Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/459

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NOTES AND QUERIES: $ Ule&inm of intmomnmnuatton FOB LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. when found, make a note of." — CAPTAIN CIJTTLH, No. 151. [ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1900. { PBIOT Vov«f**°*- Reyittfred at a Xe*e*pap*r. MAGMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. F. MARION CRAWFORD'S NEW WORK. RULERS of the SOUTH: Sicily, Calabria, and Malta. By F. Marion CRAWFORD. Illustrated by 28 Photogravure! and 91 Illiutratloni In the Text by Henry Brokman. 3 volt. 8vo. 21*. net. [Heady immediately. OLIVER CROMWELL. By John MORLRT. With Portrait. 8vo. lOi. net. Illustrated Edition, extra crown 8vo. It*, net. LIFE and LETTERS of THOMAS HKNRY HUXLBY By hli Son, LBONARD III' Xl.K V. With Portrait* and Illustrations. 1 voli. 8vo. 3Q>. net. A COMPLETE GUIDE to the NEW HOUSE of COMMONS, October, 1900. With Biographical Notices of in Membera. Reprinted from the Time*. IBmo. I«. A NEW GARDENING BOOK BY THE HON. MRS. BOYLE. SYLVANA'S LETTERS to an UNKNOWN FRIEND. By E. V. B. With numerous Full-Page and other Illustrations. Extra crown 8vo. 8*. 64. net. ALONG FRENCH BYWAYS. By Clifton Johnson. With 48 Full-Page Illustrations and 38 Vignettes by the Author In the Text. Crown 8vo. gilt top. At. U. net. NEW BOOK BY CHARLES W. WOOD. The ROMANCE of SPAIN. By Charles W. Wood, F.R.G.S. Illustrated, 8vo. 10«. n't. MANCHESTER COURFER-" A work brimful of the ot arm of a lovely land and Interesting people." POEMS of T. E. BROWN, Author of ' Fo'c's'le Yarns,' ' The Manx Witch,' Ac. With Portrait. Crown 8vo. 7«. W. VM.— "In the collection now m»df> »r(- reveled a poetic achievement considerable in bulk and vsrloui In manner, and a poetic temper certalnlv nnt equalled by that, of more t.ban three or four in hii generation ...... Direct, poignant, thoroughly unconventional, and Imprisoning in 1U ilmpllcity no little of the myrtery of life. Hl« work will not be readily forgotten." ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE'S NEW BOOK. STUDIES SCIENTIFIC and SOCIAL. By Alfred R. Wallace, LL.D. D.C.L. F.R.S. 3 vola. Illmtrated, extra crown 8vo. 18». The ORIGINS of ART: a Psychological and Sociological Enquiry. By Dr. Y HIRN, of the University of Helsingfora. 8vo. 10>. net. MACMILLAN *_.CO., LlMlTKD,LLondon.