Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/222

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Proverbs and Phrases :

Who rules o'er freemen, xi. 273

Who stole the donkey ? i. 267, 395, 495 ; ii. 211

Widow's man, v. 148, 254

Wigs on the green, iii. 349, 492

Women be forgetfull, children be unkinde, v. 434,

503 ; vi. 37, 76

Women lose four things at a window, vi. 346 World without end, xi. 448 ; xii. 116 Ye gods and little fishes, ix. 369 ; x. 77, 114 You might ride to Romford on it, viii. 306, 430 Proverbs : in Herbert's ' Jacula Prudentum,' x. 113 ; relating to Lincoln, xi. 229, 331 ; Lincolnshire, xi. 509 ; xii. 514

Providence, island of, v. 49 ; xii. 428 Pro viding= provided, use of the word, viii. 162, 309,


Provinces, their boundaries, iii. 161, 209, 294 Prowse(W. J.) on Prague, xi. 407,450, 471 Prudence, cardinal virtue, her attributes, ii. 467, 535 Prudent, Premier, a French office, xii. 69, 212 Prussia, first horse-races in, i. 504 ; riding in, v. 494 Pryme (Abraham), his hidden books, xii. 227 Prynn (William), his biography, ii. 288, 336, 496;

iii. 14, 54 ; pictures in his ' Life of Laud,' xi. 408 Prynne (G. H. Fellowes) on the Architectural Associa- tion, iii. 54

Przesmycki (Z.) on Hoene Wronski, iii. 87 Psalm. See BiUe : Psalm. Psalm book, old Scotch, date 1596, viii. 105 Psalm tunes : ' St. Anne,' ' Hanover,' ' St. Matthew,'

vi. 9

Psalmorum Codex Latinus, ix. 87 Psalter, French, i. 368, 492 ; Latin, 1457, ii. 283 ;

metrical, ix. 509 ; x. 54

' Psaumes de Beze,' its title-page, x. 409 ; xi. 131 'Pseudodoxia Epidemica,' by Sir Thomas Browne,

viii. 81, 191, 270, 335 Pseudonym, book term, ii. 521 Ptolemy, and the Trisanton river, iii. 4 ; and Petosiris,

viii. 520 ; ix. 51

Public mourning, vii. 150, 174, 295 Public school, use of the term, xii. 409 Public schools with branch establishments, iii. 468

iv. 18

Publication by subscription, xii. 327, 378 "Publish," rime to, ix. 408 Puckle (Sir James) and Poe, ii. 445 Puckridge family of Hants, v. 49 " Pudding and tame," schoolboy rime, iii. 146, 211 Puddle Dock, its locality, i. 329, 478; ii. 157, 211

415, 514 Puget (Capt. Peter), his biography, ii. 207 ; xii. 248

452 Pulci, Byron's translation of his ' II Morgante Mag

giore,' xii. 12 Pulham Church, co. Norfolk, and William of Wyke

ham, xii. 249

Pulpit in chapter-house, x. 347, 437 Pulpit at Salisbury Cathedral, inscription on, xi. 68 Pulpits, stone, ix. 56, 157, 356 Pulque, Mexican beverage, ix. 226, 336 Pulteney (Charles Speke), doctor at Sherborne, hi

death, viii. 165 Pumice stones, shower of, vi. 129

Punch,' changes in, v. 227, 291 ; weekly dinner, 397, 526; Thackeray's contributions to, vi. 149, 238, 311 ; a reference, x. 386

'unch, the beverage, its history, i. 346, 431 ; ii. 192 'unch and Judy, article in ' Saturday Review ' on, v.

513 'uncknowle, Dorset, bell inscription at, date, 1629,

vii. 365 ; viii. 22, 153 ; ix. 213

  • ung, its meaning and derivation, i. 224, 397

> unishment, eternal, and Jews, x. 229, 334 ^mishment : the whirligig, xii. 484 "unishments, old-time and obsolete, ii. 47, 137, 174. See also Military punishments. uns, xii. 386, 435

urbeck (Lady) and her son, vii. 389, 456 3 urbeck marble used for building purposes, iv. 379 Purcell (H.) f lines on, x. 107 urcell family, x. 287, 386 ; xi. 14, 58, 212, 396 ?urcell's ' Life of Manning,' xi. 86 Purchaces, meaning of the word in 1460, vi. 369, 497 Purchas his Pilgrimes,' 1625, x. 109 'urey-Cust (Dean A. P.) on mitre, viii. 531 Purism of speech, iv. 349 Purnell (E. K.) on Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk,

xii. 455

Purr = kick, ii. 506 Purse, endowing, iii. 328, 412, 476 Purton, history of its church, ii. 529 ; iii. 254 Puseley (Daniel), his 'Number One; or, the Way of

the World,' viii. 304, 368

Pushkin (A. S.), and the tender passion, iii. 467 ; iv 51 ; centenary of his birth, iv. 33 ; his immortality predicted by himself, iv. 33, 172 ; his alphabetic apophthegms, 224, 468 Put, its meanings, xi. 267, 375 Puteanus on Counts of Holland, iii. 31. D'Auvergne

family, vii. 332. Unidentified portrait, vi. 66 Putnam family and Stewkley parish registers, iii. 106 Putrem, ' JEneid' viii. 596, its meaning, v. 248, 383,


Puttenham on Sinonimia and Paradigma, xii. 464 Puysaye (Cotnte de), his correspondence, xii. 106 Puzzled on " Nebular hypothesis," x. 326. "Nez a la

Roxelane," i. 67 Pye family, i. 388 Pyjama. See Paejama.

Pym (Alexander), Sheriff of Somerset 1650-1, vii. 181 Pyne (C. A.) on Simon Fraser, vii. 232 Pyper (Mary), a poet of the poor, iii. 383 Pyrenees, settlement from, in Midland counties, i. 313 Pythagoras and Christianity, v. 248, 345, .426 Python and beaver, iv. 24

Q., pseudonym of two writers, iv. 225

Q. on longevity, ii. 126

Q. (Mrs.), engraving, iv. 28

Q. (A.) on national flag, ix. 485 ; x. 118

Q. (A. N.) on ' Ben-hur,' ix. 327. Brawling, vii. 227. British Academy, x. 161. British flag, vi. 31. Brougham (Lord), xi. 206. 'Burial of Sir John Moore,' xi. 105. Carducci's library, ix. 288. Chopin MS., viii. 360. Christ's Hospital, ix. 231, 251, 337. City custom, last of an old, viii. 283. Edward VII., his title in Scotland,. vii. 225 ; hymn