Diirer or Durer, xi. 160
" Et in Arcadia ego," x. 80
" Firm and erect the Caledonian stood," vi. 300
" For the love of God is broader," ix. 500
Garage, xi. 160
Genius, definition of, vi. 339
Gilbertian, ix. 420
" God bless the king ! " v. 388
Good wishes, v. 1
" Great is the crime in man or woman," vii. 120
Hamilton's (J.) 'Garden of Florence,' ix. 80
Herrick's ' Hesperides and Noble Numbers, '
1647-8, vi. 140
Home (John), his ' Douglas,' v. 200; vi. 300 " Hope told a flattering tale," viii. 536 Housemaid's knee, v. 388
" I am Sir Oracle," vii. 440
" I'm the loudest of voices in orchestra heard,"
xii. 60
" I do love these ancient ruins," vii. 460 "If there were no God," &c., x. 100 Independent Company of Invalids at Landguard
Fort, viii. 256 Key and Bible test, x. 520 " La vie est breve," xii. 320 Lang (A.), contributions to the ' Saturday,' v. 260
Lay for lie, v. 220, 300
" Let sleeping dogs lie," xi. 520
' Letters on the English Nation,' v. 80
Lewis (George Cornewall), saying attributed to vi. 489
Lindisfarne, vi. 260
Loaf and dead body, vi. 400
' Lover's Opera,' xii. 180
Machine : Diligence, viii. 336
"Many a shaft at random," xi. 40
Mascagni, passage from, v. 280
" Migrations from the blue bed," &c., xi. 480
Military punishments, xi. 280
" Mostly fools," ix. 340
" My name is Norval," v. 200
' N. & Q.,' value of a complete set, vii. 320
Newcome (Hobson), ix. 520
Nietzsche, translation of his works, vi. 400
Nobel prizes, their award, ix. 400
" Noblesse oblige," v. 468
Odour of negroes, vi. 380
" Of love which never knew its earthly close, ix. 60
Oh dear ! viii. 356
Orientation of churches in England, vii. 220
Pasquin (Anthony), xi. 200
" Peace with honour," vii. 240
Peerage, claim to a, vi. 320
Plow, vii. 280
Portmanteau-word, vii. 60
" Pour oil on troubled waters," xi. 520
Rogers's (S.) ' Jacqueline : a Tale,' ix. 80
Royal Marines in 1708, officers of, v. 180
Russian backgammon, x. 80
Sadie, viii. 276
" Ships that pass in the night," vi. 400 j xii. 32
Sibyl or Sybil, vii. 200, 317, 455
Skin, the, lines on, vii. 340 '"""-v
Spartacus, life of, vii. 180
' Spectator,' 'Guardian,' Sharpe's editions, viii. 76
' Spiritual Quixote,' v. 80
" Straight off," vii. 360
- Sun,' Coronation, 1838, printed in gold, ix. 280
Swinburne (A. C.), poems by, xi. 20
Taxation in Glasgow, ix. 40
Tennyson quotation, v. 160
Tenterden steeple and Goodwin sands, vi. 320
Thackeray's Lord Steyne, xi. 220
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world,"
vii. 420 ; viii. 176, 436
" The light that never was on sea or land," vi. 160 " The mill cannot grind with the water that is passed," ix. 320
" There goes but for the grace of God." ix. 240
" The spacious firmament on high," vi. 280
"The spacious times of great Elizabeth," vi. 380
" Thin red line," x. 40
Tomohrit, xi. 500
"To-morrow to fresh woods and pastures new,"
x. 220
"Tommy Atkins," v. 240 Tramway, its derivation, v. 160 "Tumble-down Dick," x. 60 " 'Twixt the devil and the deep sea," ix. 360 Upholder = upholsterer, vii. 380 Upwards of a hundred pounds, ix. 20 Visiting cards, xi. 300 Wayzgoose, vi. 400 " Wear and tear," viii. 356 Welshing : welsher, ix. 400 Whipdog Day, vi. 360 ' White Man's Burden,' ix. 220 ; x. 500 Willow-pattern plate, xii. 380 ' Education of Achilles,' pictures entitled, ii. 249 Educational systems, ii. 8 Edward the Confessor, translations of, vi. 321 Edward (Prince), son of Edward I., his letters, viii.
Edward, Prince of Wales, 1453-71, vii. 49 Edward II., life of, by Sir Francis Hubert, iv. 9 ; his
charter to Portsmouth, ix. 485 Edward III. and Flemish weavers, v. 288, 362, 442 Edward VI., correct date of his birth, i. 206 Edward VII., his accession, vii. 187 ; his title in Scotland, 225, 317 ; origin of rime on, viii. 445, 532 ; ix. 52, 274 ; his coronation, viii. 485 ; ix. 57, 501 ; x. 85, 101 ; hymn on his birth, x. 1, 30 ; coronation celebration at Delhi, xi. 21 Edwardes (John), of Highgate, c. 1750, xii. 149 Ed wards ( Admiral), d. 1794, his biography, x. 387, 518 Edwards (Edward), and free libraries, iv. 268 ; por- trait of, 381
Edwards (F.) on J. D., xi. 369 Edwards (F. G.) on Dr. Morse, of Barnet, ix. 429 Edwards (J.) on holy wells, iii. 173 Edwards (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1770, ix. 188 Edwards (Rev. William), rector of Tenby, i. 7 Edwards (William), of figlwysilan, bridge-builder, ix.
47 Edwards (William Tollemache), Westminster scholar,
1779, ix. 308, 398, 478 Efl&gy in Tettenhall Churchyard, x. 24