Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/336

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. XL APRIL 25, 1003.

Beacon or the Merlin) at the time, but in changing my abode, some three or four yean since, it got lost or mislaid with other papers and all search for it has proved futile. May I therefore ask through ' N. & Q.' whether any of its readers can refer me to the news paper in which it appeared, together with the date, or oblige me with the particulars above referred to ?


SHEFFIELD FAMILY. Has any history of this family and its branches, other than the references thereto in Stonehouse's ' History oi the Isle of Axholme' and Grant's 'History oi Cleveland,' been written ? In addition to the family of Butterwick, there was also one oi some note residing at Seaton, Rutland, and Navestock, Essex. The latter is said to have terminated in a female, Elizabeth, daughte of Joseph Sheffield, who was married prior to 1738. But there was certainly a member of the family, viz., Hannah Sheffield, living at Navestock as late as 1769, as shown by the marriage register. Edward Sheffield was also resident at Navestock in 1688, and his son Edward was living in 1722, as he polled for the City of London in that year.

ROBERT H. BROWNE. Stapleford Abbots, Essex.

GOFFE OR GOFF OF HAMPSHIRE. Where can a pedigree of this family be found ? Who are the present representatives ? What con- nexion is there with the Goffes or Goffs of Hants and Kent 1 (Mrs.) ANNE SHUTTE.

Hursley, Compton, Newbury.

ST. SEBASTIEN AT CAUMONT. I am very desirous of knowing the date of the cop- structiori of the little chapel of St. Sebastien at Caumont, near Avignon. PROF.

EYRE. Is there any biographic account extant of the M.P. of Queen Anne's reign handed down in history as "Expedient Eyre"? G. W. TOOLEY.

[An account of Sir Robert Eyre, who repre- sented halisbury in the last three Parliaments of

^D !fe ' xviU?10L] e fir8t f Anne> aPPeafS ln the

PENRETH. Under the Act 26 Henry VIII. , 1534, cap. 14, twenty-six places were named trom which to give titles to suffragan bishops in England and Wales, and in 1537 John Byrde was consecrated Suffragan Bishop of Penreth at Lambeth by Archbishop Cranmer as suffragan to Bishop Holgate, of Llandaff! 1 his place was not Penrith, in Cumberland tor that was Pereth in those days, and was also mentioned as a title. The most probable locale was Penrhys, in the Rhondda Valley, in

my opinion, from a good deal gathered upon the subject. There was a monastery there, and a celebrated holy well and image of the Virgin, the latter an object of pilgrimage, and removed by order of Cromwell in 1538. Any light would be welcome.


JOHNSON. John, rector of Farndish, co. Bedford, 1571-1625, formerly Fellow of Mag- dalen College, Oxpn. Was he identical with Foster's ('Alumni Oxon.') "John Johnson, demy Magdalen College, 1555-61 ; fellow, 1561-8; B.A., 10 July, 1562; M. A., 9 July, 1567; Master of Wainfleet School, 1568"? I have the pedigree of the above John from the ' London Visitation. 1633-5,' but shall be glad of any further information sent direct.



STREWING CHURCHES. The custom of strewing churches with grass or rushes at certain festivals may have been discussed in the erudite pages of 'N. & Q.,' but I do not think that the origin of the practice has been discovered. Can any folk-lorist tell me whether strewing is supposed to be Christian or pre-Christian in source? It may be the latter, as it is probable that no inconsider- able number of our village churches stand on the sites of heathen god-houses.

B. L. R. C.

[For rushes in churches see 1 st S. i. 259 ; ii. 197 ; 2 nd S. i. 471, 521; 5 th S. iv. 162; 8 th S. ii. 141, 237; v. 146.]

CRAWFORD. Andrew Crawford, who lived at Brighton from 1783 to 1800, and died at thb age of fifty-six, married Mary Spink and had three sons : (1) William, an East Indian merchant, and member for the City of London from 1833 to 1841 ; (2) Andrew, lieutenant R.N., who died in Bombay, 1821 ; (3) James Henry, Bombay Civil Service. The descend- ants of Andrew (an extensive family in the south of England, having a considerable con- nexion with India and the colonies) believe themselves to be sprung from an Ayrshire family, and a paper has been supplied to me which records the names of John Crawford, of Highholm, and David Crawford, grand- Bather and father of Andrew. The name ETighholm occurs, so far as I can learn, nowhere in Great Britain save in Ayrshire, [n that shire there are, or were, two High- lolms : one in the parish of Dundonald and

he other in the parish of Dalrymple; but,

lespite inquiries made, I am unable to prove a family connexion with the name. As to Andrew Crawford's whereabouts before he esided at Brighton I know nothing, but