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9*8. vm. AUG. 31, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


ferred to in 'A History of the City of Dub- lin,' by J. T. Gilbert, honorary secretary of the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, three volumes (Dublin, James McGlashan, 1854). HENRY GERALD HOPE.

119, Elms Road, Clapham, S.W.

CARTWRIGHT. Can any one give me information concerning a family of Cart- wright, of Sandbach, Cheshire, whose arms were a fess with cart-wheels, with motto " In coelo martyris corona," of which I have a book-plate, but without date ? I believe a family bearing these arms was existing in the seventeenth century. L. J. C.

OSPRINGE DOMTJS DEI, KENT. Wanted references to any works giving information about this Domus Dei or Maison Dieu at Ospringe, founded in 1235, and in the reign of Henry VIII. given to St. John's College, Cambridge. Amongst the possessions of this Domus Dei was the manor of Tangerton (now Tankerton), in the parish of Whits table. ARTHUR HUSSEY.

Tankerton-on-Sea, Kent.

POEM WANTED. Where can I find a poem which begins somewhat as follows 1

I looked far back into other years, and, lo, in bright array

1 saw, as in a dream, the form of ages pass'd away.

It was in a stately convent with its hoar and lofty walls,

And gardens with their broad green walks where soft the footstep falls ;

And there five noble maidens sat beneath the haw- thorn trees,

In that first budding spring of youth when all its prospects please.

WILLIAM KIN^. [' Mary, Queen of Scots,' by H. G. Bell.]

MR. GEORGE F . In John Wesley's

'Journal' (13 July, 1789) is the following :

" I read over the Life of the famous Mr. George

F , one of the most extraordinary men (if we

may call him a man) that has lived for many cen- turies. I never heard before of so cool, deliberate, relentless a murderer ! And yet from the breaking of the rope at his execution, which gave him two hours of vehement prayer, there is room to hope he found mercy at last."

Where can be found an account of Mr. George ? FRANCIS M. JACKSON.

BRANGWIT. What is the explanation of " Brangwit, i.e , the White Crow Act " 1 It is mentioned in Gardiner's 'Constitutional Documents' in Berkeley's speech on the ship-money case. C. A. J. SKEEL.

JOHN PEACHI OR PECHEY. He was' M.D. Caen, and was admitted an extra-licentiate

of the College of Physicians in 1683. He is said to have practised his profession in Gloucestershire. I shall be grateful for any information about him, and especially as to the exact locality in which he lived and died. GEORGE C. PEACHEY.

THE REV. WILLIAM MOSSE. A clergy- man of this name is said to have accompanied William III. to Ireland, as chaplain, in 1689. Can any of your correspondents refer me to documentary proof that this is true ? I should be greatly obliged for any authentic information regarding the above named. In 1689 there were two clergymen (uncle and nephew) having the same name, one aged fifty-nine years, the other nineteen years, and I am anxious to ascertain which of them accompanied King William to Ireland.

J. FORBES-MOSSE. 10, Little Stanhope Street, Mayfair.

LEATHERHEAD BRIDGE, SURREY. Can any kind reader inform me how it is that the lower part of certain piers of the above seems to be built of Roman brick ? An old resident will have it that it is really Roman work, but surely this cannot be true. W" as the brick taken from some Roman remains in the neighbourhood ; or is what we take to be brick simply common tile of a much more recent date? Is this interesting fact referred to in any work 1 I asked this question some time ago, but unfortunately received no reply. F. SEARCH.


' A PASTORAL IN PINK.' Can you tell me the author or publisher of ' A Pastoral in Pink ' 1 I have been unable to find this in any bookseller's list, so suspect it appeared in a magazine or collection. P. C. W.

BONAPARTE QUERIES. Whom did Caroline Murat (nee Bonaparte) marry after her hus- band's decease 1 Was there any offspring ? Are there living descendants of Marie Louise, ex-Empress of the French, and of her second husband Count Neipperg 1


NINEVEH AS AN ENGLISH PLACE-NAME. In Mr. C. G. Harper's entertaining book 'The Great North Road ' (vol. ii.) mention is made and a picture given of that "strange mound with the stranger name," Nineveh, opposite Allerton Park, near Walshford Bridge. There is a farmhouse four miles from Epworth, on the Yorkshire border, which bears the same name. Some twenty years since a letter addressed to the occupant of this farm, and bearing the superscription " Mr. Earl, Nine-