Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/540

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.

Folk-lore :

Hair from the nape of the neck, 187, 313

Hobgoblin's claws, 189, 333

Mince-pie, 505

Owl, 113

Primrose superstition, 33, 234, 412

Rabbits and rheumatism, 126

River not flowing on the Sabbath, 19

St. Roch's dog, 189

Salt thrown on stairs, 100

Serpent's feet, legend concerning, 112

Spanish, 484

Sun hissing at setting, 391

Treasure superstition, 275

Trinity Sunday, 477

Welsh church-building, 422 Folks, use of the plural form, 50, 138 Fontenay (Madame de) and Emmet family, correspond- ence, 308

Forbes (Archibald), tale by, 88, 134 Ford (C. L.) on Lucretius, 92

Owl-light, 511

Ford (M.) on Lord John Russell and the Alabama, 49 Foresteal : forestall, introduction of the word, 287, 371 Forshaw (C. F.) on animals in people's insides, 414

Bridge chantry in West Riding, 217

Carson family, 110, 331

Cullen (W. H.), 236

Dupuy family, 253

Human skeleton in alum rock, 195

Muir family, 508

St. Bees College, 408, 493

Single tooth, 71

Skulls, 52

Stafford, 271 Fortescue's 'British Army,' description of infliction

of the picket in, 325

Foster (J. J.) on Heidelberg gallery, 327 Fountain pen, earliest reference to, 32, 218 Four Marks, place-name near Medstead, 350 Fowler (E.) on nothing, 93 Francesca on Emmet and De Fontenay letters, 308

Envelopes, 397

Francis (J. C.) on first Christmas card, 347 Francis (W.) on ' Tales from Dreamland,' 169 Frankenstein and the monster created by him, 383 Free Catholic Christians, 1 06, 235 French quotations, 138 French RevoluVion, story of the, 88, 152 Frith (Mary), epitaph in St. Bride's, Fleet St., 67, 152 Froissart on Richard II., 468, 508 Frowyk (Henry de), sheriff and alderman, temp.

Henry III., 386 Frowyk (Peter de), c. 1254, 386

Fry (E. A.) on alias in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, 277

Churchwardens' accounts, 394

Commonwealth arms in churchep, 396

Gunviile (Hugh de), 249

Parish registers, 457

Sworn clerks in Chancery, 335 Fry (J. F.) on Drayton's ' Poly-olbion ,' 214 Fry (L. G.) on Gilpin's route, 255 Fulton (Dr.) and Lady Arabella Stuart, 347, 418 Furn.vall (F. J.) on Cromwell buried in Red Lion Square, 486

Furnivall (F. J.) on Gerard the herbalist, 468

Osborn (Lieut. -Col. Henry), 348

Shakespeares at Romford, 205

Shops in Cheapside in 1650, 128

Sleep and death, 389

Stafford (Henry, Earl of), on his French wife, 466 Fynmore (R. J.) on asses' milk, 511

Churchwardens' accounts, 510

Kempton family, 518

Prophecy c. Charles II., 469

Sandgate Castle, 229 G. (H.) on Nodus Herculis, 188 G. (J. R. F.) on Rousseau's grandfather, 466 G. (M. N.) on evil spirits and inkbottles, 297

Immurement alive of religious, 517

Long lease, 449

G. (S. F.) on macaroni: harp in South Italy, 348 Gage (Henry, William, and W. H.), Westminster

scholars, 268

Gahagan (George), Westminster scholar, 1804, 309 Gaidoz (H.) on booksellers' catalogues, 375 Gale (William), Westminster scholar, 1777, 368 Gallini (Francis and John), Westminster scholars,

1782, 269

Game, German historical, 410 Games : Ice Pie = I spy, 425 ; Sally Water, 474 Gammack (J.) on fraudulent American diplomas, 101 Ganning family, 189

Garricke(W.), Westminster scholar, his biography, 170 Gaskell (Mrs.), her ' Wives and Daughters/ 188 Gaury surname, 287 Gautier's 'Voyage en Italie,' 192 Gayley's (C. M.) 'Representative English Comedies,'

383 Genealogist on Archbishop King's prison diary, 187,


Genius, its manifestations, 244, 373, 517 Geography, Shakespeare's knowledge of, 90, 191 Geology of Kurland, 208, 351 George I., his ivory sceptre, 409

George III., mineralogist and botanist to, 89, 215, 278 George IV., his gold dinner service at Windsor, 466 George (T.) on Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol, 456

"English take their pleasures sadly," 509

Envelopes, 434, 490

Flats, 512

Gorges (Sir Ferdinando), 41, 251

Mannings and Tawell, 433

Georges or Gorges (Radulphus de), c. Edward II., 208 Gerard the herbalist, 468 Gerish (W. B.) on bogle, 495

Priory of Austin Friars, 352

Visitations, 169 German historical game, 410 German language in Kurland, 77 German prophecy referred to by Goethe, 330 Germany, the Hapsburgs as Emperors of, 47, 91, 256 j

haff fisherfolk in, 197 Geryon, Dante's description, 166, 233 Ghent arms in the fifteenth century, 189 Ghosts, Chinese, 305

Gibbon's ' Roman Empire ' and memoirs, 129 Gibbons (Grinling), his statue of James II., 336, 391,


Gibraltar, whirligig at, 484 Gifford (H. J.) on oak, ash, and ivy, 435