Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 11.djvu/544

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Notes and Queries, July 25,

L. (.1. P.) on Watson of Barrasbridge, 372 L. (M. C.) on City of the Violet Crown, 295 Goths and Huns, 351 Me'rimeVs Inconnue, 278 L. (W.) on copper token, 298 L. (W. E.) on pendugum : carlyng, 17 Lacaux (Elizabeth), 1712-73, her parentage, 349, 452 Laconic prayer, 126, 255 Lacy (Counsellor), of Dublin, 149, 213, 314 Lamarche (John Francis), Bishop of Leon, 428, 515 Lamb (Charles), ' Palenque,' a poem by, 1849, 308 Lampeter, Chancellor Silvan Evans at, 361, 422 Lanark, origin of " Whuppity Scoorie " at. 265 Landreyn (John de), Fellow of Oriel, 1360, 402 Landtoft for Sandtoft, 326

Language, fashion in, 156,217; vicissitudes of, 31 4, 356 Latham (E.) on accuracy in quotation, 161, 223 1 Banter,' 207 Chaucerian quotation, 309 " Cherchez la femme," 76 Definition of genius, 373 Dive, to, 514

"Embarras des richesse?," 355 French phrase, 255 Hood (Robin), 258 "Le grand pout-Sire," 112 ' Les Psaumes de Beze,' 131 " Mother of free Parliaments," 357 Poems on mischief, 389 Quotations, 296 Rookwood and his ride, 9 Sermon in proverbs, 462 " Sleep the sleep of the just," 475 ' Stanley,' a novel, 288 Surizian, 377 " That immortal lie," 391 " Travailler pour le Roi de Prusse," 392 Villon, 293

Latimer (J.) on Elizabethan players, 444 Latin, conversation in, 13, 177 ; its study and teaching,

424 ; its diminutives, 484

Laughton (J. K.) on names of novels sought, 449 Painting by Swain, 428 "Such spotless honour," 87 " We '11 go to sea no more," 428 Law reports as a field for branch of literature, 446 Lawrence (Sir Thomas), his portrait of John Nash, 54 Lawrence (W, J.) on Foigard, 46 Lawrence-Hamilton (J.) on German Haff or lagoon

fisherfolk, 149

Lawson (R.) on David Bradberry, 447 " Tim bobbin," 297 Wood (J. Warrington), 398 Layton (E. M.) on "Green and yellow," 168

Snakes' antipathy to horsehair, 432 Le Hart (Walter), Provost of Oriel College, 1435, 402 Le Lievre (A.) on Nicolini, 349

Pope and massacre of St. Bartholomew, 407 Leader (John Temple), and Lord Brougham, 206 ;

last of the pre- Victorian M.P.s, 255, 374, 475 Leather guns or cannon, 268, 334, 452 Lebowich (J.) on Judah P. Benjamin, 310 Lee (A. C.) on merry tales, 84, 363 Story of an ungrateful son, 226 Tongue-twisters, 455 Leeper (A.) on a or an before h sounded, 286

Leeper (A ) on adoxographical, 425 Mistress of Charles I., 184 Prime Ministers, Irish and Scotch, 116 Reduced facsimile of the First Folio, 429 Reference wanted, 138 Sexton's tombstone, 235 Wealemefna, 132

Lefe vre (Sir Gr.W.),' Life of a Travelling Physician,'108 Lega-Weekes (E.) on ancient demesne, 371, 449 Fees for searching parish registers, 131 Hagioscope or oriel, 491

Pre-Conquest Earls of Devon and Cornwall, 52 Wykes pedigree in Colby's ' Visitations,' 465 Lei<?arraga, German reprint, 64, 112, 191, 276, 393 Leighton Buzzard, trial for murder at, 1523, 389 Leitnaker or Leuchknecker family arms, 108 Lenthall family pedigree, 57 Leo XIII., Latin riddle of, 48, 114, 415 Leopardi, his use of the word Rutene, 28 Lepel family, 388

Lepel (Baroness) on Lepel family, 388 Lesing, definition of the word, 28, 114 Lever (D'Arcy) on dognoper, 409 Leviathan, definition of the word, 30, 137 Levinz (Richard), curate of North Hinksey, 508 Lewis (J. P.) on brasses in Kirkleatham Church, 57 Lewis (M. G.), notes on his ' Tales of Terror,' 1 Library, village, suitable bindings for, 8, 91, 196 Licence to depart, 1645, explanation of term, 54 Lieftenant, the word so spelt in 1694, 387 Life Guards, portrait of an officer in the, 67 Lihert (Walter), Provost of Oriel College, 1435, 402 Lincoln, Episcopal Registers at, 61 ; proverbs relating

to, 229, 331 ; and Henry II., 368, 473 Lincolnshire, books on, 49 ; bagpipes, 329, 393 ;

cuckoo folk-lore, 428 ; toad sayings, 509 Lindley (Barbara) = Samuel Perry, 349, 495 Lindsay (C. L.) on Princess Charlotte, 136

Johnson (Garret), 127 Line, ceremonies on crossing the, 55 Linguistic curiosities, 34, 172, 238 Linton Churchyard. Roxburghshire, ekullsin, 287 Lipsius referred to by Sir Thomas Browne, 46 Little Wild Street Chapel, Drury Lane, 246 Liverpool road waggons, 88, 376, 433 Living dead, the, 427, 497 Livingstone (Dr. David), memorial to, 506 Llandaff (Goodwin, Bishop of), descendants, 267, 356 Lloid (Humphrey), poem by, 208 Loathly, early uses of the word, 225 Lobuc on bagman = commercial traveller, 232 Dairy windows, 237 Esquires, 12 Hops, 248

Prince (Lady Mary), 9

Lockier (Ellis) and the Court of Charles II., 248 Lodona in Pope's ' Windsor Forest,' origin of, 7 Loftie (W. J.) on Wale, 48

Logan (John), Michael Bruce, and Burns, 11, 132 London, old conduits of, 73, 112, 189 London, vanishing : Clifford's Inn, 285, 405 London apprentices, the dress of, 207, 316, 478 London churches dedicated to St. Botolph, 134 London monumental inscriptions, 389, 457 Long ( Mrs. A. F. ) on Emett genealogy, 489 Long Melford Church, Suffolk, its history, 367, 472