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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. XL JAK. 31, 1903.

the pages do not "set off" when a book is old enough for the ink with which it was printed to have become thoroughly dry.


A cheap and effective binding can be made of what is called "butcher's cloth." It is durable, does not show dirt readily, and is economical. The lettering may be gilt, or paper labels may be used. For the second part of the query, the binder must be in- structed not to crop the margins on any pretence whatever, but to leave them un- touched. The impression of MS. notes on the opposite page can only be avoided by laying tissue paper between the pages while the book is being pressed, but it is not satis- factory, and is liable to make the back loose. To get a bookbinder to observe scrupulously the instructions given him (particularly as regards " cropping ") it is generally necessary to stand over him with a cudgel.


The strongest suitable cheap binding is half -roan or buckram. See 'The Private Library,' by A. L. Humphreys, 1897, pp. 52- 64, for further information. * H. K.

" KEEP YOUR HAIR ON " (9 th S. ix. 184, 335 ; x. 33, 156, 279). I regret to find that I have been for three months unaware that doubt was thrown, at the last reference, upon my suggestion, at the third, th&t front, and not

rd f

front, is the Winchester word for angry. I hope that it is not too late for me to support my suggestion by citing (1) 'School-Life in Winchester College,' by Robert Blachford Mansfield (third edition, 1893, David Nutt, London), where a 'Glossary of Words, Phrases, and Customs peculiar to Winchester College '

fives, at p. 211, "Front, angry." Mr. Mans- eld was educated at Winchester. (2) ' A Smaller Winchester Word-Book, containing most of the Old Words now or lately in use, under the Popular Name of Notions, in Winchester College ' (anon., 1900, P. & G. Wells, Winchester), gives, at p. 7, "Front, angry or fierce." It is, I believe, no great secret at Winchester that the author was educated there, and has for many years enjoyed special facilities for knowing what words are current in the school. Messrs. Wells have published a larger book written by him on the same subject, which I have not at hand to cite.

It is perhaps fair to add that, when I penned my brief suggestion at the third reference, I was relying not upon the above authorities, but upon various well-remembered incidents of my own schooldays. The brevity of my suggestion was due mainly to the fact

that it had little to do with the irritating advice which forms the heading to this reply.

H. C.

DUELS OF CLERGYMEN (9 th S. xi. 28). These were looked on with disfavour, as the following summary will show. At Vaux- hall Gardens in the summer of 1773 the Rev. Henry Bate (afterwards Sir H. B. Dudley), the proprietor and editor of the Morning Post, oeing insulted by Capt. Croftes, struck the latter; the result was a meeting at the " Cocoa Tree " next morning, but the quarrel was adjusted by the interposition of friends, apologies being made on both sides. Directly after, Capt Fitzgerald came in and demanded that Mr. Bate should give satisfaction to his friend Capt. Miles, who, he said, had been grossly insulted by the clergy- man the evening before. Miles was now intro- duced, and a violent altercation arose between Bate and Fitzgerald, the former declaring he had never seen Capt. Miles before. Miles then swore that if Mr. Bate did not immediately strip and box with him, he would post him for a coward, and cane him wherever he met him. The parson was thunderstruck, and, though one of the fancy of his day, urged the vulgarity of the exhibition, saying that, though not afraid of the issue, " he did not choose to fight in any way unbecoming a gentleman"; adding that "that, for one of his cloth, was bad enough in the opinion of the public, but he was ready to meet Capt. Miles with sword or pistol." This proposal was not accepted, and Mr. Bate, being in a manner compelled to comply, gave Capt. Miles a tremendous thrashing. It was afterwards discovered that the pretended Capt. Miles was Fitzgerald's own footman, who, being an athletic fellow and an expert pugilist, had been dressed up and brought forward for the purpose of disgracing the parson (Marsh's 'Clubs of London,' i. 209 14).



Miss ANNE TALLANT (9 th S. x. 508). The Miss Anne Tallant referred to by A. R, C. married in 1845 Mr. William Adams Nichol- son, who was an architect residing in the city of Lincoln. She died a widow, in Lincoln, on 31 December, 1874. aged seventy-one.

M. A. B.

ABRAHAM TUCKER (9 th S. xi. 29). Under the heading ' Travelling in England a Century Ago,"N. &Q.,' 2 ntl S.xii. 32, gives Tucker's ex- penses incurred on a journey from Betch worth Castle to Oxford and back, performed between 29 June and 14 July, 1762, by himself, his "girls, a Maid, Coachman, and one Horse-