Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/562

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Notes and Queries. Jan. 21, 1899.

Hebb (J.) on claret and vin-de-grave, 434

Fergusson (Robert), 134

Foot-lift, its meaning, 168

Gerbier (Sir Balthazar), 264

Gladstone (Mr.) as philologist, 183

Hansom (J. A.), 58

Harlequin, its derivation, 326

Haydon (B. R.), the painter, 45, 338

Jamshy'd and Kaikobad, 327

Keats (John), 186

Macaulay (Zachary), 166

May fair Union, 145

Plackett (Jack), 508

Queen Square, Bloomsbury, 248

Kantian, its derivation, 507

Rape = division of a county, 1 65

Regent Square, St. Pancras, 85, 230

Shroud, sable, 133

Staircases, houses without, 89

Thackeray (W. M.), his ' Little Billee,' 145

Trafalgar Day, 386 Hebrew numerals, 288, 335, 436 Heelis (J. L.) on Grimms' ' Popular Stories,' 93 Hell, spiders in, 366 Helmsley, See Hamlake.

Helpmate and helpmeet, 105, 185, 310, 453, 496 Hempsheres, place-name, 154 Hems (H.) on " Broaching the admiral," 154 Chinese punishments, 513 Church, wooden pillars in, 414 Churches without fonts, 393 Devonshire, witchcraft in, 466 Drangut, its meaning, 118 Gloves at fairs, 151 Hansom (J. A.), 58 Marriage registers, 488 Miserere carvings, 37 Money lent by measure, 492 Patches and patching, 158 Prynn (William), 496 St. Fursey, his biographv, 176 St. Ida, 311 St. Werner, 116 Wells, holy, 535

Heraldry :

Baronet's shield, arms of Ulster in, 153, 317, 476

France modern, 527

Fusil or spindle, 244, 377

On chevron embattled, between three foxes' heads erased, 187, 437, 497

Or, three slipped trefoils in pale vert, &c., 490

Worcester, arms of the see, 236 Herbault, bonnet-maker, 189 Herbert (Sir Thomas), missing 'Notes of Occurrences,'

287, 438

Hernsue. See Heron. Heron, its etymology, 4, 70, 96, 254, 293 Herschel (A. S.) on Sir W. Herschel's telescope, 49 Herschel (Sir William), his forty-foot telescope^ 8, 49 Hertfordshire, its north-east corner, 447 Hervey (John), his portrait by Lely, 148, 251 Hexham Priory and the Augustales, 241, 391 Heysham antiquities, 222, 281, 409, 469 Hiatt (C.) on cowslip, 87

Epitaph at Ledbury, 266

Hibgame (F. T.) on cope and mitre, 34 Hie et Ubique on entrance into churchyards, 296 Hill (A. F.) on Gautherot : Tremean, 288 Hime (H. W. L.) on popular fables, 92

York (Duke of) in Flanders, 195 Historic perspective, notes on, 9, 90 'Historical English Dictionary' and dates of Shak-

speare's plays, 25, 518 Hitchcock (John), of Preshott, co. Wilts, 89 Hitchin-Kemp (F.) on Mergate Hall, 522 Hoast= cough, 336 Hobbey (Richard), his biography, 208 Hobsonize, new word, 124 Hocktide customs at Hungerford. 26, 171 Hoddesdon (John), his biography, 388 Hodgens (B. E.) on "Key of the street," 234 Hodgkin (J. E.) on autographs, 195 Implement, domestic, 92 Stuart or Steward (Lady Arabella), 283 " Too too," the phrase, 345 Hokeday, its etymology, 92 Holborn, High, improvements in, 182, 252, 334 Holbornto the Strand, notes on locality, 81, 198 Holland, Counts of, 468 Holland (J.) on song wanted, 8 Hollington Church, Sussex, its dedication, 196, 363 Holms (W.) on an engraving, 128 Holt, reintroduction of the word, 378 Homer, and the real ^Eneas, 444 ; and Jewish rites, 525 Hongkong, its name, 38 Honi, its spelling, 366 Honourable as a Scotch title, 227, 292 Hooligan = street ruffian, 227, 316 Hooper (J.) on Virgin of Bressau, 167 Culamite = Dissenter, 313 "Jesus' Tree," 348 Pig-a-back,"429 Popes, newly elected, 388 St. Valentine and Crisman, 187 St. Werner, 8 Sex, third, 366 Hope (H. G.) on "Dewy-feathered," 17G

Gladstone (Mr.) and anonymous letters, 87 Hobsonize, new word, 124 Kinglake (A. W.), 533 Kingston-upon-Thames, 373 Langrishe (Sir H.), 190 W acaulay (Lord), passage in his ' Ivry, ' 253 Macaulay (Zachary), 337 Parliament Street, 473 Ranter, its meaning, 136 Stonyhurst cricket, 76 Swift (Dean Jonathan), 325 Tennyson (Lord) on Havelock, 184 Wellington (Duke or) and Ney, 257 lope (W. H. St. J.) on church (?) at Silchester, 429 lopkins (Bishop Ezekiel), his biography, 17, 75 lop-picker, early quotation for, 32, 115 loppner (J.), two portraits by, 307 lopton (Sir Ralph), a frequently " killed " general,


lorace, " Strenua nos exercet inertia," 70, 292 lorse, epitaph on, 325 Torse Guards, quotations for, 7, 134 lorse marine, origin of the term, 26, 112, 355, 456 Ior?e sense, American phrase, 32, 131