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9«*s. vi. SEPT. 22, i9oo.] NOTES AND QUERIES. THE ATHEN^IUM JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITEltATURE, SCIENCE. THE FINE ARTS, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA. The A THKNjBUM far September U contains Article* on A CRICKETING FAMILY. The AMHER8T PAPYBJ. A BIBL1OOHAPHY ol EARLY MILITARY BOOK8. MATERIALS for MEDIEVAL HISTORY. A HISTORY of SANSKRIT LITERATURE. A DICTIONARY of the BIBLE. NEW NOTKL8:—Monica Grey; Sons of the Morning . A Prick of Con- science i The Conquest ol London ; Many Uojs Alter; Tbe Bride of Llangasty. FINLAND. TRANSLATIONS. RECENT VBItSB. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NEW BOOKS. AN EMIGRANT; COL. JOHN ROY STEWART, The COMING PUB- LISHING SEASON i DYZEMAN'S DAY -, Tbe BRBV1ATBS of DOMESDAY ; MISPRINT In NORTH'S • PLUTARCH • LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE-Acetylene; Anthropological Notes: Agronomical Notes ; GOHlp. FINE ARTS—Rembrandt; ' Portraiture In Recumbent Effigies '• Note* from Rome; Gossip. MUSIC—The Ween ; Goailp; Performances Next Week. l)RAMA-Tbe Week, Oosalp. ThtA.THKNjKUH for September 1 contain* Articla on MR. LANQ on PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD. Tbe SIX SYSTEMS of INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. The BARONETAGE. CARDIFF RECORDS. The SEVEN ECUMENICAL COUNCILS. A HISTORY of HUNGARY. OXFORDSHIRE. NEW NOVELS :-A Daughter of Wltohei; Under Fate's Wheel. BOOKS for TOURISTS. SPANISH LITERATURE. ASSYRIAN PHILOLOGY. MUNICIPAL HISTORY. GAELIC LITERATURE. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NEW BOOKS. PROF. NIETZSCHE; The COMING PUBLISHING SEASON ; NVNCY of CHIOWELL ROW; The NEGRO ELEMENT In ENGLISH The LIBRARIANS' CONGRESS In PARIS; Prof. H. SIUGWICK.' AIM— LITERARY GOSSIP. SCIENCE :-Recent Literature i Dr. John Anderson; Goaslp. FINK ARTS :-Recurol>ci]tEfBgies; Year-Book of the Royal Prussian Collection. ; Library Table , The Archaeological Societies Brit™ Archaeological Association ; Gossip. MUSIC—The Week •, Gossip: Performances Next Week. DRAMA-Llbrarj Table j Gossip. Tn» A THENjEUU far September » contain Article, on FULHAM and HAMP8TBAD The ENGLISH DIALECT DICTIONARY LORD HERBERT of CHBRBURY as PHILOSOPHER THEOLOGY ol R1TSCHL. The QUAKERS In PENNSYLVANIA EGYPI'IAN RELIGION and MANNERS H^^S^-rt.raA°S!^L5™LP«t«^?«i '• *•«« North, loRraphy of Allen EJCLE8IA8IICAL HISTORY SHORT SI OKIES MILITARY BOOKS. CLASSICAL TRANSLATIONS. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NKW BOOKS LITfLH CHARMER OVER THEttK; 8[R JOHN ADYK The COMING PUBLISHINB SEASON , BOOKS and JOURNALS at PARIS i BARONET and BANNBRBT. LITERARY GOSSIP. '"" SCIENlBi-Addrm to the British Association, Llnrary T.ble Chenjical Llteratnre; Astronomloal Notes, Oeorraphlcl Nrte. | FINB|^?.:rArb0.'rJ!t'Bi,Lll)mrf T*w«i Alt«r Fro"'»l « West- minster Ahoey i Thelrry Bouts, the Painter of Louraln Gossip MUSIC :-Tne Week ; Gossip s Pertormanees Neit Week. DRAMA :-The Week ; Library Table i Gossip. ThtATHKNjKUMfor Auguit Sd containi Articlet o The OXFORD MISSION to CALCUTTA BRISTOL In the SEVENTEENTH CENTURY UPPER WHARFBDALE Tbe NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY OltEOOHOVIUS'S HISTORY of BOME CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. BOOKS on the EAST. OUR LIBRARY TABLE-LIST of NEW BOOKS The COMING PUBLISHING SEASON, The NOTTINGHAM REGIS- TERS; The ITALIAN and ENGLISH BOOKS of FORTUNE •AUL1>LANO SYNE'; WHO WM " MICROPHILU8 "7 Nolls' from PARIS; HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. POEM BY A. C. SWINBURNE. HAWTHORN TIDE. LITERARY GOSSIP . Cambrian MUSIC .-New: Music; Gossip; Performances Next Week DRAMA :-The Week , Library Table i Gos.lp. The ATHEN&UM, every SATURDAY, price THREEPENCE, of JOHN C. FBANCIS, Athenwum Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C. And of all Newsagents.