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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9» s. vi. NOV. 10, iwo. DAVID NUTT^T-SOJLong Acre. JUST ISSUED. The PUBLICATIONS of the IRISH TEXTS SOCIETY. Vol. m. The POBMS of BOQAN O'KAHU.LY. Now Flnt Edited, with accompanying Bnicliili Version, Introduction, Gram- matical and Historical Nntei. hy the Rev. Father DINhKN. 8.3. Demy 8vo. cloth, IMS. M. net. "«" Eogan O'Rahilly, the leading Huniter poet of the earlv eighteenth century, ba< hitherto been known only by a few printed specimen*. The present edition, which comprise! the bulk of hii work, Is thus the princepi. The poet wai an enthusiastic Jacobite, and most of his poem* are ardent appeals to Jacobite sentiment or denunciations of English rule. This Volume will be delivered to Members of the Irish Texts Society who have paid tbelr Subscription (7i. W.) for tbe current year. The Subscription may be paid to Mr. Nutt. A few Copies of the Publications of the Society for 1899 are still on hand at the following net price* :— Vol. I. The ADVENTURES of the LAD of the FERULE. The Adventures of the Children of the King of Norway. Two Irish Komantlc Tales of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Krtlted and Translated for the Flnt Time by DOUGLAS HYDB, I.L.U. With Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. 1?9». xvt-176 pp. HI. Vol. II. FLED BRICREND; The FEAST of BRICEIU. An Early Gaelic Saga. Edited, with Translation, Introduction, and Notes, by GROKGE HBNDBKSON, M. A. Ph.D. 1899. lxvil-209 pp. 61. NEW ANTIQUARIAN PUBLICATIONS. ARTHURIAN ROMANCES UNREPRESENTED in MALORY. No. III. GuiDgamor; Lanval; Tyolet; The Were Wolf. Four Lait Translated from the French of MA1UK DB FRANCE and others by JESSIB L. WBSTON. With Designs by Caroline Watts. Minuscule 4to. printed on laid paper, designed cloth cover, gilt top. ft. net. 1 »* The previous numbers In this series, which has proved is self equally attractive to the student of romance and to the general reader, are— No. I. SIR GAWAIN and the GREEN KNIGHT. 2s. net. No. II. TRISTAN and ISEULT, from the Middle High German of Gottfried von STHASSBUBU. 3 vols. it. net. SHAKESPEARE'S GREENWOOD. The Language; the Superstitions; the Customs; the Folk-lore; the Birds and Trees; the Parson; the Poets; the Novelist. By GBORGB MORLBY. Author of ' Leafy Warwickshire,' Ac. With Photogravure Frontispiece and Chapter Headings by Caroline Watts. Square 16mo. 312 pp. printed on Hand-made Paper, cloth, top gilt, 6». net. SCOTTISH HISTORY FROM CONTEMPORARY WRITERS— Vol. II. SECOND. REVISED, AND GREATLY BNLARGBD EDITION. MARY QUEEN of SCOTS, 1542-1587. Extracts from the English, Spanish, and Venetian State Papers, Buchanan, Knox, Leslev Melville, The * Diurnal of Occurrents,' Nau, Ac. Arranged and Kdited, with an Introduction, by ROBERT S. BAIT, Fellow of New College, Oxford. 16mo. xxlli-327 pp. 9 Illus- trations, cloth, cut edges, 3i.; or handsomely bound In fancy cloth, top gilt, edge* trimmed, 4». ',* The new edition has been enlarged by upwards of 80 pages. Tbe text of the contemporary English version of the Casket Letters has been printed as well as the French and Scots forms, and the Editor has provided an Introduction In which the evidence of the texts Is summed up and discussed. EARLIER ANTIQUARIAN PUBLICATIONS. MALORY (Sir THOMAS).—The MORTE DARTHUR. Verbatim Reprint of Caxton's Original Bdltlon, with Introduction, Variant*, Notes, Glossarlal Index, and Study of the Source* of Malory, by H. O. SOMMBR, Ph.D., and a Study of Malory by A. LANG. 3 voU. 4to. x-861; vlil-230; xxvi-338 pp. 11. lut. net. The same, 2 vols. Uoxburghe, 3t net; or In 3 vols. Roxburgh*, 31. St. net. Vol. I. (Text), separately, in paper wrapper (800 pp.), It. 6d net.

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