Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/204

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Pars Oculi,' book entitled, i. 165

Parsement or persement, its meaning, viii. 265

Parsimony, its correct spelling, iv. 285 ; v. 215 ; Eng

lish, and the cat, vi. 206 ; vii. 418 ; x. 174 Parsley and Good Friday, vii. 264 Partitive, construction with, i. 38, 96 Partney, East Lincolnshire, and John Carter, anti- quary, xi. 207, 352, 496 Partridge (C.), Jun., on Capt. J. Waller Hewitt, vi.

392. "Roger's blast," vi. 508. Visitation of

Suffolk in 1664, vi. 509 Partridge (John), almanac- maker, his action against

George Parker, astrologer, in 1700, v. 6 Partridge lore, viii. 202, 288 Parvanimity, coinage of the word by De Quincey, xi.

186 " Parver alley," meaning of the term, viii. 325. 451,

514; ix. 72 Pascal and the phrase " That immortal lie," xi. 167,

391, 474 Paschal : Pascua, Spanish use of word, ix. 364, 457,


Paschal moons, table of, vii. 48, 96 Pasquils or pasquinades, original meaning of, v. 5, 57 Pass, in " Please pass the plate," &c., xii. 189, 236,

334 Pass tickets at theatres in Shakespeare's time, viii. 84,


"Passagium Beati Johannis," xi. 509 Passey (John), master of Westminster School, i. 289 ' Passing By/ author of poem wanted, xi. 489 : xii.

12,176 "

Passion play at Ober-Ammergau, vi. 241, 358 Passover cakes, iii. 485

Passy or Passey family arms, vi. 429 ; vii. 71 Pastille-burner, china, v. 4

'Paston Letters ' and the 'N.E.D.,' xi. 142, 163 Pastophorium= priests' chambers of the Temple, v.

415; vi. 13, 153 Patagonia, missions to, iv. 24 Patches and patching, ladies' fashion, i. 347 ; ii. 73,

158, 273, 454 Patching (J.) on ' Book-World,' vii. 276. Carpenter

(John), Town Clerk of London, x. 455. ' Farmer

of St. Ives,' ii. 430. Lloyd (Mary), iii. 369.

Place-names in the 'Journal of George Fox,' viii.

367. Watchhouses against bodysnatching, x. 448 Pater (John), Major-General, v. 107, 158, 320 Paterson (A.) on bicycle bibliography, ix. 397.

Brothers with same Christian name, v. 322. Clock,

old, v. 480. Counting another's buttons, vi. 273.

Fire on hearth kept burning, ix. 16. Flint :

ferrey, x. 296. Fountain pens, xii. 32. Halfpenny

newspaper, first, iv. 357. Hand-ruling on old

title-pages, vii. 331. Hangman Stones, xi. 253.

Journalistic errors, vii. 352. Mistakes, artists', v.

33. Moat's 'Stenography,' ix. 176. Year 1900

and the styles, v. 46 Pathometer, a new barbarism, iii. 87 Patmore (Coventry), and Swedenborg, vii. 345, 411 :

quotation attributed to, ix. 467, 515 ; x. 11 Paton (Sir Noel), his picture 'The Pursuit of

Pleasure,' vii. 328 Patriarch, its meaning, i. 288 Patrick on Dublin parish registers, xi. 272

Patrick (A.) on hymn of Peter Damiani, ix. 168. Longfellow's 'Wreck of the Hesperus,' xii. 129. Wordsworth queries, xii. 153 , Patrick (D.) on essay by Carlyle, ii. 10 Patronymics, notes on, ii. 445 ; iii. 32 ; iv. 113, 157 Patten (Thomas), curate of North Hinksey, xi. 508 Pattens worn by women, i. 44, 336, 413, 471; ii. 95,

235, 334, 432, 494, 535 ; iv. 325 Patterson (W. H.) on the Rev. Mr. Aaron, vi. 128. Bonaparte ballad, vi. 349. Bracelet, xii. 6. "Castri Montisemi," vi. 348. Cronbane half- penny, iii. 327. St. Amelia's leaf, vi. 250. Tre- villian (M. Cealy), artist, vi. 448. Verses on the Irish famine, vii. 251 Pattison (H.) on Gretna Green marriage registers, iv.


Pattle, Scottish agricultural term, ix. 105, 256 Patton (Sir Robert) and Robert Peyton, xii. 48 Patty Moon's Walk at Tunbridge Wells, v. 186 Paul I., Emperor of Russia, account of his murder, v.


Paul of Fossombrone, his biography, i. 115 Paul (Sir J. Balfour) on " Bard wif," iv. 247 Paulie, dialect word, its etymology, vii. 167, 257 Pausanias, outrage inflicted on, x. 386 ; xi. 14 Pavement, iron, in London, in 1816, iv. 514 ; v. 52 Pavenham Church, woodwork in, x. 508 Pavia, church of San Lanfranco at, i. 364, 435, 478;

ii. 73

Pavia (Lorenzo da), at Venice, 1494, xii. 349, 398 Pavilion, use and meaning of the word, v. 354 Pavilion (Etienne), his epitaph on Cromwell, i. 428 Pavo Septentrionis applied to Robert Neville, xi.


Pawky = cunning, its derivation, vi. 409, 498 Pawson (Sir Thomas), his biography, ii. 469 Pax on pictures composed of handwriting, v. 255 Pay, its East Anglian pronunciation, i. 132, 178 Pay en-Payne (De V.) on Amberley, Sussex, ix. 47. Gautier's ' Voyage en Italic,' ix. 507. Quotations, viii. 203. References wanted, vi. 67- * Ye King of Arms.'v 234

Payen-Payne (Col. J. B.) his death, ii. 320 Payn (James), his ' Student of St. Bees,' ii. 21 Payn family arms, i. 108

Payne (Antony), portrait by Kneller, xi. 348, 416 Payne (F. J.) on Authorized Version, ix. 147 Payne (H. H.) on portrait of Tom Paine, iv. 13 Payne (J. F.) on author wanted, xi. 108. Comte de Paris, x. 368. Gwynn (Edward), xii. 174. McMichael (Dr.), xi. 407

Payne (Peter), bearer to Bohemia of Wycliffe's teach- ing, xii. 308, 495 Payne (R. de P.) on Celts and the Massagetae, ix. 228.

" Thirty days hath September," x. 331 Payne (W.) on Book of Common Prayer suppressed, vi. 205. Boundary stones in open fields, vi. 10. Gwyneth, ix. 319. London volunteers, v. 371. Payne (Peter), xii. 308. Traeth Mawr, its reclama- tion, v. 257

Paynter and Myllett : two church brasses, vi. 467 Pay son (E. P.) on Samuel Maverick, i. 173 Payta hat, iv. 168

Peace, retrenchment, and reform, xi. 176, 515 Peace egg. See Pease egger.