Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/80

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Wick, xi. 495. Widow's man, v. 254. "Win- Chester pipes," vi. 74. Wind folk-lore, ix. 338. Wind indicator, iii. 478. Windsor chairs, iii. 456. Wire pond, vi. 298. Wisdom family, v. 343. Witchcraft, tracts on, iii. 317. Wonham, viii. 353. Woodham (Mrs.), iii. 36. Words, longest in the English language, vi. 147. Worst, its use as a verb, v. 321. Xmas = Christmas, iii. 138. Yeo- manry records, vi. 397. Yeth-hounds, i. 295. Yorkshire murder, i. 14. Zoar Chapel, South wark, ix. 73

Coleman (J.) on quarterings, xii. 8 Colenso, English soldiers at the battle of, v. 285 Coleridge (Hartley), " You must know her," &c.,

i. 385

Coleridge (S. T.), his address to the nightingale, i. 204 ; and Burns, 405 ; ii. 35, 97; and the poet Young, iv. 42 ; his prose works, 160 ; on a water insect, 478 ; and Swedenborg, 536 ; " caledonianize," vii. 5 ; lines by, 58 ; in Rome, viii. 402 ; his second Christian name, x. 29, 114 ; bibliography, 167, 231, 310 ; and Swinburne and Carlyle, 189, 296 ; textual changes in ' Christabel,' 326, 388, 429, 489; xi. 30, 116, 170, 269; simile by, x. 488 ; L. Sharpe and Sir K. Phillips, xi. 341, 381, 434, 476 ; trans- lation of ' Wallenstein,' 481 ; as a translator, xii. 16, 26, 193, 275, 396 ; marginalia by, 61 Colet (Dean) and Stepney, iii. 449, 495 ; and Wen- dover, iv. Ill: traditional references to the eccle- siastical number OL11L, ix. 88, 196 Colet or Colett. See Collet. Coligny (Admiral) on Lord Macaulay, iv. 263 Colin Tampon, Swiss nickname, ii. 28, 130 Colket (C. H.) on John Oxenbridge, ii. 467 Collaboration, curiosities of, iv. 475 ; v. 214, 362 Collars of 88., vi. 149

Collate, use of the verb, vii. 5 ; viii. 26, 192 Collector on sundial motto, xii. 428 Collectors of prints, their marks, ii. 327, 432

  • Colleen Bawn,' murderer of the heroine, i. 368, 433

College gardens at Oxford and Cambridge, vi. 484 College of Surgeons, their motto, i. 435 Collet (Humphrey), M.P., 1553-5, vii. 269, 393 Collet (Sir Richard), his biography, iii. 308 Collet (Stephen), his works, viii. 445 " Colley Thumper," its meaning, i. 145 Collie or colly = coaly, black, vi. 33 Collie-dog, its derivation, xi. 309 Collier (C. V.) on Bonaparte broadside, iii. 147 Collier (Margaret or Jane?), her biography, ii. 528;

iii. 98

Collier (William), dramatic author, iv. 457 Collingbourne on Dead Fold, its meaning, iii. 455 Collingwood (Admiral), his sister's marriage, xi. 287,


Collingwood (S. D.) on parody on ' Alice in Wonder- land,' iii. 427 Collins (John), author of ' The Chapter of Kings,' xi,


Collins (J. C.) on Montesquieu in England, ix. 288 Collins (Wilkie), reference sought, i. 229, 298, 418 Collinson (J.) on the evil eye, vii. 47 Collis (C.) on T. Archer, architect, x. 468 Golly, its meaning in Devonshire place-names, v. 208 421 } vi. 33

Colman (Edmund Craven), his biography, vii. 109 Golman (George) and < The Rodiad,' i. 132, 218 Come Grammar-School boys and wedding custom, ix


Oolocencis, its meaning, xii. 92

Colombia, republic of, witch superstitions in, vii. 366 Colombo Cathedral, soldier-architect of, viii. 384, 487;

ix. 133

Colonel on arms on fireback, x. 29 Colonial Bank, Bishopsgate, its garden, ii. 266 Colonial journalism, ix. 365

Colonies, popular nicknames for, i. 109, 491 ; x. 10 olonna on Michelangelo's mask of Mary, vi. 369 olour, the true royal, ix. 407; green unlucky, xi. 32, 254

Colouring, primitive, xii. 145

"olours, symbolical, i. 167, 231 ; their folk-lore, iii. 37, 94 ; political, vi. 284 olours of the foe, v. 310 olpeara, old custom, vii. 249, 432 olquhoun (Major Humphrey), 1754-63, xi. 308 Columbaria, ancient dove or pigeon cotes, ii. 348 ; iii. 113 ; vi. 389, 478 ; vii. 15, 116, 216, 318 ; viii. 368 ; in church tower at Sarnesfield, xii. 48, 113 Columbell, place-name, its etymology, ix. 366 Columbus (Christopher) and the standing egg, i. 386,

472 ; ii. 53, 132

Colvill (R. F. S.) on facsimile signature, ii. 293 Colville (J.) on meaning of carrick, vii. 292 Colyer-Fergusson (T. C.) on Thomas Dover, iv. 397. Fisher family, viii. 124. Goodere family, iv. 437 ; v. 209. McDonough, Felix Bryan, xi. 136. Osorio family, ix. 453. Royal personages, ix. 196. Sedley family, x. 391. Watchhouses for prevention of bodysnatching, xi. 90 Com. Ebor. on envelopes, xii. 245 Com. Line, on bell inscription in Boston Church, xii. 389. Day (Tom), iv. 251. Snow-feathers, viii. 403. True Blue Club, iii. 396 Comb = cockade, vii. 206 Combe (Dame Ann), her family, vii. 188 Comber (J.) on Standsfield, ix. 309. Wilson (Andrew),

ix. 289

Combermere chair, origin of the name, ix. 289 Combination, arithmetical term, vi. 470 ; vii. 17 Combmartin Church tradition, i. 428 Comedy, ancient and modern, its sources, vii. 342 Come-outers, earliest use of the term, vii. 424 Comerford family motto, xii. 98 Comestor Oxoniensis. See Oxoniewis ( Comestor). Comet, Papal Bull against, ii. 477, 517 J iii. 123, 197,


Comically, use of the word, ix. 285, 370, 455 ; x. 213 Comma misplaced in Act of Parliament, ix. 267 J

x. 18

Commandeer, earliest official use of the word, vi. 66 Commander-in-Chief, origin of the term, i. 374 Commandments, the ten, in rime, vi. 450 ; vii. 53 Commando, use of the word, y. 433 ; viii. 402 " Commissioners for Exacted Fees," xii. 169 Commissions, cradle, vii. 169, 251 Common Prayer Book of Church of England : Collect for Advent Sunday, i. 128, 298; prayer for "All sorts and conditions of men," 307, 517; doubtful grammar in, ii. 305, 431 ; iii. 313 ; " World