, Answered, with Sup- plement. In the Answer to the First Question, is pre- sented a Symbolical Diagram of the Wonder-EYE of the Divine Wisdom, the supernatural Abyss or Habitation of the Tri-une Deity ; with the Central Generation therein, (by the Father-Will of the Trinity of Deity,) of Eternal Nature, with its Two co-eternal Principles of black Darkness and lustrous Light, and this exgenerated Third or mixed, temporal Principle- understood therein. A.D. 1620. [Understand these two eternal principles, of positive and negative, the nay and the yea of the speaking tri-une Word of life, the SUPUUME ONE that they together con- stitute Nature, or eternal Nature: not the dark world alone, which is termed the ground or root of nature, but both principles together, in perfect, indissoluble union.

By the fall of angels, (through the perverse, obstinate misuse of their free, uncontrollable will, who had their life and being, or qualification in this eternal, or divine nature,) it came to be discovered or experienced, how the majestic visibility or "glory of God," or "kingdom of heaven," has this darkness as its basis or ground, and how the life of this dark principle in itself, is a life of the most horrible wrathfulness, anguish, falsehood, and misen'. And hence arose the Scripture and theological term, God's wrath, or the wrath of God signifying, not that the will-spirit of the Deity is wrathful, or capable of wrath, for he is the one only good, pure, and lovely, the unchangeable love ; but that in bringing forth his ineffa- ble, intellectual, will-spirit into a perceptible essence or nature, a something sensible to creatures, by desire, this desire, as such, must be the very opposite, or contrary spirit to his own Being of gentleness, peace, delight, holiness, happiness ; and by possessing which, his real goodness, loveliness, holiness, light and truth become manifest in a triumphing, glorious life. This twofold life is then Nature, eternal Nature, the "divine nature," in which all eternal beings are created to live, and enjoy the divine happiness : though alas ! how many will frustrate the divine intention, and render ineffectual the divine benevolence toward them in the sufferings and death of Christ ; and so fall into the dark, inferior, unregenerate principle, or eternal root of Nature the life of all misery.]

5. " De Incarnatione Verlii, Paries tres. Part First. Of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ the Son of God. That is, Concerning the Virgin Mary, what she was from the Original, and what kind of Mother she came to be in the Blessing* and Conception of her Son, Jesus Christ; and how the Eternal Word is become Man. Part Second. Of the Suffering, Dying, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Glorification of Christ, as the first and second Adam. And why we must all follow him in the same Process, and Way thus opened for us, back to the Throne of God. Part Third. Of the Tree of the Christian Faith ; shewing the whole Christian Doctrine of Faith and Practice. Wholly brought forth out of the Supernatural Centre, through the Three Principles. A.n. 1620.

6. " Sex Puncta Theosophica. Containing a Description of the Life of the Supernatural Wisdom and Abyss of Deity, and of that of the Three Principles of Nature, also of each Principle as in itself. Shewing how Men should seek, find, and know the Ground of Nature."

'. " Sex Puncta Mystica. Clearing up certain deep Points involved and not resolved in the foregoing Dis- sertations. 8. Mysterium Pansophicum. A further di- versified deep Consideration concerning the Heavenly and Earthly Mystery of Nature, and of the full working and fruition of the life of the Latter. A.D. 1620.

9. " L)c Signatura JRerum. Shewing the Sense, Virtue,

  • I beg leave respectfully to observe, that it had been

well if the recent Synod, held at Rome, had condescended to look into this author's demonstration, and revelation of the " mystery of Christ," previously to issuing forth to the world the Dogma it recently propounded, of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her high Blessedness and inward reconstitution, whereby she became interiorly, as highly graduated as Adam when he was breathed forth out of the womb of Deity, and nothing could be higher, (so qualifying her to be the mother of the throne-prince of eternity, the " man Christ Jesus," God and man.) took place only on her acceptance of the divine salutation, through the angel Gabriel. The loan of a copy of this Book of the Incarnation was offered to the Synod, at the time of its sittings, by the Writer, through the agency of the See of Rome in this country, but was not accepted, or the offer overlooked, though ac- knowledged.