Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 2.djvu/563

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 21, 1899.



Horse-chestnut, humorous poem on, 48

Horse-chestnut, its derivation, 46, 94

Horseman's bed, its meaning, 149

Horses, wild, 103

Hotham (Sir Kichard), Knt., his biography, 17, 176,

313, 394

Houses without staircases, 89 Housty=sore throat, 127, 215

Howorth(Sir H. H.) on Heysham antiquities, 281, 469 Howth Castle, its owners and traditions, 417 Hoyle, archery term, 209, 252 Buckler, a dance, 149, 332 Huddle=winning cast, 187, 255 Hudson (H. B.) on Cadoux family, 8 Hudson (Robert), of Lap worth, his death, 20 ' Hue and Cry and Police Gazette,' 267, 335 Hughes (T. C.) on Charles I. rings, 448 Devon local society, 448 Godfrey (Sir E. B.), 367 Musical queries, 235 Kead or Reade family, 293 Scott (W. R.), 328 ' Swords, Jacobite, 288 Hullabaloo, early use of the word, 267, 395 Humble pie, origin of the phrase, 286 Humbug, early use of the word, 287 Hume (M. A. 8.) on Gaspar de Guzman, 126 " Humors, four square," 267

Humpty-Dumpty, references before 1848, 307, 357, 478 Hungerford, Hocktide customs at, 26, 171 Hunter (Mrs. John), her portrait, 128 Huntley (Rev. George), rector of Stourmouth, Kent, 88 Huntley (T.) on helpmate and helpmeet, 311 Hurry-carry. See Harry-carry. Husbands, two, following wife to grave, 266 Hussey (A.) on Rev. Robert Carter, 149 Carter (Rev. Walter), 148 Epitaphs, 537 Flower (Rev. John), 8 Harris (Rev. Christopher), 249 Huntley (Rev. George), 88 King's Langley Priory, 129 Master family, 178 Parkhurst (Rev. Henry), 329 Pawson (Rev. Thomas), 469 Pew, "child-bed, "5 Powell (Sir John), 189 Rogers (Rev. Simon), 69 Thomas (Rev. Timothy), 528 Wyatt family, 352

Hutton (A. W.) on Wollaston family arms, 429 Hyde (H. B.) on Miss Linwood's picture galleries, 512 Hymnology: " Now I lay me down to sleep," 67, 197; " And now, Father," 187, 258, 295 ; "Jesus, I cast my soul on Thee," 369, 495 ; 'Te Deum,' metrical version, 388, 537 Hypercritic and critic, 468

I. (W. J.) on " Prototype," 487

Ichaboe, island on west coast of Africa, 527

Implement, old domestic, 92, 210

Incarnation, era in monkish chronology, 29, 292, 473

Ingleby (H.) on Royal Navy Club, 411

Inkhorns, fountain, 228, 532

Inns, noblemen's, in towns, 516

Inquirer on Capt. Arthur Phillip, 46

inscription, puzzling, 347

Insect names, English, 266

Interlunar, use of the word, 509

Inverury spelt Inverurie, 84

Ireland, sweating-pits in, 107, 157, 271

Ireland (Richard), master of Westminster School, 148

Irish bells, 482

Iron-Beard (Dr.) and JSsculapius, 146, 516

Irving (J. H.) on licence to crenellate, 147,

Italian ball game, 509

Italian law, sentences inflicted by, 7

J. on Dawson family, 528 J. (D.) on legends about Tephi, 509 Jackson (G. W.) on "Who sups with the devil," 124 Jack-up-the-orchard, origin of the phrase, 27, 194 Jacobite societies, modern, 8, 508 Jacobite swords, 288

Jacobs (J.) on mediaeval economic history, 487 James I. and the preachers, 33 Jamshy'd, his identity, 327, 395 Jeakes (T. J.) on Caxon=wig,- 26 Charme, its meaning, 173 Cirage, its meaning, 514 Claret and vin-de-grave, 156, 433 Druidism in France, 353 Folk-lore, 132

Geese, wild, as emblems of constancy, 114 Hampton Court tapestry, 245 Hampton Court water-pipes, 112 Hempsheres, place-name, 154 Kitty-witches, 134 Ladles, brass, 187 Punch, the beverage, 192 "Reed painted to look like iron," 230 Soudan folk-lore, 224 Textile, its meanings, 54 Tiger=boy groom, 78 Jelf and Slingsby families, 408, 457 Jeremiad, use and sense of the word, 29 Jermyn on an alabaster group, 427 " Jesus' Tree," Sir Thomas More's, 348 Jewish rites and Homer, 525 Jews and bills of exchange, 466 Jibba, its etymology, 282 Johnson family of Sheppey and Surrey, 69 Johnson (Dr. Samuel), monumental inscription in Boswell's ' Life,' 33 ; his residence in Bolt Court, 71, 132 ; his two books, 87 ; dines off palfrey, 245 ; and tea-drinking, 265, 413 Jonas (A. C.) on ' Whole Duty of Man,' 536 Jonas (M.) on Shakspearian quartos, 506 Jones (Arthur), of Swansea, his arms, 268 Jones (Paul), song about, 306, 353, 495 Jones-Eliot (F.) on Henry Fauntleroy, 307 Josephus on suicides, 387 Josselyn (J. H.) on field -names, 352 Joy, past, its remembrance, 252 Judge and the treadwheel, 288, 377, 435 Judge family of Somersetshire, 14, 273 Jumble, quotation for, 409, 494 Junius's Letters, their author, 155, 169, 329

on brothers with same Christian name, 217 Old (George), 97 Punishments, old-time, 137