Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/223

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on his birth, x. 30. Epitaph, curious, viii. 362. Jewish May meetings, ix. 346. Knollys Road, Streatham, ix. 209. Lady barrister, the first, vii. 205. 'Lass of Richmond Hill,' vii. 169. London, City privileges, viii. 301. Middle Temple privi- leges, ix. 326. Order of Ramakrishna, vi. 347. Plural voting, vi. 307. Prince of Wales, viii. 401. Reims relics of the past, viii. 282. Seal of the Great Steward of Scotland, ix. 205. Stock Ex- change centenary, vii. 406. Sydenham Wells Park, vii. 445. United Free Church of Scotland, vi. 366. Q. (P.) on wife v. family, i. 275 Q. (V.) on extent of St. Martin's Parish, vi. 175.

Surnames from single letters, vi. 398 Quackenbos ( J. D.) on ' Fisherman of Lake Semapee,'

v. 415

Quadering, use of the word, xi. 428 Qusestor on Andrew Crawford, xi. 328, 493 Quagga, its etymology, v. 3, 75 Quaker centenarian, Mrs. E. Hanbury, viii. 421 Quaker poems in seventeenth-century book, viii. 319 Quakers: called "Multiplicands," ix. 208; of Wester-

ham, 304; in Kent, x. 246 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, origin of the name,

xii. 286 Quant (J.), 23 May, 1791, in Prayer Book, ix. 486 ;

x. 76

Quarante-Deux on John and Penelope Guest, vi. 268 Quare (Daniel), watchmaker, his burial-place, v. 474 ;

vi. 71, 157 Quaritch (Bernard), some remarks on book-prices, iv.

496 ; his death, v. 83, 116, 175 Quarre Abbey, Isle of Wight, its name, iii. 408, 495 ;

iv. 233

Quarrell (W. H.) on apparition, vii. 267. Barry (Dr.), vii. 448. Bibliomania, ix. 126. Branstill Castle, x. 149. Bricks, viii. 404. Cardboard models, iii. 477. Choir, instrumental, v. 35. Christian names, v. 413. Cipher price-marks, xi. 229. Consumption, cure for, iii. 57. Dandy-cart, x. 252. Epitaph, quaint, x. 390. Experts, x. 331. Firebuck (Joseph), gunmaker, vi. 230. French-christen, x. 327. Gate, inn sign, iv. 196. Horse-bread, iv. 333. Human strength, iv. 324. Maps, v. 374. Maule (Mr. Justice), misquoted, x. 365. Monolith with cup- markings in Hyde Park, vii. 115. Motto for laundry porch, vii. 176. Mugginton, Derbyshire, legend of, vii. 265. Newspaper errors, viii. 403. Pens, nibs, and nebs, iv. 171. Perfidious Albion, iv. 234. Post-fine, ix. 208. Prayers to the point, x. 325. Roofs, leaden, viii. 120. Sexton's tomb- stone, x. 373. Tapestry, i. 288. Vanishing London, iv. 86, 165, 455. Weeks's Museum, ix. 8. Wit in unsuspected places, xi. 446. Worcestershire folk- lore, vi. 410

Quarrell (W. R.) on Mourning Sunday, xi. 15 Quarter of corn, v. 456 ; vi. 32, 253, 310, 410 ; viii


' Quarterly Review ' : article on ' Vanity Fair ' anc 'Jane Eyre,' i. 34 ; on cordwainer, ii. 5, 97, 230 on the Nativity, xi. 88, 136 ; on Browning, 248 Quarto : folio, use of the words, vii. 185 Quatrains, two old, viii. 462 Quatre mendiants=dish of four fruits, ii. 67 Quebec, grave of Sir Walter Scott's brother at, ii. 445

Queen, her share of a whale, vii. 1 26 ; early instances

of bounty on birth of triplets, ix. 487 Queen of England, dedication to the, xi. 406, 495 Queen of Hearts,' origin of the verses, viii. 263 Jueen Square, Bloomsbury, houses in, ii. 248 Queen's College, Oxford, its patrons, vii. 246 Queen's Concert or Hanover Square Rooms, their

demolition, v. 354

Queen's English," queer, ii. 146, 269 'Queen's Head and Artichoke," origin of the sign,

viii. 102

Queen's Oak, at Grafton Regis, xi. 346 Queens members of Order of the Garter, vii. 166, 357 Querist on pedigree forms, viii. 504. Picture marks,

ii. 68

' Questing beast," mentioned in Malory, vii. 149, 234 Questionnaire, earliest use of the word in England,

xii. 447

Queues worn in the army in 1798, iv. 223 Quex-Piffle (L. K. B.) on wanted v. wanting, xii. 68 Quick = Italian iron, x. 85 Quid pro Quo, ' play performed at Bristol, 1578, xi.


Quigley (Father). See O'Coigly. Quiller-Couch (A. T.), mistaken identity, iv. 225 Quilliam (Lieut.), of the Victory, iv. 416 ; his use of

the word " middlin'," iv. 495 Quilter (J.) on child's book, iv. 499 Quinby (John), Fellow of New College, Oxford, his

imprisonment, viii. 239 Quincentenary of the shrievalty of Newcastle-upon-

Tyne, v. 453 Quiney family of Chalcot, Middlesex, viii. 363 Quiz on meaning of hurtling, vi. 48

Quiz," Junior, identification of, x. 247, 354, 436 Quotation, an adulterate, vii. 5 ; accuracy in, xi. 161,

223, 273 ; on plaster, 1591, 488 Quotation marks, the ethics of, iv. 86

Quotations :

A broken song, it had dropped apart, v. 149

A bumper of good liquor, viii. 284, 349

A certain tender bloom his face o'erspread, vii.


A citizen of Rome, while Rome survived, v. 109 A cottage he saw, ix. 140 A dreamy haze films o'er and mingles with the

skies, vi. 430

A fairer Athens and a nobler Rome, i. 509 A fire-mist and a planet, ix. 209 A gallant captain, xii. 506 A mad world, my masters, xi. 395 A man cannot enter twice into the same river,

vii. 506 A man of honour and in the heavens' high road,

viii. 385

A Naiad was murmuring in every brook, i. 509 A parent asked a priest his child to bless, v. 210 A plant, a leaf, a blossom, but contains, ii. 228,


A preacher without orders, ii. 289, 397 A prospect all on fire, xii. 88 A- sailing by the night, x. 8 A sense of joy to the bare trees and mountains

bare, vii, 388