Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/205

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Peace (John), ' Apology for Cathedral Service,' v. 10, 138

Peachey (G. C.) on Sir Charles Aldis, x. 147. Anselm, Abbot of St. Edmund's, x. 328. Brightwalton, ix. 349. " Byron's tomb," viii. 388. Crabs' eyes as medicine, v. 485. Cullen (W. H.), xii. 194. Flem- ing (Bishop), xi. 193. Greenfield, author, vi. 209. Heber (Reginald), viii. 427. James II., viii. 93. James (Dr. Robert), his arms, x. 3. Locard and the heart of Robert Bruce, vi. 186. Mary, Queen of Scots, xii. 238. Midwife, installation of a, vi. 177, 438 ; vii. 352. More Church, Shropshire, xii. 216. Napoleon's library, viii. 293. Outrider, ix. 115. Oxford and Cambridge graduates, vii. 269. Peachi or Pechey (John), viii. 185. Peche" family, viii. 392. Phaer (Thomas), of Cilgerran, x. 36. Pitches (Sir A.), vi. 117. ' Pseudodoxia Epidemica,' viii. 270. Ring of Elizabeth, vii. 438. Ronjat, the king's serjeant-surgeon, vi'. 137, 236. Safford family in Somersetshire, vii. 233. Smith (Richard), surgeon of Bristol, vii. 169. Warburton=Werburh's town, ix. 153

Peachey (John), his tomb in Harrow Churchyard, viii. 241

Peachi or Pechey (John), his biography, viii. 185, 472

Peacock (C. J.) on Lord Monteagle, xii. 430

Peacock (E.) on Alaric's burial, viii. 105. Animals in people's insides, viii. 89. Apostle spoons, vii. 411. Auction by inch of candle, xi. 353. Barnyard for farmyard, iv. 527. Blessing of the throats, v. 273. Board of Agriculture Reports, i. 386. Bonaparte's threatened invasion, i. 72. Books attributed to other writers, i. 317. Booth (J. Wilkes), xii. 197. Borough-English, v. 376. Brothers with same Christian name, ii. 51. Child-murder by Jews, xii. 446. Chimneys in ancient houses, iv. 254. Chris-

tian names, i. 461. Churchwardens' accounts, xii. 394. Churchyards, entrance into, ii. 126. Coke, x. 45. Commission of Sewers, ix. 77. Cooper (Col. Thomas), vii. 353. Cordwainer, its meaning, ii. 97. Corpse, cure by hand of, ix. 34. Dairy windows, xi. 154. Darley, a forgotten Irish poet, ix. 377. Deaneries, rural, viii. 170. Devil as a black dog, ii. 335. D'Eyncourt (Right Hon. C. Tennyson), ii. 27. Dirt, its sanctity, i. 324. Disease, infectious, among cattle, vi. 16. " Do it by degrees," &c., ii. 265. Dream-lore, x. 496. Dryasdust, ii. 325. Earthquake in 1750, iii. 330. Effigy in Tettenhall Churchyard, x. 24. Fey, its meaning, iv. 275. Folk-lore, ii. 185 ; xii. 413. Folk-medicine, vi. 306. Footprint of the Prophet, xi. 238. Funeral cards, vii. 171. Gate, tavern sign, ii. 526. Ghetto, Roman, iii. 92. Glewed, its meaning, iv. 166.

  • Great Historic Peerage,' iv. 231. Green and the

Grahams, iii. 37. Green ribbons used at a funeral, iii. 486. " Green-eyed monster," v. 152. Grey groat," its meaning, vii. 505. Gunpowder, lighted candle in, i. 423. 'Hail, Queen of Heaven,' Catholic hymn, v. 154. Harrow, agricultural imple- ment, i. 485 ; ii. 117. Hell-in-harness, xi. 187. Historical rime, xi. 330. Hornbooks, vi. 126. Horse-bread, iv. 83. Horse marine, ii. 112. House of Commons, xii. 498. Howk, its meaning, iv. 385. Howl, its meaning, iv. 93. Humpty-Dumpty, ii. 357 ; iv. 325. Image, bleeding in Christ Church,

Dublin, iv. 127, 407 ; v. 55. Immurement alive of religious, xii. 132. Jacobite verses, x. 24. Keg-meg, its meaning, i. 357. Key and kay, iii. 371. Kidcoat: Kitcote=a prison, v. 499. Kin- borough as a female Christian name, ix. 30. Lan- franc (Abp.), i. 435. Latin conversation, x. 407. Lavinia, the name, iii. 273. Lights, its meaning, i. 65. Lincolnshire field -names, ii. 155. Lobster, a nickname for soldier, vi. 516. Lupo-mannaro, x. 216. Lynch laws in modern use, i. 37. Maize, iv. 107 ; xi. 286. Mannings and Tawell, xii. 230. Marriage in a sheet, xii. 146. May Road Well, Accrington, iv. 464. Midwife, installation of a, vi. 9. Moon, its gender, i. 55. Mortar and pestle, i. 389. Movable stocks, vii. 14. Names, origin of popular, i. 106 ; Saxon and Norman, iii. 114. Newspapers, ii. 45. Nobility, viii. 253. Oak, ash, and ivy, xii. 433. Old (George), ii. 6. "Old original," viii. 311. On or upon, in place-names, i. 474. " Only too thankful," ix. 370. Oriel = hall royal, i. 436. Panshon, viii. 406. Pattens worn by women, i. 44. Phillippo, viii. 233. Popple, x. 370. Primrose superstition, xii. 234. Proverb, v. 434. Prudence, her attributes, ii. 535. Ranter, its meaning, i. 134. Red tape and tape-tying, i. 105. Ring of Elizabeth, vii. 438. Roman Catholic records, vii. 471. Rotten Row, i. 217. Rubbing the eyes with gold for luck, v. 212. St. Christopher and laughter, vii. 356. St. Epiphanius, x. 313. St. George and the dragon, viii. 24. St. Werner, ii. 116. Scottish names in Froissart, vii. 95. Seals, eating of, i. 305. Seeing-glass= looking-glass, ii. 314. Sham burials, xii. 246. "Shaving hat," iv. 16. Shaw family in Essex, x. 387. Skulls, xi. 287. Songs, old, ix. 492. Soot, its pronunciation, iii. 15. Spider-eating, viii. 410. Spirit of the Woods,' xii. 268. " Starry Galileo," iv. 544. Stock, its mean- ing, iii. 357. Swallow, chimney or barn, iii. 324. Terminations, female, ii. 42, 292. 'Three Ravens,' xi. 485. Tragedy at Heptonstall, xii. 13. Trental of masses, vi. 196, 295. Trod = footpath, i. 54. "Truth is the daughter of Time," iv. 442. Uphill zigzag, vii. 92. Water-pipes, ancient, iii. 445. West-Countrymen's tails, vii. 410. "Who stole the donkey ? " i. 395, 495. Windows, low side, i. 392. Witnessing by signs, xi. 175. Wool as a foundation for buildings, xi. 309. Word cor- ruption, v. 105. Yorkshire, crucifixion in, ii. 25

Peacock (F.) on F. S., bellfounder, ii. 467. Dated sundials, iii. 149. Dozzil or dossil, iv. 479 ; v. 293. Merry, prefix to place-names, i. 277. Oakapple Day, ii. 4. Rent services, iv. 396

Peacock (J.) on archbishops, ii. 16. Bligh (Admiral), iv. 150. Borough-English, v. 501 ; vi. 117. Double-uaved churches, iii. 496. Fold, dead, iii. 153. Maelstrom, its spelling, ii. 451. Mitre, ix. 174. Picture, missing, iii. 236. Soluta, its mean- ing, iii. 397. Stanbury of Devon and Cornwall, vii. 274

Peacock (M.) on Cockayne family, v. 267. Plough Monday mummeries, vii. 322, 363. See-saw, dialect word for, xii. 151. Steed = ascending stairs, i. 88. Witch, a kind of lamp, x. 483

Peacock (M. H.) on Rev. Joseph Bingham, x. 468. Norman settlers in England, xi. 450