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9* S. XL JAN. 3, 1903.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


George IV.), it was found that she "had a disease which would have killed her in eight years, and there was also something else the matter with her." Could any o1 your readers tell me what these diseases were, and if a detailed report of the autopsy is available? I have heard of a strange story, said to have been sworn to by the monthly nurse on her death-bed, as to the princess having been poisoned by Queen Charlotte. I could obtain and cite further particulars if it would interest any one.


"INTERVIEW." The Corriere della Sera of 15-16 Nov., 1902, states, on the authority of Carlo Paladini, that this word was originated by "McCallough, editor of the Globe Democrat of St. Louis." Date, as usual, absent. Can one of your readers supply the particulars, and the passage in which the linguistic invention was introduced to the world ?

Q. V.

[Our correspondent has, of course, seen what is said in the 'H.E.D.' on the various senses of "in- terview," including the reference to Mr. M'Cul- lagh.]

JAPANESE MONKEYS. My cousin has a parasol stick on which three monkeys are carved. One has his paws covering his eyes ; those of the second stop his ears ; whilst the third places them over his mouth. This has been stated to mean that these animals can neither see, hear, nor speak evil, and I am told that there is a legend about this. For the legend, or for a statement where it can be found, I shall be much obliged.

FRANK REDE FOWKE. 24, Netherton Grove, Chelsea, S.W.

LADY MARY PRINCE. This lady, a widow* was living or lodging in the Savoy in 1623. I should be glad to learn who she was. Was she widow of one of the Shropshire Princes 1


TINTAGEL CHURCH. In Cassell's 'Gazet- teer ' we are told that the church of what is now called the parish of Tintagel, from the famous castle (the reputed birthplace of the flower of kings, who, however, probably really was of North Britain), is called St. Syin- phorian's. Now Symphorian was a legendary Gallic saint, supposed to have been martyred under the Emperor Aurelian. But in Crock- ford, as well as in Kelly's * Directory of Cornwall,' the patron saint is given as S. Materiana, whoever that lady may have been. (In the 'Clergy List,' however, the name of S. Symphorian is erroneously spelt Simphorian.) How is this discrepancy to be explained? Happening to read Mr. Robert

Brown's entertaining recent book, 'Mr. Glad- stone as I knew him, and other Essays,' I noticed, in the third essay, ' John Leland in Cornwall,' that that famous antiquary says that the castle " standith in the Paroche of Trevenny, and the Paroch therof is of S. Symphorian " ; after which Mr. Brown goes on to tell us (p. 83) that the parish was Bossinney (the original and proper name of the parish of Tintagel, as he had said before), and the patron saint was S. Mar- teriana. Is this the proper spelling, or that in the directories I have quoted? And was there ever a church called S. Symphorian's in the parish ? W. T. LYNN.


ROOKWOOD AND HIS RIDE. In the Daily Telegraph of 13 November, 1902, mention is made of Ambrose Rook wood and his ride on the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot. Is it known whether Harrison Ainsworth took this incident and the name of the personage as the basis of his novel of ' Rook- wood,' attributing the ride to Dick Turpin, and making the performance as on one animal instead of several ; or is it merely a coincidence? EDWARD LATHAM.

61, Friends' Road, East Croydon. [See also p. 5.]

" MOTOR." As the Daily Graphic has asked for a good synonym for the above and its combinations, I have ventured to suggest " whiz-gig," as being both expressive and suitable. I know the name has been applied bo a toy, but that would not much matter, as she latter is little known, if not extinct, and

here could be no confusion between the two

things. What do other readers of 'N. & Q.'

hink of the suggestion ? PEDESTRIAN.



Not a rush is Lord Liverpool or his angry ilippic against Folkstone cared for he may go on ,o wish Folkstone blotted from the map of Kent,

hat it was sunk in the sea, or gone to the D 1, )ecause a nest of detestable smugglers," &c.

?rom MS. notes by Mr. James Jenkin, a re- tired stockbroker, living at Folkestone about 821. Is not the above a parallel phrase to hat used some years ago in regard to Ireland

R. J. FYNMORE. Sandgate, Kent.

INSCRIPTION AT WINTRINGHAM. The fol- owing is copied from an oak tablet hanging igainst the north respond of Wintringham

hurch, East Yorkshire :

"I John Lister of Lintone in y e county of York Dsquir sone & heair of S r John Lister of Kingston