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degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie : to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity." The Prayer- Book version has, instead of " to be laid in the balance" " the children of men are deceitful upon the weights" expressions which probably suggested to Bunyan the image of a Vanity-Fair where Truth was found by his pilgrims, as narrated, to be an unpurchas- able commodity, and where, as in the fairs of his time, visits to which must have been a constant phase of his earlier wandering life as a tinker, weighing and measuring, buying and selling, and too often cheating and lies, were the salient features.


A SEXTON'S TOMBSTONE (9 th S. x. 306, 373, 434, 517 ; xi. 53). The full lines asked for by J. T. F. are these :

Through Grandsire and Trebles with ease he could

range, Till Death called a Bob, which brought round the

last change.

This is a Bingley version of the date 1844.

There are several ringers' epitaphs in my ' Curiosities of the Belfry.' In the grave- yard of Scothorne, in Lincolnshire, is a sexton-ringer-clerk epitaph on John Black- burn's tombstone, dated 1739/40. It reads thus :

Alas poor John

Is dead and gone

Who often toll'd the Bell

And with a spade

Dug many a grave

And said Amen as well.

My 'Gleanings from God's Acre' contains several epitaphs of sextons and ringers.

J. POTTER BRISCOE. Nottingham.

Among famous epitaphs upon sextons should be mentioned that upon old Scarlett, of Peterborough Cathedral, who interred two queens within the cathedral precincts : Catharine of Aragon and (more than fifty years later) Mary, Queen of Scots. The fol- lowing is the inscription over him : You see old Scarlett's picture stand on hie But at your feete here doth his body lye His gravestone doth his age and death-time show His office by thes tokens you may know Second to none for strenth and sturdye limm A scarebabe mighty voice with vision grim Hee had interd two queenes within this place And this Towne's House Holders in his lives space Twice over : but at length his own turn came What hee for others did for him the same Was done : no doubt his soule doth live for aye In Heaven : tho here his body clad in clay. The spelling and punctuation of the original, the whole of which is written in capitals, have been reproduced here. Along with the

inscription there is a picture of the old man on the church wall. The "tokens" with which he is represented are the spade, keys, and whip. Ninety-eight is given as his age, and 2 July, 1594, as the date of his death. ALEX. LEEPER. Trinity College, Melbourne University.

18TH HUSSARS, 1821 (9 th S. x. 488 ; xi. 56). Possibly the following particulars from Burke's 'Landed Gentry,' fourth edition, may refer to the officers inquired after by COL. MALET :

Charles Synge, of Mount Callan, second son of George Synge, Esq., of Eathmore, born 17 April, 1789 ; married Caroline, daughter of P. Giles, Esq., and died 21 October, 1854, leaving a son, Capt. Charles Edward, 98th Regiment, and three daughters. He is described as lieutenant-colonel.

J. M. Clements, born 4 May, 1789, son of the Eight Hon. Henry Theophilus Clements, lieutenant-colonel 69th Eegiment, M.P. for co. Leitrim (brother of the first Earl of Leitrim), by his second wife, Catherine, daughter of the Eight Hon. John Beresford ; married Catharine, daughter of Godfrey Wentworth, Esq.

George Luard, born 1788, third son of Peter John Luard, Esq., of Blyborough Hall, co. Lincoln; major (half -pay); served in the Peninsula and at Waterloo ; died unmarried in December, 1847.

Charles Maximilian Thomas Western, lieu- tenant-colonel in the army and K.T.S., born 4 June, 1790 ; died 14 May, 1824.

George Schreiber, captain (half-pay) 1st Ger- man Hussars and 18th Hussars; married Anne, daughter of - - Hume, Esq., of Col- chester, and has issue. See Schreiber of Henhurst, co. Kent.

John Thomas Machell, lieutenant 9th Hussars at Waterloo, died 13 October, 1853, son of Col. Machell, of Beverley, co. York.

Eichard Doyne, perhaps son of Philip Doyne. See Doyne of Wells, co. Wexford.

H. P. de Montmorency. There was a Eey- mond Hervey of Viscount Frankfort's family, described as lieu tenant -colonel of Hussars and M.P., who died 1827. He was a nephew of the first viscount. I question whether he would be entitled to the Hon. as a prefix.

E. Wilford Brett, probably an uncle to late Lord Esher, who had a brother Sir Wilford, K.C.M.G. EICHARD JOHN FYNMORE.

Sandgate, Kent.

NOTES ON SKEAT'S 'CONCISE DICTIONARY' (9 th S. x. 83, 221, 356, 461 ; xi. 43, 141). At the last reference COMESTOR OXONIENSIS quotes the Windhill dialect to prove that 9,