Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/275

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allowed to retain the government of th< province, and whose successors became inde pendent of Rome, holding the title of king until the time of Clovis, when they exchangee it for that of duke, under the kings of France This view is accepted by the writer of the article on ' Bretagne ' in the ' Penny Cyclo paedia,' who remarks :

" A colony of this kind was much more likely to influence the language and customs of the district in which they settled, than a number of miserable exiles escaping from the pressure of barbarian invaders, and finding their way as they could to a place of refuge in a foreign land."

One would not attach much weight to thi had it only related to the name of the country, which often comes from its neigh- bours rather than itself; but as applied to language, &c., the argument is strong.

W. T. LYNN. Blackheath.

$ turns,

WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers maybe addressed to them direct.

BACON ON MECHANICAL INVENTIONS. In the year 1847 I attended law lectures in the Middle Temple by a distinguished scholar, George Long, formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. On one occasion this lecturer, I believe, quoted Bacon almost exactly in the following terms :

"In the beginning of a state arms do flourish. After that arts. For a time both together. And in the end of a state mechanical inventions." I was much impressed by the sentiment, and have made considerable efforts to verify the citation, but hitherto without success. Be- lieving it to be very true in its relation to our country at the present time, I shall be much indebted to any one who will inform me through your columns where the sentence may be found, and precisely in what words.

H. G.

" PASSIVE RESISTANCE." When was the phrase "passive resistance" invented] In Prof. Maitland's translation of Dr. Gierke's 'Political Theories of the Middle Age' it is set in quotation marks as if it had already become a familiar expression.


ROBERT Louis STEVENSON CORINTHIAN : PUT. In 'Beau Austin' occur two words Corinthian and put of the reference and meaning of which respectively I am ignorant. Corinthian occurs on pp. 54, 56, and 59, and

put on p. 56. Put also is found in ' Admiral Guinea,' p. 25. PERCY MARVELL.

["Corinthian" means a fashionable, and implies a loose liver. Corinthian Tom was a character in ' Tom and Jerry,' a novel which was current about 1820. Corinth was a centre of loose living. ' Tom and Jerry ' was dramatized and produced at the Adelphi 26 November, 1821, running uninterruptedly through two seasons. Corinthian Tom was played by Ben- jamin Wrench. " Put "=a rustic. " The Captain has a hearty contempt for his father, I can see, and calls him an old Put" (Thackeray, ' Vanity Fair, 3 i. xi.). See ' Slang and its Analogues.']

GOODWIN, BISHOP OF LLANDAFF. Informa- tion is sought respecting his grandchildren and their descendants. He had two sons : Thomas, born in London, circa 1590, Canon of Llandaff 1613, &c., died 1644; and Morgan, born in co. Monmouth, circa 1603, master of Free School, Newland, Gloucestershire, said to have died in 1645. Thomas Goodwin had Richard, born circa 1618, in co. Mon- mouth, and Thomas, born circa 1619, in co. Hereford. Morgan Goodwin had a son Mor- gan, baptized at English Bicknor, co. Glou- cester, 2 December, 1640, a minister in Virginia. These particulars are from ' Alumni Oxon.' (Foster), where other details are given; but the difficulty in using this work of reference is to know where the matriculation register ends and where Mr. Foster begins.

L. C.

MR. DOCTOR FULTON." An order to this person was sent, under minute of the Privy Council dated 8 September, 1614 (' Reg. Jac. Bibl.,' Birch, 4161, No. 33,7126; also 'Bibl. Harl.,' 7003, No. 138), desiring him to repair without delay to the Tower, and give to the Lady Arabella (Stuart), a prisoner there, "spiritual and fitting comfort and advice," and " to visit her from time to time," as he shall see fit. As he is deemed a " person of gravity and learning" by the Council, who

efer to " our knowledge and experience of

your sufficiency and discretion," he appears to have had some position and repute. Any one who can give further particulars regard- ng him such as his native place, family, esiderice; where he graduated as D.D. ; was le a Roman Catholic or Protestant, or the lolder of any office or cure ; was he con- cerned in Arabella's clandestine marriage ; >r what became of him or his family will

greatly oblige.


DALE FAMILY. Sir William Dethick, Garter King of Arms, gave the following ertificate :

" In 1602, in the forty-fourth year of the reign of

Queen Elizabeth, one Koger Dale, Esq., Councillor

f Law, in the Inner Temple, London, also of