Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/79

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ing vessels, iv. 484. Plackett's (Jack), Common, iv. 138. Plantagenet chair, vi. 233. Plashed hedges, v. 235. " Play old gooseberry," i. 293. Plocks, the, its meaning, v. 382. Pocklington pedi- gree, vi. 11. 'Poetry of George Wither,' xi. 409. Poll-books, xi. 394. Pomeroy family of Devon, ix. 14. Porter's lodge, i. 112. Portraits, tete-a-tSte, iii. 77. Posts in early times, xi. 256. Poultry, the, iv. 466. Powell (Foster), pedestrian, vi. 58. Powell (Harriett), ix. 512. Prefaces, v. 15. Price (Henrietta Maria), iii. 17. Prince of Wales, title, v. 214. Printing in Ireland, iii. 479. Privy Council under James I., xii. 415. Proba- tioners, Scotch, i. 177. Proverbs, dictionary of English, ii. 117. Proverbs relating to .Lincoln, xi. 33 i. Psalter, French, i. 492. Puget (Capt. Peter), xii. 452. Purse, endowing, iii. 412. Quare (Daniel), watchmaker, vi. 71. Quarre Abbey, iii. 495. Quarter of corn, vi. 32. Quotations, xii. 271. Race of the Gybbins, x. 214. Rat-rime, its mean- ing, iii. 395. .Red Hand of Ireland, x. 335. Ked- mayne family, viii. 310. Register, oldest parish, ii. 416; lost, iii. Ill; of births on Tower Hill, vii. 397. Registers, dating from feast of St. John, ii. 478 ; in France, vi. 55. Reliquary at Orvieto, viii. 214. Richardson (Samuel), viii. 271. Rimes, nursery, v. 93. Ringes, iv. 12. Robsart (Amy), xi. 112. Rockingham,' i. 272. Rogers ( Woodes), i. 158. Roman Catholic chapel, Moorfields, ix. 468. Koman Catholic records, vii. 471. Roman pits, xii. 131. Rose and Zorzi families, vii. 155. Rotatory calabash, v. 381. Rounds or rungs, ii. 531. Royal Academy its origin, v. 394. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, ix. 135. Royal arms, Elizabeth and Edward VI., v. 502. Royal Exchange, ii. 65. Royal standard, vii. 353. Rubens (Sir P. P.), iii. 173. Rural deaneries, viii. 115. Rutter family, vii. 314. Rye House Plot, i. 212. Sack and sugar, vii. 293. Sahara, books on the, vi. 174. St. Botolph, City of London, x. 508. St. Clement Danes, vii. 173. St. Gobinet, iv. 233. St. Hugh's Day, vii. 15. St. Katherine's Hospital, Regent's Park, xi. 34. St. Margaret's, Westminster, ii. 194. St. Mary Matfelon, iv. 66. St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, iii. 275. St. Thomas's Day custom, vi. 96. St. Viars, imaginary saint, i. 514. Samplers, modern, ii. 314. Sanctuary, right of, v. 51. Sand- gate Castle, xii. 333. Scanty wedding dress, vii. 17. Schaw family of Gospetry, x. 115. Scilly Islands, viii. 347. Scotch: (Scotchman, iii. 331. Scudamore (Sir Clement), vii. 373. Sculptors, queries about, i. 272. 'Secret History of the Court,' i. 331. Ser very = service room, iii. 365. Seven, ix. 98. Seventeenth-century queries, x. 511. Shaddock, Chinese fruit, v. 218. Shakespeare First Folio, i. 71. " Shaving hat," iv. 16. Sheepfold in church chancel, ii. 289. Sheridan (Mrs.) as St. Cecilia, ii. 455. Shield of brawn, v. 360. Ship launches, bottle at, iv. 293. Ships, merchant, shares in, v. 228. Ships moving without sail or wind, vii. 188. "Should he upbraid," xi. 214. Signs, x. 293. Silver taster: poider, xii. 510. bisters bearing the same Christian name, vii. 436. " Six-shilling beer," iv. 196. Skimmington, iv. 388. Skipwith family, xii. 394. Skirret, ix. 219. Slang,

first use of the word, v. 212. Smith (J. F.), v. 459. Smith (Sir Nicholas), viii. 374. Smith (Richard), his library, ix. 433. Smithfield, its meaning, vi. 458. Soluta, its meaning, iii. 397. South Sea scheme, xii. 155. Spatchcock, ix. 16. Spice, x. 512. Spoons, old, ix. 416. ' Squire's Pew, 1 poem, v. 154. Standish (Miles), ii. 78. Stationer, his early trade, i. 293. Steam navigation, early, i. 187 ; vii. 16. Stevens (R. J. S.), i. 16. Steward (Sir Simeon), vii. 434. Stewkley Church, Bucks, i. 58. Stonard : Vincent: Newcombe, iii. 192. Stone sedilia in mediaeval churches, vi. 114. Stothard (Thomas), iv. 171. Stowe sale of pictures, iv. 91. Strawberry leaves, viii. 513. Stripper, its meaning, i. 471. Stuart (Charles), ni. 471. Stuart (Lady Louisa), ix. 157. Sturgeon (John), Chamberlain of London, viii. 432. Supporters, i. 36. Sutton Valence School, xi. 295. Swabbers, iv. 318. Sweezing or squeezing watch, xi. 35. Taafe family, vi. 258. Tapestry, its makers, i. 372. Taverns, pictures of, viii. 209. Taylor (Thomas), clockmaker, ii. 291. ' Te i>eum,' metrical version, ii. 537. Teens, x. 417. * Tele- graph,' newspaper title, ii. 192. Temperance, use of the word, vi. 297. Ten Commandments in rime, vii. 53. Thackeray, his death, iv. 113 ; and ' Vanity Fair,' xi. 2 1 3. Theatre tickets and passes, ii. 416 ; iii. 116. Theatrical matinee, early, iv. 118. "Thirty days hath September," x. 206. Thorpe (Benjamin), ii. 98. " Thou unrelenting past," xi. 254. "Three acres and a cow," viii. 128. "Three Wise Men of Gotham,' v. 293. Tips, origin of, iv. 352. Tide of book wanted, x. 334. Tobacco, iv. 96. Todd (Sweeny), viii. 131. Tombland, viii. 353. Tontine, ix. 113. Tory, xii. 97. Transmogrify, iv. 172. Trousers, the word, iii. 274 ; their introduc- tion, ix. 416. Troy weight tor bread, vii. 18. Truffle-hunting pigs, vi. 195. Tucker (Abraham), xi. 92. Tunstall tamily, vi. 514. "Twopence for manners," ix. 129. Tyre, its meaning, vi. 76. Tyrone (Earl of), iii. 171. Valentines, early, i. 410. Vancouver, ix. 132. Vautrollier, printer, v. 524. ' Veni, Creator,' i. 497. Vulgar, its meaning, iv. 405. Wade (General), i. 209. Wagner (R.), his ' Meistersinger/ v. 216. Wake=a village feast, xii. 216. Waldby arms, x. 95. Wall (Col. J.), ii. 129. Wallingtou (JSehemiah), his biography, v. 292. Walpole (Miss Charlotte), xii. 151. Walter (Rev. Richard), his biography, iv. 542. Wanstead House, iii. 113. Ward (Dr.), of Soham, ii. 397. Wardrobe book, iv. 314. Warlow family, ix. 155. Warton (Rev. Anthony), 1657, ix. 158. Watch candle, vi. 153. Waterproof clothing, v. 294. Waugh family, xi. 512. Way (G. L.), ix. 195. ' Wearin' o' the Green,' v. 405. Weaver (John), dancing master, i. 515. " Week-end," viii. 162. Week's Museum, ix. 97. " Weep not for her," xi. 229. Weilsborn (Richard), viii. 312. Welsh dic- tionary, xii. 197. Wesley (John), ii. 54. Wesley queries, xii. 117. Whately's (Archbishop), 'Logic,' vii. 177. Whips in the House of Commons, ix. 197. Whiskers, v. 197. Whitcombe (Richard), his ' Janua Divorum,' v. 446. White gloves at assizes, ix. 391. White-headed boy, x. 376. Whitmore (Lady), x. 319. " Whuppity Scoorie," xi 265.