Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 8.djvu/192

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. VIIL AUG. 31, 1901.

The date may be supposed to be MDXXXVI. It is mentioned in Brewer's * Oxfordshire, 1813, as being then in the possession of Mr. Philips, a carpenter, of Wallingford. It is not in the British Museum nor in the Ash- moleari at Oxford. I am anxious to ascertain what has become of it, with a view to col- lecting all the facts which bear upon the history of St. Berin. J. E. FIELD.

Benson Vicarage, Wallingford.

ROYAL PERSONAGES. Can any of y9ur courteous readers oblige me by furnishing me with the burial-places and dates of funerals of the following ?

Duke of Kent, son of George III. (1 married 11 or 13 July, 1818).

Charlotte, Queen of Wiirtemberg.

Elizabeth, third daughter of George III. (? died at Homburg Castle).

Duke of Cumberland (and son, the late duke), place of death and funeral and date.

Duke of Sussex ; also date and place of his second marriage with Lady Cecilia Underwood. Further, place of birth and death and date of funeral of his son Augustus Freak d'Este, and the same as regards his daughter Ellen Augusta (1 where married to Lord Truro, 13 Aug., 1845).

The infant Princes Octavius and Alfred, and date of removal to Windsor (? died at Buckingham House).

Louisa Anne, sister of George III. ; place of birth and death, and date and place of funeral.

Elizabeth Caroline, sister ; date of birth and place of death and funeral, and date. A. W. BALLARD.

103, Tredegar Road, Bow, E.


Australian friend writes to ask if I can dis- cover the authorship of a line,

Looks wise, the pretty fool, and thinks she's thinking.

He has tried so long and vainly to discover it that he begins to think he must have dreamed it. Can any reader help him ?


FRANCIS, DUKE OF GUISE. What was the date of his marriage with Anne of Este? 'L'Art de Verifier' says 19 January, 1548; Dyer's 'Modern Europe '(by Hassall, 1901) gives December, 1549. May I ask that any reply to my question may mention the autho- rity upon which it is based ? C. S. WARD

Wootton St. Lawrence.

CHALKING UNDER A POT. What is the meaning of the following passage, which is

quoted from the Sporting Magazine (1797), vol. x. p. 102 ?

"A poor man named Lake of Bale, who went to the above fair [Holt] to buy a cow, was cheated out of five guineas by the stale trick of chalking a letter under a pot."

I fear 1 am showing my ignorance by asking this question, but as Coleridge would have

s ,

said, I am " unalphabeted in the lite ^and truth of things " as they used to flourish in the eighteenth century at country fairs.

K. Jr. D. 1^.

ETONIAN WOODWORK. Can any of your readers inform me who is now in possession of the old woodwork which was removed from Eton College Chapel in 1840]


PRINCE OF WALES SOVEREIGN. I picked up a few days ago an imitation sovereign, showing on the obverse the head of our late Queen between the words "Victoria Regina," and on the reverse the Prince of Wales's plume within a circle compony, sur- mounted by the Queen's crown, the legend being "The Prince of Wales Model Sov rn . There is no date or mark of any mint or artist. Was such a coin actually ever struck ; and if so, with what object ?


Little Gidding, in Baling.

"DOORMAN." I have recently noticed the following advertisement in more than one provincial paper : " Wanted, doorman, able to nail well." I have made some inquiry, and find that shoeingsmiths call the men who nail on the shoe, in contradistinction to those who make the shoe, doormen. Whence comes the term? Is it local, or general to the trade 1 D. M. K


any Manx reader of 4 N. & Q.' tell me if the above family were well-to-do people in the island 1 I should like particulars of a man named Corlett who, in the seventeenth cen- tury, married Frances, widow of Andrew Jones, of Gwern y Marie, in Caervalluch, in the parish of Northop, Flints.

W. J. W. J.

DUBLIN BOOKSELLERS. I shall be much obliged by a correspondent of *N. & Q.' informing me if there has been anything published on this subject. Scant, indeed, is the reference thereto (only one name, that of Duffy, is mentioned) in 'A History of Book- sellers, the Old and the New,' by Henry Curwen (London, Chatto & Windus, 1874). I need hardly add that numerous are the names of the booksellers and publishers re-