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9*s. viii. JULY e, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

merit of the scientific medical works of which he was the author. 1001"

William Baly, M.D., 1814-61 ('D.N.B.,' vol. iii.).

1862, June 19th (Lord Palmerston). Miss JESSIE WILSON (now SIME).

"In consideration of the eminent services of the late Prof. George Wilson, of Edin- burgh, as a public teacher and a scientific man. 1001"

George Wilson, 1818-59 ('D.N.B.,' vol. Ixii.).

1868, February 14th (Earl of Derby). Miss JANE BARNARD.

9 " Niece of the late Prof. Faraday. In con- sideration of the services rendered by him to chemical science. 1501"

Michael Faraday, 1791-1867 ('D.N.B./ vol. xviii.).

1868, March 31st (Benjamin Disraeli). LADY BREWSTER.

" In consideration of the eminent services rendered to science by her late husband, Sir David Brewster. 2001"

Sir David Brewster, 1781-1868 ('D.N.B.,' vol. vi.).

1869, April 5th (W. E. Gladstone). MRS. MATILDA CURTIS.

" In consideration of the scientific attain- ments of her late husband, Mr. John Curtis, and of the merit of his works on entomology. oOl.

Author of 'British Entomology,' Lovell Reeve, 1862; 'British Beetles,' Bell, 1863; 'Farm Insects,' Van Voorst, 1883 (Sonnen- schein's ' Best Books ').

1870, April 12th (W. E. Gladstone). LADY HENRIETTA GRACE BADEN-POWELL.

11 In consideration of the valuable services

o science rendered by her husband during

the thirty-three years he held the Savilian

Professorship of Geometry and Astronomy at

Oxford. 1501."

1880, June 19th (W. E. Gladstone). MRS. CHARLOTTE M. J. BROUN.

" In consideration of the services rendered to science by her husband, the late Mr. J. A. Broun, F.R.S. 75J."

1881, February 5th (W. E. Gladstone). MR. ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE.

"In recognition of his eminence as a naturalist. 200."

Sonnenschein's ' Best Books.'

1888, June 13th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. KATHARINE STEWART.

" In recognition of the services rendered to

science by her late husband, Prof. Balfour Stewart, and of her destitute condition. 501." Balfour Stewart, 1828-87 ('D.N.B.,' vol. liv. ).

1888, February llth (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. SALLIE DUFFIELD PROCTOR (now SMITH).

" In consideration of the service rendered to the cause of science by her late husband, Mr. R. A. Proctor, B.A., and of her inadequate means of support. 1001"

Richard Anthony Proctor, 1837-88 ('D.N.B.,' vol. xlvi.).

1888, March 3rd (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. BLANCHE GERTRUDE GUTHRIE.

"In consideration of the eminence of her late husband, Prof. F. Guthrie, F.R.S., as a physicist, and of her inadequate means of support. 501 "

Frederick Guthrie, 1833-86. In 1870 he discovered the remarkable phenomenon of "approach caused by vibration" ('D.N.B./ vol. xxiii.).

1890, March llth (Marquis of Salisbury). DR. WILLIAM HUGGINS, LL.D.

" In recognition of his services to science, and in consideration of his inadequate means of support 1501."

Born 1824, K.C.B. 1897, President Royal Society 1900-1 ('Who's Who,' 1901).

1890, May 24th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. JANE ELEANOR WOOD.

" In recognition of the services of her late husband, the Rev. J. G. Wood, to natural history, and in consideration of her inade- quate means of support. 501."

Sonnenschein's ' The Best Books.'

1890, May 24th (Marquis of Salisbury). Miss ROSE EMERICA BERKELEY, Miss MAR- GARET ANNABEL BERKELEY, Miss CHAR- LOTTE SELINA MARGARET BERKELEY, and Miss RUTH ELLEN BERKELEY. " In recognition of their late father's (the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, F.R.S.) services to botany, and in consideration of their in- adequate means of support. SOL" Sonnenschein's 'The Best Books.'

1892, January 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. CAROLINE EMMA CARPENTER.

" In consideration of the services rendered by her late husband, Dr. Philip Herbert Carpenter, F.R.S., to science, and of the sad circumstances in which she has been left by his death. 1001."

Rev. Philip Herbert Carpenter, born at Bristol 1819. Died at Montreal 24th of May,