Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 25,



Jewish charm, 208, 293

Jewish engravers, early, 88, 194

Jews, and eternal punishment, 153 ; in England, 306

Job, bibliography of the book of, 218

" Johannis, Beati, Passagiuin," 509

John of Salisbury, quotation in his ' Policraticus,' 51!

Johnson (Garret), sculptor in alabaster, 127, 217

Johnson (John), 1571-1625, 328

Johnson (Dr. S.), and Mr. Janes of Aberdeenshire

148 ; an anecdote, 345, 492

Johnston (F. A.) on Capt. Nicholas Masterton, 88 Johnston (G. H.) on William Sloane, 48 Johnston (H. A.) on Sir Adam Williamson, 67 Jonas (A. C.) on origin of the Turnbulls, 233 Scotch ballad : 'Habbie Simpson,' 436 Wallace (Sir William), 165 Jonas (M.) on ' The Chimes,' 1845, 27 Jones (A. D.) on English accentuation, 515

Fountain pens, 438

Paucity of books in Elizabethan times, 455

San Diego, 377

Jones (J.) on ' Passing By,' 489

Jonson (Ben), Chinese analogue of his 'Alchemist, 23; and Gabriel Harvey and Marston, 201, 281, 343, 501 ; his Epigram LVI. 'On Poet- Ape,' 38 his burial upright in Westminster Abbey, 465 Jugge (Richard), printer, d. 1579, 326 Jutland, folk-lore in, 442 K. on Latin riddle of Pope Leo XIII., 48

Village library, 8 K. (F. M. H.) on ' A New Tale of an Old Tub,' 188

Pinsenall, 287

' Quarterly ' on Browning, 248

Rhodes's (Cecil) ancestors, 294

Tottenham is turn'd French," 333 K. (H.) on 'Bibliographical and Retrospective Miscellany,' 88

Dante portrait, 510

Kieff, Kiev, Kiew, 176

Skin = to hasten or hurry, 243

"Sleep the sleep of the just," 511

Village library, 92 K. (J. H.) on J. Bradshaw, 398

Castle Rushen, Castletown, Isle of Man, 357 K. (L. L.) on ' A Voice from the Danube,' 369

Arciere, 405

Bagpipes, 393

Brestsenus (Samuel), 408

Byroniana, 444

Carter (John), antiquary, 496

Claridge ( R. T.), 30

Conjugate, 487

Constantinople, 152

Dagger money, 7

Haynau (General). 168

Kastner (J. Const.'), 428

Kemeys (Sir Nicholas) and Chepstow Castle, 394

Kumascope, 286

Maize, its native country, 357

Oncost, 507

' Parallels between the Constitutions of Hungary and England,' 468

' Six Letters from Pestb,' 449

Writing and language of the.Huns, 287 Kastner (J. Const.), his ' Sketches of the Hungarian Struggle in 1848-51,' 428

Kay (John), of Bury, Lanes, date of his death, 390, 473 Kaylle, Kayle, Kayel, Kael (Henry), Provost of

Oriel College, 1421, 402

Keats's 'La Belle Dame sans Merci,' 95, 195, 353, 432 ; sloth in ' Endymion,' 187, 232, 277, 294, 351 ; ' Ode to a Nightingale' : original MS., 305, 372 Keemore or Kima shells, 189, 316 Kelynack, place-name and family, 368, 416 Kemble (Stephen) as Falstaff, 1 45 Kemeys (Sir N.) and Chepstow Castle, 327, 394, 495 Kemeys-Tynte (St. D. M.) on Sir Nicholas Kemeys

and Chepstow Castle, 327, 495 Kempis (Thomas a), Maltese edition of his ' Imitation

of Christ,' 91 Kennedy (Frank), mentioned in ' Footprints of Former

Men in Far Cornwall,' 407, 458

Kennels and flogging at the cart-tail in 165fi, 288, 435 Keys to novels, 398

Kieff, Kiev, Kiew, its spelling, 8, 31, 176, 191 Kilmany, Dr. T. Chalmers pastor of, 25, 72 Kimberley family of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, 369 Kima or Keemore shells, 189, 316 King (F.) on definition of genius, 432

Pre-Reformation practices in English churches, 55 "Travailler pour le Roi de Prusse," 437 King's Weigh House, its origin, 13, 56, 209, 272, 390 Kingsley (Charles) and Lord Tennyson. 8, 57 Kipling (Rudyard), his ' City of Dreadful Night,' 16 Kirkleatham Church, brasses in, 57 Kit-Cat portraits, use of the phrase, 13, 91 Kitchener and Heighes families, 348 Kitton (F. G.) on old Prince of Wales's Theatre, 67 Shakespeare Cottage at St. Albans, 70 Thackeray and Vanity Fair, 12^ Klopstock's ' Stabat Mater,' English version of, 489 Kneller(SirG.), his portrait of Antony Payne, 348, 416 Knife and fork crossed, 156 Knife superstition, 53

Knipe (M.) on " The pillars of the Lord," 390 Krebs (H.) on collie-dog and its derivation, 309 Gods and men, 378 Goths and Huns, 432

Krueger (G.) on " At sixes and sevens," 266 " Keep your hair on," 318 Kurish German, 477 Pack, 298

Picture in Berlin Arsenal, 414 " Travailler pour le Roi de^ Prusse," 2 Kumascope, new slang term, 280 Kurische Haff, crossing the, 1679, 20JT, 317, 414 iurland, German language in, 90, 477 L. (F. de H.) on ' Lyra Apostolica/ 297

Mourning Sunday, 475 . (H.) on licence to depart, 54 . (H. P.) on a or an before h sounded, 4oo Cyclealities, 338

" Fin Couleidos  : Stanyhurst, 44 German author wanted, JJ89 Hagioscope or oriel ? 375 Hock- : Ocker-, 378 Home or Hearne, 276 Maiden applied to a married woman, -- Mona, 297

" Such spotless honour, 256 Warth, 16 L. (I.) on Frank Kennedy, 458