Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/387

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9* 8. XL MAY 9, 1908.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


as "The King's Classics" of the translation by Edward FitzGerald of six dramas of Calderon. In a handy shape the plays have been all but in- accessible, and we have ourselves, when anxious to consult the selected plays, had to do so in a large-paper copy of the handsome, but cumbrous English and American edition of 1887- In their present form the dramas assume what we always regarded as our favourite shape a volume small enough for the pocket, but with every luxury of type, paper, and binding, in addition to serviceable prefatory matter and notes. The six plays chosen by FitzGerald do not belong to Calderon's highest flight, but all of them are characteristic of his work- manship. As to the reason for the selection of these rather than other plays some interesting information is supplied in the appendix. The most consider- able work, from the dramatic standpoint, is ' The Mayor of Zalamea,' the termination of which, with the execution of a State criminal by the newly appointed magistrate in the presence of the king himself, is a trait of indescribable hardihood. ' Gil Perez' is a remarkable specimen of a comedy of intrigue arid action. Very unlike are the various works, but they are linked together by the tine but exaggerated code of honour by which all are animated, as well as by a grimness of treat- ment which asserts itself as strongly in the comic pieces if any can be regarded as such as in the most melodramatic. It is curious, in ' The Painter of his own Dishonour,' to find a coach described as including happiness, pride, " and (a modern author says) respectability." This anti- cipates by a couple of centuries or so the gig of respectability. A scene of boasting by Lazaro in 'Keep your own Secret' is imitated from FalstafFs rogues in buckram. A phrase- There shall be done A deed of dreadful note- is from ' Macbeth.' The vigour and simplicity of FitzGerald's translation have long been conceded and admired. The notes and explanations are excellent in all respects.

J5 Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist. Edited y J. Romilly Allen, F.S.A. (Bemrose & Sons.) E number for April contains articles of great interest, and the illustrations are exceptionally good. Mr. F. W. Galpin gives an account of 'The Portland Reeve Staff,' and refers to the conveyance of land by " church gift," where vendor and purchaser merely meet in the parish church and sign the deed in the presence of two householders ; the law of " gavelkind," with its special privileges for the landowner ; and the descent of intestate property to all the sons in equal shares. The Reeve Staff, as a method of reckoning the rent of the tenants to the king as lord of the manor, is fully described, and illustrations are given. The Reeve Courts are held at the "George" Inn in May and November, the staff being laid on the table during the sitting, and the total rent paid to the sovereign always remains the same, being HI. 14s. 3d., of which 11. is returned to the Raeve. The sum paid to the Reeve is somewhat larger owing to the increased number of houses. Mr. W. Heneage Legge contributes ' The Decorative Artsiof our Forefathers, as exemplified in a Southdown Village ' ; Mr. I. Giberne Sieve- king ' An Old Leicestershire Village in the Hundred of Guthlaxton'; and Dr. J. Charles Cox 'Ancient Coffers and Cupboards,' being a review of Mr. Roe's

book published by Messrs. Methuen. Dr. Cox states that " until Mr. Roe put forth his handsome volume there was no monograph that could be consulted on the subject of the old chests or coffers that are to be found in not a few of our parish churches, and occasionally in other places."

THE English Historical Review for this quarter is chiefly notable for the continuation of Miss Tucker's interesting study of Gian Matteo Giberti. A charter published by Mr. C. C. Crump raises an "mportant point as to the existence, after all, of a rild merchant in London. This has hitherto been lenied by Mr. Gross, and scholars were accus- tomed to consider the matter settled. But this charter, if genuine, appears to allude to it unmis- takably. The point will doubtless receive further attention. The review of ' The Cambridge Modern History ' is from the pen of the Rev. E. W. Watson. Considering the importance of the book, and the space often given in this quarterly to such reviews, we must say that the notice appears absurdly short and inadequate. The reviewer's judgment is not very favourable. He complains of the want of co- operation and frequent overlapping, and apparently dislikes the papers on Savonarola and Machiavelli, to our thinking among the best things in the book. On the other hand, he overrates Sir Richard Jebb's essay, and passes over in silence the really valuable chapter of Dr. James.

THE most noteworthy feature in the Fortnightly consists of a full notice by Mr. Maurice A. Geroth- wohl of the new Sardou play on Dante. To what favour or indiscretion it is to be assigned that a play carefully withheld from those most closely associated with dramatic enterprise came into the possession of the writer we do not know. Any- thing rather than a model of dramatic comment is what is said concerning it. In part ii. of ' Did Shakespeare read the Greek Tragedians?' Mr. Churton Collins claims for Shakespeare a close familiarity with the Greek anthology, derived, it is supposed, from the Latin translations which in the sixteenth century accompanied the Greek text. Mr. Collins's contention that Shakespeare read the poems in translation is well urged. Mr. F. Gribble writes on 'The Art of Lord Lytton' and Mr. J. Cuthbert Hadden on 'Samuel Pepys.' In the Nineteenth Century Mr. Augustine Birrell writes very smartly in 'Some More Letters of Mrs. Carlyle.' What is said about Carlyle's indulgence in random vituperation is very good, and we echo the complaint against reprinting Carlyle's senseless and unpardonable utterance concerning Lamb. Mr. Tuker speaks of singing as a lost art. ' A Forgotten Adventurer,' by Lady Jersey, may be read with much interest. Mr. George D. Abrahams describes in the Pall Mall 'A New Alpine Play-

round.' Mr. Henley writes inspiredly on 'The ecret of Wordsworth,' and Mr. William Sharp, in 'Literary Geography,' gives a good account of the land of Scott. In the Cornhill are some amusing recollections of 'Dean Farrar as a Head Master,' by an old pupil, and a good essay 'Rejected Addresses.' Mr. Andrew Lang in Longman's has many observations of high interest to Byronians, and is throughout 'At the Sign of the Ship' edifying, entertaining, and delightful. In the Gentleman's Mr. Ralph Richardson describes 'Low- land Life and Character ' and Mr. J. K. Tullo writes on 'Dick Steele.'