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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9“‘S- VI. Barr. 22.11111- MII. HEINEI/IANN's FIRST LIST OF ANNOUNCEMENTS. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. By Sir Walter Armstrong, Director of the National Gallery, Ireland. With 70 Photogravures and 6 Llthographs in Colour. Uniform with ‘GAINSBOROUGH ' hy the same Author An Edition limlted to 1,000 Copies for sale in Great Britain. 1 vol. Imperial sw. sz. ss. net. ° [S/muy. CHARACTERS FROM ROMANCE. A Portfoho of 16 Pastels reproduced ln Colours. By WILLIAM N ICI-[OLSON . Price 21. 26. net. ' [S/softly.

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