Page:Notes and Queries - Series 2 - Volume 1.djvu/523

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fin* a N 20., JUNE 28. '56.]



and Qualification of the Shapes and Forms of the Crea- tion. And what the Beginning, Ruin, and Cure of Everything is, Spiritual and Physical. [The Ground of Ph ysiognomy, Phrenology, Homoeopathy, &c. &c. The Language of Nature, or Speech of the Divine Wisdom, apprehensible of her regenerate, clairvoyant children. A book of the sublimest wisdom and angelical melody; and 3tey to the regeneration of the medical art.] A.D. 1621.

" Christosophia. The Way to Christ, and Divine Wis- dom. Pars prima. 10. De Regeneratione. Of the Grounds and Reasons of Regeneration, being an Intro- duction to the Gospel Religion. 11. De Paznitentia vera. A Practical Entrance upon the Way of the Regeneration, or New Birth. 12. De ^Equan'imitate. Of True Re- signation, and Advancement in the Regenerate Life. Or, of continual Dying to Self, and demersing the Will and Desire wholly into the Meekness, Humility, and Love of the Supernatural, Divine Element. 13. De Tentatione, et 4 Complexionibus. Of the Groiind and Nature of Tempta- tion ; whence it arises, and how to Overcome in the Con- flict. [The first three Tracts composed the only book the author published in print: all the rest of his writings being left by him in the hands of his friends, in MS.] A.D. 1622.

14. " Libri Apologetici duo, contra Balth. Tilken. Two Apologies. The first, in Defence and Elucidation of the Aurora. The second, concerning Predestination ; and of the Person-of Christ, and the Virgin Mary, as treated of in the Author's Book of the Incarnation. A.D. 1621, 23. 15. Anti Stiefelius, libri duo. (1.) Considerations of E. S.'s book, concerning the Threefold State of Man, and the New Birth ; also of the Last Zion, or New Jerusalem, &c. (2.) Concerning the Errors of the Sects of E. S. and Ezech. Meths relating to Christian Perfection. A.D. 1621, 22. 16. Apologia contra G. liichter, cum libello Apolo- getico ad Senatum Gferlicense.m. The Author's Defence of his printed Book of The Way to Christ, and his Aurora, against the libellous Censures of the Primate, G. R. A.D. 1624.

17. " De Electione Gratia, cum Appendice de Pcenitentia. Being a Fundamental Demonstration of the Scripture Doctrine of Election, or Predestination. With Appendix, shewing the Way to attain to the clear Vision and Know- ledge of Divine Mysteries. AD. 1623. [Grounded in the -deepest Supernatural, Abyssal Centre the instinct, con- stitution, or scientz of the Fountain Word and Creator of all things ; and thence traced into, and through Nature. And shewing the inevitableness of that which is evil and that which is good.]

18. " Mysterium Magnum : an Exposition of the First Book of Moses, called Genesis. In Three Parts. Wherein is treated of the Revelation of the Divine Word, through the Three Principles of Nature ; and of the Original of the World and the Creation. Also, wherein the Kingdom of Nature, and the Kingdom of Grace, are explained. A.D. 1623. [Demonstrating the literal truth of the de- scriptions of the book of Genesis. But to apprehend such truth a magic understanding is needful ; one versed in theosophic science, and also in the modern experimental- ism of animal magnetism, clairvoyance, spiritism, &c.]

" Christosophia. Pars secunda. 19. Theoscopia. Of Di- vine Contemplation : how to attain to Divine Clairvoy- ance and Understanding, or Wisdom. (Unfinished.) 20. De Vita Mentali. Of the Supersensual, Superrationive or Divine Intellectual Life. [See/ 1 . Lee's enlargement of this piece in Vol. IV, large 4to., English ed. of J. B.'s Works; which is the most preferable.] 21. Colloquium Viutorum. A Dialogue between a Regenerate Soul, and one in the Way or Process, and Seeking the full birth of Divine Wisdom. 22. Epitome de Mysterio Magito. A Summary of the Process of the Regeneration to Divine Illumination. 23, Appendix. Suspiria Viutorum. The

Holy Prayer Book (containing Prayers of the highest mag- netical power, and virtue). Left unfinished. A.D. 1624.

24. " De Testamenti Christi. Of Baptism and the Supper. How they are to be understood, both according to the Old and New Testament. Set forth from the true Theo- sophical Ground, through the Three Principles of the Divine Manifestation. A.D. 1624.

25. " Qutzstiones Theosophicte. Being a Consideration of the Divine Revelation. That is, of God, Nature, and Creation, Heaven, Hell, and this World, together with all Creatures. Whence all things in Nature have their original, for what, and why, they are created. Especially of MAN, or Adam and Christ. Set forth in 177 Questions, with Answers to Thirteen of them. (Unfinished.) 26. Tabula Principiorum. A Table or Consideration of the Deity, in Unity, Trinity, and Wisdom, and as mani- fested through the Three Principles of Nature ; with the Explanation thereof. This Table accompanies the Au- thor's Epistle ' of the True and False Light ' of under- standing, dated 11 Nov. 1623. 27. Tabula Principiorum. Three Tables of the Divine Manifestation. Shewing how God is to be considered in his Supernatural Abyss, and as Manifested in and by Nature, with its Two Principles and Seven Properties, and further by this World. And then concerning MAN as an Image or Epitome of all Worlds, in his Creation, his Fall, and his Redemption in Christ. Being a Key to the whole of the Author's Revelations. 28. Clams. Or an Explanation of some Principal Points and Expressions in the Author's Writings. In the German edition, there is an additional Clavis, which has not yet been rendered into English. A.D. 1624.

29. " Epistolce TheosophiccB. Being a Collection of the Author's Letters, wrote during the last Six Years of his Life, wherein he composed all his Theosophical Treatises, except the Aurora." [These Epistles to be perused in the first place, as an introduction to his writings.]

Such is a correct and comprehensive account of the original writings of this celebrated individual Bohme, and which has not hitherto been published in the English language. In order to enter upon a right study of these writings, the reader is ad- vised to previously go through the treatises of Mr. Law, mentioned in "N. & Q.," 1 st S. viii. 248., and in the order there given. Then, having ob- tained a conception of the entire scope and unity of Bohme's philosophy (commencing with the su- pernatural ground*, out of which, or rather in the centre of which free, clear-seeing Eye, or vision as a point Nature eternally is generated by the astringent motion, attraction, or self-desire of the Divine triune Will, or Word of life, therein, and universally possessing the same), he will be well prepared to pursue his object, according to the special directions for that end given by Mr. Law to an academic friend, which I reserve for inser- tion in a subsequent number of " N. & Q."

I must also defer the observations I had to make upon the above described writings, as a conclusion to the present article, to another oc- casion. I propose, afterwards, to complete the notices of theosophic studies for the readers of

  • On this point to consult the Preface, and other por-

tions of the Notes and Materials for Law's Biography, from which, originally, the present account of J. B.'s writings is derived.