Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/16

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1877. Bought a vast collection of fourteen tons of shells in Liverpool for 501., 1855. A full report on these occupies 209 pages of the British Association Report for 1856 ('Modern English Biography,' by F. Boase, 1892).

1892, January 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). DR. GEORGE GORE, F.R.S.

" In consideration of his services to chemical and physical science. 150/."

Born* 1826 at Bristol ; entirely self-educated after the age of twelve ; elected Fellow of the Royal Society, 1865 ; LL.D. of Edinburgh, 1877 ; chief subjects electro-chemistry, electro- metallurgy, and chemistry (' Men and Women of the Time ').

1892, June 20th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. JEANIE GWYNNE BETTANY (now KER- NAHAN).

" In consideration of the services rendered to the spread of scientific knowledge by the numerous writings of her husband, the late Mr. G. T. Bettany, M.A., and of her destitute condition. 501"

Athenceum, December 5th, 1891 ; Sonnen- schein's ' The Best Books.'

1894, June 19th (Earl of Rosebery). MR. JOHN BEATTIE CROZIER.

" In consideration of his philosophical writings and researches. 501"

1898, April 29th (Marquis of Salisbury). Second grant. 50/. Sonnenschein's * The Best Books.'

1894, June 19th (Earl of Rosebery).


"In consideration of his services to elec- trical science. 501."

1896, June 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). Second grant. 501.

1895, June 18th (Earl of Rosebery). MR. ALEXANDER BAIN.

"In consideration of his services in the promotion of mental and moral science 100Z."

Born 1818 at Aberdeen; filled Chair of Logic there 1860 to 1881 ('Chambers's Bio- graphical Dictionary ').

1895, August 9th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. HENRIETTA ANNE HUXLEY.

"In consideration of the eminent services of her late husband, the Right Hon. Thomas Henry Huxley, to science, literature, and education. 200/."

Thomas Henry Huxley; born May 4th, 1825 ; died June 29th, 1895 (Athenceum, July 6th, 1895).

1896, February 6th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. JAMES HAMMOND.

" In recognition of his merits as a mathe- matician. 1201."

1896, March 5th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. OLIVER HEAVISIDE.

" In consideration of his work in connexion with the theory of electricity. 1201"

1896, June 9th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. FANNY HIND.

"In consideration of the services of the late Dr. John Russell Hind, F.R.S., Super- intendent of the Nautical Almanac Office, to the science of astronomy. 70."

John Russell Hind ; born May 12th, 1823 ; studied astronomy from the age of six; President of Royal Society, 1880 (' Men of the Time ').

1896, June 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). Miss FRANCES ELIZABETH DOBSON, Miss MARY


" In recognition of the important services rendered by their brother, the late Surgeon- Major George Edward Dobson, M.A., F.R.S,, to zoological science. 75l."

George Ed ward Dobson ; born September 4th, 1844 (' Men of the Time '). MRS. MARGARET ANNE HOUGHTON.

" In consideration of the literary and scien- tific work of her husband, the late Rev. William Houghton. 50Z."

Sonnenschein's * The Best Books.'

1897, June 2nd (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. AUGUSTUS HENRY KEANE, F.R.G.S.

"In consideration of his labours in the field of ethnology. 501."

1898, June 9th (Marquis of Salisbury). DR. WILLIAM CHATTERTON COUPLAND.

" In consideration of his labours as a writer upon philosophical subjects. 501."

1899, June 14th (Marquis of Salisbury). MRS. LUCIE KANTHACK.

" In consideration of the eminent services rendered to science by her late husband, Dr. Alfred A. Kanthack, Professor of Pathology in Cambridge University. 60."

1899, August 18th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. THOMAS WHITTAKER.

"In consideration of his philosophical writings. 501"

1900, May 25th (Marquis of Salisbury). MR. ROBERT TUCKER.

"In consideration of his services in pro- moting the study of mathematics. 401"