Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/481

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NOTES and QUERIES: % Ht^ium at %ntextommmiation FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. ' When found, make a not* of."—Captain Cottm, No. 104. [B»SJ2.] Saturday, December 23, 1899. {JgZ?™™. HENRY SOT^^AN_&_CO.'S LIST. COMPLETE CATALOGUE (INCLUDING GOULD'S WORKS) POST FREE. THE 1IOEK REVOLT. MILLAIS (John Guille, F.Z.S., &e.).-A BREATH from the VELDT. (Sport and Natural History In the Transvaal territory and Rhodesia.) New and Revised Edition, with all the Original Illustrations by the Author, comprising 12 Full-Page Electro-Etchings, 49 other Full-Page Illustrations, and 88 Illustrations In the Text i also a Frontispiece after tho last finished Drawing of Sir JOHN MILLAIS. 4to green cloth extra, uncut, top edges gilt, 21. 2s. net. The great demand which exist* for the First Edition of the above work, and the high prices fetched by second-hand copies, will ensure this New Edition a warm welcome from all interested in the Sport and Politics of S. Africa. It will bo found to give a lifelike presentation of the Hunting Boer. OTHER WORKS BY MR. MILLAIS. BRITISH DEER and their HORNS. With 185 Text and Full-Page Illustra- tions, mostly by the Author; also jo Electrogravurcs and Coloured Frontispiece by the Author and Sidney Steel; and a Series of Unpublished Drawings by Sir Edwin Landseer, formerly at Ardvertkie Imperial 4to. buckram, top edges gilt, 41. is. net. GAME BIRDS and SHOOTING SKETCHES. Illustrating the Habits, Modes of Capture, Stages of Plumage, and the Hybrids and Varieties which occur among them. New and Cheaper Edition. With 67 Illustration.!* by the Author, and a Frontispiece by Sir John Miiiais. 8vo. buckram, 18c. net. AUTOTYPE FACSIMILE OF TURNER'S 'LIBER STUDtORUM.' TURNER (J. M. W., R.A.).-LIBER STUDIORUM. 74 Plates (including Frontispiece and 2 Alternative Plates) reproduced in Facsimile by the Autotype Process from Examples of the best states in possession of the Rev. STOPFORD A. BROOKE, M.A., with Preface and Critical Essay on each Plate by the latter. 2 vols, oblong 4to. buckram extra, 61. 8*. net, or half-morocco extra, 71. 7*. net. The above Is the final issue of the highly esteemed Autotype Facsimile of the ' Liber Studiornm' published by the advertisers in 1883-4, copies of which now are only to be had second hand at rare intervals. In the present issue Mr Stopford Brooke's revised Text has been employed, and the Plates have been rearranged In Turner's original order of publication. The whole Edition consists of 160 Copies, and no more will be produced. THE LARGEST REGIMENT IN THE BRITISH ARMY. MACDONALD (Capt. R. J., R.A.).-HISTORY of the DRESS of the ROYAL REGIMENT of ARTILLERY, 1626-1897. With 26 Coloured Plates and 91 Vignettes. Large 4to. handsomely bound In cloth of the Regimental Colours. 11. 6s. net. This History of the Dress of the Royal Artillery is one of the most artistic books ever produced on British Military Dress, and one of the most extended in period. The coloured plates have been drawn with a vigour and artistic feeling rare In most works on the subject, while their accuracy is beyond question. Less than 200 Copies remain for sale, and as, besides Its historical interest, it Is an unusually varied storehouse of pictu esquc military costumes, It must soon go out of print. PART VII. NOW READY OF MR. SEKBOHM'S LAST WORK. Edited by Dr. BOWDLBR SHARPS. The Edition limited to 260 Copies. To be Issued In 12 Parts, each containing 12 Coloured Plates and Text, at 11.16s. each net (not sold separately). MONOGRAPH of the TURDID.2E, or Family of Thrushes. By the late Henry 8EEBOHM, Author of ' Siberia In Europe,' «c. Edited and Completed by RICHARD BOWDLBR 8HARFE, LL.D. F.L.S., Sc. DR. COl'INUER'S WORKS. SUPPLEMENT to HAIN'S REPERTORIUM BIBLIOGRAPHICUM. By WALTER ARTHUR COPINGER, LL.D. F.S.A., Professor of Law In the Victoria University; sometime President of the Bibliographical Society. In 2 Parts. The first containing nearly 7,000 Corrections of and Additions to the Collations mentioned by Hain. The second, a List, with Collations and Bibliographical Particulars, of nearly 6,000 Volumes printed In the Fifteenth Century not referred to by Hain. To be completed In 8 vols. 8vo. strongly bound In red buckram, uncut, limited to 600 Copies, 41.14s. 6d. net. Part I. and Part II., Vol. I., are now ready, and the remaining Volume Is well advanced towards completion. The Publishers much regret that it has not been possible to Issue the last volume before the end of the present year. The labour of the Author and his collaborators In the work has, however, been immense, and the volume has so far advanced at press that there Is every hope of Its publication early in the spring. THE BIBLE and its TRANSMISSION: an Historical and Bibliographical View of the Hebrew and Greek Texts, and of the Greek, Latin, and other Versions of the Bible (both MS. and Printed) prior to the Reformation. By the SAME Large and thick folio, beautifully printed at the Oxford University Press from Bishop Fell's celebrated fount, and illus- trated with 28 fine Collotype Facsimiles from the most important MS. Codices and Primary Printed Editions. Limited to 220 Copies, of which less than 50 Copies remain. In half-white vellum extra, uncut, top edges gilt, 6J..6*. net. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO. Publishers, 140, Strand, W.C.; and 37, Piccadilly, W.